Draw Card! Start The Golden Epic Card To Kill Ghosts!

50. The Battle Of Trapped Beasts, Who Wins

"Look, Yao Mu! I caught a ring!"

Yu Ge held up the ring in his hand, and acted extremely excited.

Talk like a child.

Yao Mu rode his motorcycle with all his heart, feeling bored with Yu Ge's actions: "Can you be more serious? We are running for our lives!"

Yao Mu was riding a motorcycle, turned the accelerator to the maximum gear, then found the position of the escalator, and flew up along the elevator.

Although it was bumpy, but under the huge momentum, it was still smooth.

at this time,

Because their intrusion was so sudden, the ghosts in the square hadn't followed in yet.

The tourists in the shopping mall had long been frightened by the accident and ran around.

All the counters were overturned by the panicked flow of people.

Some people upstairs even smashed the glass out of panic and fell to the first floor. The whole shopping mall suddenly seemed to be in the era of war.

Yao Mu's motorcycle rushed upwards layer by layer, and the long knife in the singer kept hanging up the colorful lights in the shopping mall, causing sparks and lightning along the way, making the scene even more terrifying.



In the surveillance room, Shen Tonghai looked at the surveillance from the shopping mall and cursed angrily.

"Damn it, this guy has become Zhao Zilong now, as if he's in no man's land, right?" He stood up and kept walking up and down, looking extremely anxious, cursing in his mouth: "Public security, public security, For the sake of the so-called law and order, these two humans made such a mess, if ghost power could be used, these two guys would have been killed by us long ago!"

As he spoke, Shen Tonghai immediately said to a policeman: "Hurry up and contact the emissary in charge of this shopping mall, and ask him to notify the people in the shopping mall, get out of the shopping mall as soon as possible, and clear away the human beings inside, so we can catch them well." arrest them."

At this time, Qing Shui shook the wine glass, said unhurriedly: "You can try to apply for the special permission to activate the "Ghost Law" No. 2."

"That's right!" Shen Tonghai's eyes lit up immediately.

Then he quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of police chief Nagao Kaka.

"Hey, Director Lu, now those two guys with Solo cards have escaped into a commercial building, can you ask Mayor Ji for instructions to activate the No. 2 special authority, after all, this operation can get two cards Solo, our payoff is huge."

On the other side of the phone, Director Lu Nagao thought for a while and said, "I'll ask for instructions now. You clear people first. The fewer people in the mall, the more likely Mayor Ji will agree."

"Okay, I'll clear the mall right now." Shen Tonghai put down the phone, with a greedy gleam in his eyes.

It seemed that a scene he had been looking forward to for a long time was about to be staged in reality.



In the mall.

Yao Mu was still riding his motorcycle and galloping along the elevator.

Crowds of people are fleeing and running in disorder.

At this time, the radio in the mall suddenly rang:

"Dear tourists! A group of vicious terrorists have entered this shopping mall, and the police force is entering the shopping mall to maintain law and order. Please leave the shopping mall immediately through a safe passage, and do not stay in the shopping mall. Please leave the shopping mall through a safe passage immediately, all tourists. Don't linger in the mall!"

"Terrorist?" Yu Ge became worried again, and hugged Yao Mu's waist tightly again: "Yao Mu, they said that terrorists have entered the mall, let's run away faster, or it will be very dangerous!"

Yao Mu was really left speechless by this girl.

"I said big sister, the terrorists mentioned on the radio are the two of us!"



In the communicator.

[Geng] proudly said: "Captain Ye, I have successfully sneaked into the shopping mall!"

Other members also commented:

"I'm in."

"I came in too."

"I'm here too, what should we do next?"

Qiu Xiaoye estimated that all twelve members of Ghost Slashing Team had arrived in the shopping mall!

In other words, if the shopping mall is closed now, the Ghost Slashing Team will be completely trapped! What greeted them was Tuan Mie!

And this matter will definitely happen, because the undercover agent of the Ghost Slayer Team will definitely report this matter to the police!

Sure enough, the sound of the rolling shutter door being pulled down came from the first floor of the shopping mall.

"gala gala"

Immediately, all the exits on the first floor of the shopping mall were blocked, leaving only one opening, allowing heavily armed police officers with shields and batons to enter.

Among the tourists who did not escape, some ghosts had already spontaneously ran upstairs, trying to chase and kill Yu Ge and Yao Mu, while those humans huddled in various corners in fear,

Hiding behind the counter or behind the clothes rack, holding your head, closing your eyes, like an ostrich, praying that the nightmare of this day will pass sooner.

Seeing this scene, Captain Ye could only say in the communication machine: "Everyone protect yourselves, if it is safe, you can consider approaching those two people on the motorcycle, and then plan the next thing. Running around in the building with a car, you will be caught sooner or later!"

At this moment, a group of policemen had already run up the elevator, going to chase Yao Mu and the others.

While getting on the elevator, a huge teddy bear suddenly appeared at the elevator entrance ahead, as tall as a human.

The police stopped immediately and watched the teddy bear carefully, alert to possible danger.

Suddenly, the teddy bear started to ignite a raging fire. Immediately after being pushed down, its body rolled down the elevator and became a fireball rolling down the hillside.

The moment the teddy bear rolled down, the police saw the guy pushing it behind the teddy bear.

He was dressed in black tights, with a samurai sword on his back, and a white mask on his face. The pattern on the mask was two triangles colliding together.

"It's the cremator! Catch him!"

A policeman shouted, reached out and took out the pistol on his waist, and aimed at the masked man.

But the masked man disappeared from sight with a flexible dodge.

Just as the police were about to chase, the flaming teddy bear had already rolled down. The police quickly picked up their shields and knocked the fiery bear off the elevator.

And as the elevator slowly moved upwards, the police had almost reached the second floor.

But at this time, countless small dolls rolled down on fire. Although they were not big in size, they were extremely numerous.

For these ghost policemen, flames are undoubtedly a very terrifying thing. Even if they are shot in the head, they can still recover with their powerful regeneration ability.

But if the body is really burned by the flames, there is no possibility of resurrection.

Therefore, in the face of these little flame dolls that rolled down, every policeman was extremely cautious, holding up their shields to resist with all their strength.

And in the headphones of the Ghost Killing Team.

[Geng] shouted excitedly: "Haha, let them see how powerful I am, this is the legendary [Fire Escape: The Art of Multiple Dolls]!"

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