Draw Card! Start The Golden Epic Card To Kill Ghosts!

37. The Quilt Is Warm, And The Enthusiasm Is Like Fire

"What do you want to do to us?"

The girls covered their bodies and shivered.

Qiu Xiaoye said helplessly: "I really don't want to do anything, I'll just borrow your quilt."

As he said, he ran out of the cage holding a few quilts,

Then he took gasoline out of his pocket and quickly poured it on it.

The blade ghost was still slashing wildly,

Qiu Xiaoye saw it right, and threw a quilt over with force.

The quilt is like a fishing net, covering the whole body of Blade Ghost,

Blade Ghost's eyes were blackened, he couldn't see anything, he just felt something trapped him,

Immediately raised the knife arm, frantically cutting the quilt,

Soon the quilt was chopped into strips of crumbs,

Those cottons not soaked in gasoline are flying in the air,

At this time, I heard a "crack",

Qiu Xiaoye had already struck a match, and flicked it towards the Blade Ghost with a "swoosh".

As soon as the match came into contact with the quilt doused with gasoline, a fire was immediately ignited.

All of a sudden, all the rags, the flying cotton,

They were all ignited by this flame, and the Blade Ghost was immediately immersed in a sea of ​​flames.

"Ah!" The Blade Ghost was burned by the flames, and screamed in pain, trying to run out of the fire.

But at this time, Qiu Xiaoye had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and threw a quilt over with all his strength.

The quilt covered the Blade Ghost,

The blade slashed wildly with the knife, but once the quilt was chopped, it burned faster.

Moreover, the shredded cotton cloth was wrapped around the blade ghost's body, and he couldn't get it off no matter how he tried it.

The harder he struggled, the tighter the rags became,

Soon, the blade ghost's muscles also began to burn, emitting a mixed smell,

And in his throat, there was also a tragic wail, and he slashed with resentment,

But Qiu Xiaoye and [Yue] hid far away, he lost his eyesight and couldn't cut anything.

At this time, Qiu Xiaoye picked up the last quilt and threw it towards the Blade Ghost,

Immediately afterwards, he said to [Yue]: "Don't be in a daze, you should hurry up and help."

"Help?" [Yue] clutched the broken tights and asked in confusion, "How can I help?"

Qiu Xiaoye said: "You can search for whatever you want, if you find something that can be burned, throw it over there."

So, [Yue] didn't bother to cover her stomach anymore, so she hurriedly searched in this warehouse,

What toilet paper, plastic bags, clothes, pants, cardboard boxes, all thrown towards the blade ghost.

Seeing this scene, the girls in the cage suddenly mustered up their courage,

They all ran out of the cage,

With full of anger, he cursed and threw all kinds of things into the fire.

After a while, the fire grew bigger and bigger.

And the blade ghost's struggle became weaker and weaker, and in the end, he completely lost his movement.

He fell into the sea of ​​flames, allowing the flames to devour his muscles.



when the flame goes out.

Only a charred corpse with a strange shape was left in the residue.

Qiu Xiaoye poked a few times with the stick, and cursed: "This guy, he looks ugly when he's alive, and even worse when he's dead."

At this time, I saw that the monster was dead.

The tense nerves of those girls finally relaxed,

They sat on the ground and wept bitterly,

Just thinking about the experience of the past few days makes me feel heart-piercing and uncomfortable.

"I told you to stop crying first." Qiu Xiaoye wanted to go over to persuade her.

But these girls were so frightened that they kept backing away, as if they had seen a demon.

"Hello." Qiu Xiaoye was speechless: "Are you so afraid of me?"

A girl said, "I...we know who you are?"

"Know who I am?" Qiu Xiaoye was a little confused.

Has your identity been exposed?

No, although these girls are pretty, I don't know any of them.

I heard a girl say: "You are a butcher who burns corpses! We saw it on the news!"


Qiu Xiaoye could only sigh.

Good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles.

"Don't be like this, I saved you anyway." Qiu Xiaoye's eyes were full of helplessness.

A girl asked cautiously: "Then you...you don't have any special hobbies, you won't do anything to us?"

Qiu Xiaoye said: "Don't worry, I'm an honest gentleman."

The girls were slightly relieved: "It seems that you are not a pervert, you just like to burn people."

Qiu Xiaoye didn't bother to explain.

"Then, what kind of monster is he?" A girl pointed to the charred corpse on the ground.

Qiu Xiaoye said: "Don't ask! Go out, and don't tell anyone what happened here, and don't report to the police, otherwise, your lives will be in danger."

"Ah?" The girls were a little startled, and looked at Qiu Xiaoye in fear.

Qiu Xiaoye knew that in their understanding, the so-called danger to their lives meant that if they talked nonsense, they would be killed by themselves, the "burner butcher", but Qiu Xiaoye didn't bother to explain.

"Hurry up and leave, in case someone comes later." Qiu Xiaoye said.

