Draw Card! Start The Golden Epic Card To Kill Ghosts!

51. Second-Year Teenagers Are So Happy

Looking at the burning little doll that keeps rolling down on the elevator,

All the members of the Ghost Killing Team understand that,

This is indeed something that only [Geng], a sophomore in middle school, can do.

[E] couldn't help asking: "[G] Where did you get these dolls from?"

[Geng] smiled and said: "Of course I found it in the claw machine. I used the 'Wind Blade' to split the barrier of the claw machine, and directly summoned these dolls."

Qiu Xiaoye couldn't help complaining in her heart: Aren't you a bright grabber?

Soon, the policemen used their shields to fend off the attacking dolls,

But at this moment, suddenly, the elevator that was originally running upwards stopped in the middle, and immediately began to run down immediately after.

Due to the sudden change of inertia, those policemen and ordinary ghosts behind them couldn't stand still all of a sudden, and rolled down one after another.

In the earphones, [Geng]'s excited voice came again: "Haha, this is the legendary [Forbidden Technique: The Art of Elevator Flowing Backward into a River]."

Qiu Xiaoye was really speechless, this is a fart forbidden technique, isn't this just flipping the control valve of the elevator.

But today, [Geng] is having a good time.

However, this gave Captain Night a reminder, and quickly ordered: "Everyone, go to operate the elevators, and change all the elevators to run downwards, so that they should be able to stop those guys temporarily."

As a result, many people wearing the masks of the Ghost Slayer Squad jumped out from hidden places at once, and pulled the elevator control valves in various places.

As a result, the ghosts stranded on the first floor had no way to come up for a while.



In the monitoring room, a group of policemen and ordinary ghosts were being teased by a member of the Ghost Slaying Squad.

An interesting smile appeared on Qing Shui's face.

And Shen Tonghai behaved like an ant on a hot pot, walking around with his hands on his waist, waiting for the phone to ring.

While waiting, rubbing his hands together, he kept muttering: "The No. 2 special authority must be activated! There are currently two Solo cards in this building. If they can be taken down, it will be such a great achievement." , I can be promoted to a ghost general!"

Looking at the anxious Shen Tonghai, Qing Shui joked: "I said Minister Shen, you want to be a ghost general so much, why don't you go to the building to grab the Solo card, you may not be very interested in the [Dealer] card, but The [Cavalry] card is a Solo card of purple quality, if you get it, even I may not be your opponent."

Qing Shui was just joking, but Shen Tonghai seemed to wake up, a sharp light appeared in his eyes.

Shen Tonghai felt that what Qing Shui said was very reasonable.

If he also goes to snatch the Solo card, as a level 65 needle-mansled ghost, there is no doubt that he has a huge advantage.

And according to the "Law of Ghosts", it is forbidden for ghosts to kill each other. If you wait for other ghosts to grab the Solo card, and then use means to kill the ghost who grabbed the Solo card, then the Solo card will be lost. You can never speak out what is in your body, otherwise you will be punished by "Ghost Law" once you speak out.

So the best way is undoubtedly to grab the Solo cards by yourself.

If he can really grab the purple [Cavalry] card, there is no doubt that he can be directly promoted from an ordinary ghost envoy to a two-star ghost general, on an equal footing with the chief of the police station, Lu Changwei.

If his level is a little higher, he can be promoted to a three-star ghost general, and he can even become a mayor.

A great future seems to be beckoning to him.

Just when Shen Tonghai was dreaming, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Shen Tonghai picked up the phone with trembling hands, and when he saw the caller ID of "Director Lu" on it, Shen Tonghai's whole heart was beating wildly.

He felt that the blood in his body was constantly surging up, so that it made him dizzy.

When the phone was connected, Lu Changwei's serious voice came from inside: "Shen Tonghai, Mayor Ji has agreed to activate the No. 2 special authority, but this time, the two Solo cards and the Zhangui trapped in the building Team, we must succeed in all of them, and there must be no mistakes! Otherwise, Mayor Ji will not be able to explain to the King of Ghosts."

Hearing that the No. 2 special authority was successfully activated, Shen Tonghai couldn't help showing a smug smile at the corner of his mouth.

Even his voice trembled with excitement: "Don't worry, Director, once the No. 2 special authority is activated, none of the guys in that building can escape! The ghost blood in my body has already begun to get excited .”

After hanging up the phone, Shen Tonghai closed his eyes and entered [Ghost Domain].

In the vast black space, countless ghosts looked at the huge silver needle ball that suddenly appeared.

This is the original form of [Needle Glow Ghost] Shen Tonghai.

The ghosts looked at Shen Tonghai expectantly, and couldn't help but salivate.

And Shen Tonghai also proudly announced the news: "The No. 2 special authority has been activated! Fellow clansmen, do it boldly!"

Immediately, all the ghosts burst into cheers.

And Shen Tonghai immediately left [Ghost Domain], and with a movement of his body, he opened the door of the monitoring room and rushed out.

Qing Shui smiled calmly.

He knew that Shen Tonghai had also rushed to that mall.

No matter humans or ghosts, they will become impatient in the face of interests.

Qing Shui looked at the ghosts that were about to move in the surveillance video, shook the blood-like red wine in the glass, and said with a smile: "It's been too long since you've been hungry, and you finally have a chance to have a full meal."



Inside the mall.

In the hall on the first floor, countless ghosts showed bloodthirsty eyes.


in a split second,

【Ghoul】stretched out long tentacles with greedy mouths! Immediately wrapped a human being, and began to eat away...

[Ice Ghost]'s body was covered with a pale layer of frost. With a wave of his hand, a girl beside him was frozen into an iceman! Then the girl's body melted little by little under the ice layer...

The body of [Yan Gui] became extremely soft, and its eyes were fixed on an old man. The old man was bewildered, and he couldn't help but stepped forward to hug [Yan Gui], and then his body was like this. A little bit was swallowed into the clay-like body of [Yangui]...

The ghosts in the hall on the first floor, including those uniformed policemen, all had physical changes in an instant, and then turned their heads to launch a brutal attack on the humans around them.

Controlled human beings without mercy, and began to eat their bodies in various ways!

Like a ferocious beast devouring its bloody prey.

Those human beings, facing the sudden change, looked at the monsters around and in front of them, and they didn't understand what happened at all.

The timid one watched the monster rushing towards him without daring to move his body, just being eaten by the monster, and screamed in pain,

The courageous ones immediately started fleeing,

But the shopping mall has long been closed, and the only exit is guarded by those mutated policemen.

What's more, how can ordinary human beings escape the attack of mutant ghosts?

So they were thrown down and gnawed one by one, wailing terribly,

Not only on the first floor, but even on the upper floor, among those people who hadn't completely evacuated just now, there were quite a few ghosts and ghosts. At this time, all of them began to mutate, attacking the surrounding humans.

The entire twenty-seven-story commercial building suddenly turned into a hell on earth,

A primeval jungle where wild beasts eat people,

blood splattered,

Flesh limbs fly,

Howling and screaming, mixed with the great satisfaction of the beast eating, echoed constantly in this building.



In the communicator.

[Month] Already panicked.

"What's going on? Why are all these ghosts mutating and starting to attack humans? Isn't this forbidden?"

Captain Ye said sadly: "Damn it, it seems that the mayor of Maple City has activated the No. 2 special authority!"

"What is No. 2 special authority?" Qiu Xiaoye asked quickly.

Captain Night explained: "Ghost Law No. 2 has special authority. In the process of snatching the [Solo Card], it is allowed to use the power of ghosts to achieve the ultimate goal, and can legally eliminate all human beings who interfere in this operation. !"

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