Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 649 Star Realm Merchant

Allen stood on the astrologer's platform of the floating city, and through the rune barrier above the floating city, he could clearly see the scene of the astral world. This is also the only area in the entire floating city where you can see the star world. During interstellar voyages, this place serves as a lookout for the floating city.

Next to the astronomical platform is a telescope-like thing called a stargazer, which is used to observe the coordinates of the astral world. On the top of the astronomical platform is an arc-shaped light curtain on which a large number of light spots are marked. These are the space coordinates that Allen discovered along the way, and this is the star map drawn by Allen.

At this time, Allen was observing the coordinates of the surrounding astral world, and then drawing a star map. At this moment, a meteor suddenly appeared in the distant astral world.

"What's that?" Alan's eyes lit up when he saw the meteor, and he turned the stargazer over. Meteors are not just meteors in the star world. These fast-moving objects may be a main plane. When Allen saw the meteor clearly, a strange carriage appeared in Allen's eyes.


"Astral traveler?" Allen was a little puzzled. Apart from Cthulhu, this was the first time he saw other astral travelers in the astral world.

The most commonly encountered in the astral world are the Githyangji. These people are the natives of the astral world, but they are also one of the things that the astral traveler hates. They are notorious star pirates. These Githyangis live in Star Warships or Star Fortresses with the queen as their supreme ruler. The carriage-like thing in front of them is obviously not Githyangis.

Just when Allen was thinking about whether to go and have a look, the advancing carriage stopped suddenly, and the next moment, a dream-like figure shrouded in shadows walked out of the carriage, in front of him Behind him is a small group of strange-looking guards, a total of eight people, including two half-elfs, and a tauren. The tauren is 2.2 meters tall and has explosive muscles. It looks full of power. A thin human being looks like a thief. Among the other four people is a human sword master, and the remaining three are humanoid intelligent creatures that Allen has never seen before. Layers of scales, more than two meters tall, well-proportioned muscles, round head, no hair, vertical pupils, some features resembling lizardmen, two holding sharp swords, and the remaining one holding a staff like a spellcaster.


"It's the floating city!" One of the guards said respectfully.

"This remote star field can actually meet people from the Arcane Empire." A deep voice came from the shadows.

"Send him a transaction message, these great arcanists are all rich."

"Obey!" The strange man dressed as a spell caster waved his staff, and a flash of spiritual light shot out the next moment.

"Scanned the communication spell, do you want to contact it!" Ta Ling No. 1 directly talked about the aura interception and asked.

"Check for traps."

"The inspection was completed, and no abnormalities were found."


"Your Excellency! We are the merchants of the Star Realm of the Seven Realms Chamber of Commerce. It is a pleasure to meet you in the Star Realm. Would you like to make a transaction with us?" A Neisser with a strange accent sounded in Alan's ear.

"Astral merchants?" Alan's heart moved. He had seen the astral merchants in many materials. These are astral caravans formed by some powerful beings, who specialize in wandering in various planes and selling supplies. There are always some very precious things in the hands of astral world merchants. Of course, these merchants are very cunning guys. Buying high and selling low is just a basic operation, and cheating and abducting are common, so you must be careful when dealing with them.

"Promise him!" After a moment of pondering, Allen nodded and agreed, and then asked Taling No. 1 to reply.

Allen and the Astral Merchant were trading on a desolate planet, a planet similar to Mars, with a thin atmosphere on the surface, and the air was full of harmful gases, but it was not a problem for both parties.

"Hello, Your Excellency the Grand Arcanist."

"It's a pleasure to make a deal with you, and I hope we can all get what we want." The weird man dressed as a spellcaster saluted.

"I think this will be a pleasant transaction!" Allen nodded. The interstellar caravan in front of him is not weak. Although the spirit pressure on that star merchant's body is not as good as Allen's, it is still at level 30. The rest None of these guards were below level 22, and the highest one reached level 26.

"This is a specialty of my floating city, you can try it." Allen snapped his fingers, and two mermaid maids brought up a pot of coffee and a pot of tea.

The interstellar businessman was also a little surprised after seeing Alan, not only surprised by Alan's strength, but also surprised by his youth. Although some powerful old guys can make their appearance younger, they always have a sense of vicissitudes Moreover, the age of the soul cannot be changed. He can be sure that the great arcanist in front of him is definitely not more than a hundred years old, and his strength is even more stable than his own. Looking at the drinks brought by the two mermaids, the star merchant did not refuse, but asked a guard to put it away.

"Please allow me to introduce you to the products sold in our caravan." The caster stepped forward and said.

"Please start!" Allen nodded and sat back on the sofa.

"Please see this is our cargo list." The caster waved his palm lightly, and a large amount of spiritual light flew out of his hand, and then combined into three different characters in mid-air, one was Neisserian, the other was Higher Elvish, another kind of language that Alan didn't know, but he asked the chip to record all of them for comparison and translation.

"Heart of Fire; 150 pieces."

"Robes of the High Mage; 16 pieces."

"Heart of the Ocean; 200 pieces."

"Astral Fel Steel; 300 pounds."

"Hurricane Heart, 100 pieces."

"Earth spar; 300 pieces."

"Ao Neng Crystal; 2000 pieces."

"World tree leaves; 13 leaves."

"Death Fangs (a pair of daggers)."

"Legendary soul spar; 28 pieces."

"Five-color dragon eggs (white; 135 pieces. Black; 87 pieces. Blue; 22 pieces. Green; 26 pieces. Red; 9 pieces.)"

"Legendary element crystal nucleus; 41 pieces."

"Star core; 1 piece."

"Storm boots; 12 pairs."

"The Power of the Frost Giant (a pair of wrist guards, a belt)"


Allen looked at the many commodities in front of him, and a look of surprise flashed across his face. He never expected that the astral caravan could produce so many items. These items were all legendary items, and some of them were even available only in the I have seen it in some materials, but I have never seen the real thing.

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