The speeding ghost's eyes widened and he fell to the ground.

At this time, a straw stretched out and inserted into the brain of the speeding ghost.

Immediately afterwards, it was like drinking tofu brain,

The things in Speed ​​Ghost's mind were sucked out along the straw one by one.



Wang Anxin sat on the ground, his expression became frightened again, and he even wanted to vomit.

Although she fired a shot, she couldn't explain what the monster fell to the ground in front of her.

I can't explain what's going on now.

A straw sucking the guy's brain on the floor.

And at the other end of the straw is a cute girl in a jk uniform with two ponytails!

Not only that, the four tentacles just now were also stretched out by this girl!

It's just retracted now!

This girl is also a monster!



Soon, the Speed ​​Walker's brain was completely eaten.

A blue light flew out from the body of the speeding ghost, and quickly entered the body of the jk girl.

The girl showed a satisfied expression, and withdrew the straw in her mouth.

"You...what kind of monster are you?" Wang Anxin sat on the ground and aimed the pistol at the jk girl again.

Looking at the black muzzle of the gun, the girl rolled her eyes: "Hey, it's fine if you don't thank me for helping you uncuff the handcuffs, but you still want to shoot me, do you have the heart?"

"You... what kind of monster are you! You are definitely not human!" Wang Anxin shouted, with fear written all over his face.

"She's a ghost." A hoarse man's voice sounded.

Qiu Xiaoye walked over slowly, looking at the girl in jk clothes.

That round face is very familiar to Qiu Xiaoye, she is Qiu Xiaoye's younger sister, Qiu Xiaolu.

But why did Qiu Xiaolu appear in Star Plaza?

Could it be that they came here for the [Cavalry] card?

Qiu Xiaoye deliberately lowered her voice, and said to Qiu Xiaolu: "Miss ghost, I don't want to hurt you, I believe you have heard of the reputation of 'burning corpse butcher', if you don't want to become a cumin-flavored ghost , just leave immediately!"

Qiu Xiaolu looked at the mentally retarded expression and said, "Qiu Xiaoye, are you sick?"

"I—" Qiu Xiaoye was momentarily at a loss for words.

Cooperating with this girl who knows her identity, it's useless to change her voice.

Qiu Xiaoye didn't bother to pretend: "I said, can you respect me? At least respect my profession!"

Qiu Xiaolu twitched her mouth: "You give condoms to others, what respect do you have?"

"Ghost Slaying Team! Ghost Slaying Team!" Qiu Xiaoye yelled: "Besides, what's wrong with giving away condoms? That's also spreading joy to the world!"

Seeing Qiu Xiaoye and Qiu Xiaolu fighting skillfully, Wang Anxin was even more confused, and asked Qiu Xiaoye: "Do you know this girl?"

"Yes, I know." Qiu Xiaoye nodded: "She is my younger sister, Qiu Xiaolu."

"Ah?" Wang Anxin was extremely shocked: "You...your sister is a ghost, so what are you? Do you also have tentacles?"

"This is very troublesome to explain! I also want to have tentacles, but I really don't have them." Qiu Xiaoye spread his hands: "In short, let's leave here now, otherwise it will be difficult to explain clearly if someone else comes over."

"I'll go first." Qiu Xiaolu didn't bother to care about these two people, she turned her head and was about to leave.

"Where are you going?" Qiu Xiaoye asked.

Qiu Xiaolu said: "Buy vegetables, remember to go home for dinner at night."



After Qiu Xiaolu left,

Qiu Xiaoye first used his mobile phone to take a picture of Sprinter's head, aiming at the dark hole after being sucked,

Then he skillfully took out the gasoline, sprinkled all the remaining amount on the speed walking ghost, and dropped a match, burning the speed walking ghost's body.

After everything was over, Qiu Xiaoye changed the black robe back into a yellow jacket, then hid the mask, and left the garage with Wang Anxin.

Both of them were stabbed more than ten times, but fortunately, the incision was very thin. Although the wound was bleeding now, the amount of bleeding was not too large.

While walking, Qiu Xiaoye reported the situation to the Ghost Killing Team through the headset.

"Captain Night, that ghost is dead." Qiu Xiaoye said.

"[Ding], it's good that you're fine." Night Leader took a breath of peace, "Did you kill that ghost?"

"No." Qiu Xiaoye denied: "When I chased him, he was already dead, and his brain was sucked out, which ghost should have done it."

【E】Sighed: "This world is too horrible. People kill people, and ghosts kill ghosts. It's like hell."

[白] has a familiar tone: "This world is like this, no matter people or ghosts, as long as there are interests, there will be fights. If you don't kill others, others will kill you."

"What about you?" Qiu Xiaoye asked, "Are you all right?"

[A] replied: "We all split up."

"What about that guy?" Qiu Xiaoye asked casually, "The guy with the [Dealer] card."

The night captain said: "He left, holding the girl's body, and rode away on horseback. No one knows where they went."

After Captain Night finished speaking, everyone fell silent.

No one continued to answer the phone.

The shot that hit Yuge seemed to be a heartbreak in the Ghost Slaying Team.

The Ghost Slayer members, who didn't particularly trust each other, became more cautious at this time.

In the end, it was Captain Night who spoke.

"Now, our communication channel is no longer safe. You all should throw away this communication machine. I will come back to find you in the follow-up mission."



Qiu Xiaoye and Wang Anxin returned to Star Plaza.

I found that the entire square was guarded by the police, and ordinary citizens were not allowed to approach.

But there are still people around, wanting to wait and see the excitement.

And the shopping mall that Yao Mu rushed into at the beginning was under stricter protection.

All the roller shutters are drawn down.

The curtains on each floor were also drawn,

The whole building is now opaque, like an iron barrel, and no one knows what is going on inside.

But Qiu Xiaoye looked at the shopping mall with a particularly sad look.

He knew that there might not be any living people left in the mall now.

Even if it is left, it will be eaten up by a group of ghosts in a short period of time.



Qiu Xiaoye and Wang Anxin found Wang Anxin's motorcycle first,

Then I rode a motorcycle and went to find Qiu Xiaoye's battery car.

Just as he was about to leave the Stellar Plaza, suddenly, a person came over.

Qiu Xiaoye looked up and saw a familiar face.

The head teacher, Xiao Yawei.

"Miss Xiao? Why are you here?" Qiu Xiaoye asked suspiciously.

"I'm waiting for someone here." Xiao Yawei frowned as she said, and looked at Qiu Xiaoye and Wang Anxin sadly: "What's wrong with you, why are there so many wounds, I'll take you to the hospital!"

"No need, we can go by ourselves." Qiu Xiaoye waved his hand, and immediately changed the subject, his expression became obscene: "Miss Xiao, who are you waiting for here? You can't be waiting for your boyfriend, right?"

When the word "boyfriend" was mentioned, Xiao Yawei couldn't help showing a blush on her face.

"No, just an ordinary friend."

Qiu Xiaoye laughed loudly: "I knew by looking at your expression, it must be your boyfriend, but I'm curious, what kind of man can arouse your interest in Miss Xiao."

At this moment, a gentle man's voice sounded.

"Of course it's me."

Then, a hand wearing a white glove gently rested on Xiao Yawei's shoulder.

A familiar face appeared in front of Qiu Xiaoye.


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