The girls hurried to the door.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" Qiu Xiaoye shouted in terror.

The girls thought he had repented and ran even faster. They opened the shutter door and went outside. After a few strokes, they disappeared.

Looking at the smooth backs of the girls leaving, Qiu Xiaoye was also really speechless.

"You have no clothes on!"

"Didn't you realize it yourself?"

Qiu Xiaoye could only shake his head.

"Well, I hope there aren't any lucky ones out for a walk tonight."

With that said, he turned his head to look at [Yue].

【月】Looking blankly at the charred corpse on the ground, she also forgot that her night clothes were still torn, exposing her white and firm belly.

It wasn't until she saw Qiu Xiaoye's perverted eyes that she came to her senses and quickly covered her stomach.

"You rascal!" [Yue] yelled, "Why are you tearing my clothes all of a sudden!"

Qiu Xiaoye looked innocent, but with a mask, [Yue] couldn't see it either.

"I didn't want to get rid of this guy, you see the effect is not bad." Qiu Xiaoye said in a very proud tone: "So in this battle, ability is not the first, wisdom is!"

"But one thing to say, your skin is really white!"

Qiu Xiaoye's eyes gradually became abnormal.

"I...can I ask you one thing?" 【月】said suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Qiu Xiaoye asked.

[Month] said a little shyly: "You, can you take off your mask?"

"Ah?" Qiu Xiaoye was a little embarrassed: "This is not allowed, my identity must be kept secret, this is the regulation of the Ghost Slayer Team!"

"I don't look at your face! I don't know how to look!" [Yue] said, closing her eyes tightly and turning her head to one side.

"That... that's fine, but why do you want me to take off the mask?" Qiu Xiaoye scratched his head.

"Just pick it off." [Yue] coquettishly, with a gentle and lovely tone,

Qiu Xiaoye couldn't help trembling and stood up, his willpower was relaxed at this moment.

"Okay then, I'll just pick it off, you're not allowed to look at it."

"Don't worry, I won't watch it." [Yue] promised.

So, Qiu Xiaoye slowly took off the mask.

At the moment when the mask was taken off, suddenly,

"Snap" once,

A big ear scraper slapped him directly in the face,

The left side of his cheek was instantly in pain,

"Hey! Why are you hitting someone! Didn't you just glance at you!" Qiu Xiaoye yelled,

When he reacted and went to [Yue] again,

[Yue] has already walked out of the underground garage, leaving only his slim back.

"Hey, woman." Qiu Xiaoye shook his head helplessly.

"A woman's heart is a sea needle."

But soon, the corners of Qiu Xiaoye's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly again.

"But there is one thing to say, this [month] is really quite white."

Tonight's mission is over.

Qiu Xiaoye didn't bother to tidy up the garage, so he left directly.

Then he rode his little yellow car back home.

Go to bed and sleep.

Although he had been chasing the blade ghost for a long time, he was covered in sweat.

But he didn't bother to take a shower.

As soon as he touched the pillow, he immediately fell asleep.

the next day.

He was sleeping in a daze when he suddenly had a miraculous dream,

In the dream, he was a pig farmer,

Holding a butcher's knife, going to butcher a pig,

But the fat pig knew it was going to die, so it acted extremely bravely.

With a pounce, he pushed himself to the ground,

Then a pig's face came close to his face,

I couldn't breathe under the huge weight.

Qiu Xiaoye cursed in this feeling of aggrieved: "You fat pig! Why are you so heavy? Fat pig!"

Cursing and cursing, I woke up in this suffocating feeling of being suppressed.

When he opened his eyes, he found that there was someone sitting on top of him.

It can't be anyone else, it can only be Qiu Xiaolu.

But now Qiu Xiaolu's face is full of anger, and his round face is almost collapsed into a square.

In the two eyes, there was a light that wanted to kill.

"Who do you call a fat pig?" Qiu Xiaolu's tone was very cold.

Like a demon in an ice cave.

"This... this... is a misunderstanding! It's really a misunderstanding!" Qiu Xiaoye hurriedly explained.

Qiu Xiaolu didn't bother to talk to him, rolled out of bed, and said, "Someone is looking for you."

So she got angry fiercely and went out.

Walking with hands clasped, like a goose step.

"Hey, it's over." Qiu Xiaoye said helplessly, "If you offend this little Hades, you won't be able to eat properly this week."

"But someone is looking for me? Who is looking for me? Li Boping?"

With doubts, Qiu Xiaoye got out of bed, put on his pants, and walked out of the bedroom with slippers on.

As soon as he went out, he looked down into the living room.

His whole body couldn't help trembling.

In the living room, there were actually two policemen sitting there!

And he knew these two policemen.

It was the old police officer Seinfeld that I had seen in Xiao Yawei's office.

Young policeman, Yang Jihe.

And on Yang Jihe's head, there was a line of white letters:

[Rubber Ghost: Level 29]

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