The blade ghost slashed over.

Qiu Xiaoye and [Yue] hurried out of the way.

But the Blade Ghost was shot by Qiu Xiaoye, feeling resentful, he directly attacked Qiu Xiaoye again.

[Month] shouted: "This guy is not flexible, very clumsy, you go around, don't confront him head-on."

"Who says I'm clumsy? Come and let me hack you to death!" the Blade Ghost roared angrily, and quickened his pace.

But he is really clumsy, especially when facing Qiu Xiaoye.

As a mischievous master, Qiu Xiaoye has climbed over fences, climbed tree branches, swam wild, poked beehives since he was a child, and has played all kinds of thrills.

Among other things, he was chased by wild dogs more than a hundred times.

Even wild dogs can't catch up with him, let alone this blade ghost.

There are many concrete pillars in the underground garage, and he started to run around the pillars, and all the blade ghosts fell on the concrete pillars.

However, the blade ghost's strength is indeed strong, and it can directly cut a seam more than ten centimeters deep when it slashes on a concrete pillar.

If this fell on Qiu Xiaoye's body, his bones would be cut off neatly.

"call out"

"call out"

Qiu Xiaoye turned around and shot while running.

But the bullets were always blocked by the blade, and even if they were not blocked, they would only leave a mark on the blade ghost's body, and would not be able to penetrate his skin at all.

It seems that it is difficult for a ghost of this level to cause damage with ordinary bullets.

The only way now is to use the power of the Solo card.

If you throw a poker card, it should be able to cut the blade ghost's body.

But [Yue] is here, and those girls in the iron cage, if they use the power of the Solo card, then the secret of owning the Solo card will be revealed.

Qiu Xiaoye's heart began to struggle.

"Hey, [Yue], what happened to the girl in the cage?" Qiu Xiaoye asked.

[Yue] said: "Those girls were brought back by this ghost for him to play with."

"Is he so perverted?" Qiu Xiaoye said, "This is also a crime according to the "Ghost Law"."

Blade Ghost chased Qiu Xiaoye, his tone full of disdain: "Who cares about "Ghost Law", it's just a group of inferior humans! After chasing them, they dare to reject me! I am a noble ghost, and they actually dare to reject me!" Reject me! Hmph! As long as I use the power of ghosts, they will have no room to resist, obediently please me in this darkened garage, otherwise, they will have nothing to eat or drink, and they will die of thirst and starvation Worse than a dog!"

"It's really perverted." Qiu Xiaoye also felt helpless.

A broken licking dog is not terrible, but a broken licking dog is a ghost, which is a bit scary.

"[Yue], I have an idea." Qiu Xiaoye suddenly rolled his eyes.

"What idea?" [Month] asked.

"Why don't we call the police, the pervert, the police will arrest him too."

"Call the police, then we will be finished." [Yue] questioned.

"That's true." Qiu Xiaoye said, suddenly, a cool wind blew from the back of his head, and Qiu Xiaoye realized that the blade's knife was only less than 30 centimeters away from the back of his head.

Although he is more flexible than the blade ghost, but now he is out of breath and his physical strength is gradually exhausted.

How to do?

Qiu Xiaoye was thinking while running.

The blade at the back of the head is getting closer.

The danger gradually came.

"[Yue]! His skin can't be touched, just hit his eyes!" Qiu Xiaoye shouted.

"I can't hit it right!" [Yue] raised his gun and pointed it at the blade ghost, but the blade ghost ran around chasing Qiu Xiaoye, unable to aim at all.

Qiu Xiaoye felt that the sharp blade of the blade ghost was starting to rub against his hair, so he ran towards [Yue] and shouted: "Don't worry about it, just hit it! What if you hit it!"

【月】Looking at Qiu Xiaoye running towards me, followed by the blade ghost who opened his teeth and wielded his sword, he couldn't control it anymore, and shouted: "Get down!"

Qiu Xiaoye rolled on the spot, and [Yue] shot directly.


A box of bullets was swept out through the air.

But the Blade Ghost had heard their conversation long ago, and immediately closed his eyes. He didn't care about anything, and just rushed forward, waving his hands wildly, like a ruthless lawn mower.

The Blade Ghost smiled arrogantly: "Hahahaha, you want to hit me in the eye? Daydreaming! I'm going to chop you into meat paste and feed them all to the dogs!"

The blade ghost shouted, rushing faster and faster, and was about to rush to [Yue].

【月】Quickly get out of the way.

But after only two steps, [Yue] was suddenly grabbed by a person.

It was Qiu Xiaoye.

【月】Still wondering, Qiu Xiaoye suddenly grabbed her tight-fitting night gown and tore it hard.

"Sting" sound,

[Yue]'s night clothes were torn instantly, revealing a big hole,

[Moon] On the flat lower abdomen, the snow-white skin was revealed for a moment.

[Month] panicked for a while, couldn't help screaming


And Qiu Xiaoye hurriedly shouted: "Wow! Your clothes were scratched by nails! Your skin is so white!"

When I heard that the clothes were torn and the skin was so white,

The blade ghost closed his eyes and slashed wildly, at this time his eyes opened involuntarily,

As if a force from the depths of his heart drove him to raise his eyelids,

And when he saw the snow-white skin of [Yue]'s lower abdomen, he couldn't help but tremble in his eyes,

I was stunned for a moment.

But at the moment when he was dumbfounded.

"call out"

"call out"

Two bullets flew quickly.

It hit him directly in the eye.

The one who fired the shot was Qiu Xiaoye who had been prepared a long time ago.


The Blade Ghost yelled in pain, closed his eyelids abruptly, and roared angrily:

"My eyes! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

As he said that, he waved the blades in both hands, and got off here. Curry slashed frantically.

Terrified, Qiu Xiaoye hurriedly grabbed [Yue] and backed away.

He thought that two bullets were enough to kill this guy.

But unexpectedly, not only did this guy not die, but he became even more insane.

And the pain caused by those two bullets stimulated his nerves even more,

The blade ghost has gone completely mad now, cursing and yelling,

While slashing frantically, sprinting left and right, even hitting the concrete pillar directly.

Qiu Xiaoye felt worried, how should he deal with him now?

This guy has two blades dancing around him, both attacking and letting go, there is no way to break through.

At this time, the girls in the iron cage were suddenly heard screaming,

They were also frightened by the madness of the blade ghost, they kept shrinking to the corner, trembling even more, and they all cried.

Qiu Xiaoye saw them, everyone was hiding in the dirty and old quilts, and when he rolled his eyes, he suddenly had an idea.

"call out"

"call out"

Two shots broke the lock on the iron cage and got into the cage.

"Don't come here! Don't come here!"

The girl in the cage yelled in terror.

"Don't worry, I'm not a bad person." As he said, he tore off the quilts from the girls' arms,

These girls, with nothing on,

Qiu Xiaoye pulled the quilt,

Their bodies were fully exposed immediately,

a white flower,

The girls were terrified and shouted:

"You still say you are not a bad person!"

"What do you want to do to us?"

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