Draw Card! Start The Golden Epic Card To Kill Ghosts!

65. Not A Good Person, Stay Away From Him


As soon as he saw this man, Qiu Xiaoye felt disgust in his heart.

It is obvious that Qing Shui is the guy who controls everything in the background of all the chaos that happened today.

At this time, Qing Shui smiled brightly, looking like a good person.

Qiu Xiaoye was stunned for a moment, then asked Xiao Yawei: "Miss Xiao, the person you are waiting for is probably him."

"What? Do you know each other?" Xiao Yawei asked.

Qiu Xiaoye shook his head: "I know it, but I'm not familiar with it."

And Qing Shui looked at the injuries of Qiu Xiaoye and Wang Anxin, and asked with a smile: "What's wrong with you two, it seems like you came back from the battlefield."

"It's okay." Qiu Xiaoye smiled: "It's just a skin injury, it's nothing serious."

After finishing speaking, Qiu Xiaoye went to look at Xiao Yawei: "Miss Xiao, you two, where are you two?"

Xiao Yawei's face turned red again: "Xiao Ye, don't talk nonsense, we are just ordinary friends."

normal friend?

Qiu Xiaoye rolled his eyes, and suddenly opened the trunk, and while talking, he took things out: "By the way, I came to Star Plaza today to deliver goods to Mr. Qing Shui."

"Come on, Mr. Qing Shui, this is something you specially ordered." As he said, he stuffed the things to Qing Shui and announced the name of the product loudly: "Two bundles of rope, three iron chains, ten packets of popping candies, funny cats One stick, four sets of locks, and a lot of electric goods in all kinds of weird packaging."

With Qiu Xiaoye shouting loudly,

The eyes of people passing by were also attracted, and they began to whisper.

Everyone had a "funny" expression on their faces.

As for Wang Anxin and Xiao Yawei, their faces were getting redder and redder, as if they were ripe.

Qing Shui's gentle face also began to feel a little bit embarrassed, and he couldn't help biting his teeth.

After living for so many years, this is the first time that Qing Shui has been teased to this extent.

Immediately afterwards, Qiu Xiaoye showed the payment code: "Come on, pay, the total is 723 yuan. For the sake of Miss Xiao, I will charge you 720 yuan."

From Qing Shui's mouth, there was already the sound of grinding teeth, he forced a smile: "Did you make a mistake, I didn't ask for these things."

"No way!" Qiu Xiaoye suddenly raised his voice an octave, and shouted, "Why are you like this? I have worked so hard for thousands of miles to deliver things to you. If you don't want them, you don't want them, obviously. On the phone, you urged me to hurry up! You said you couldn’t hold it any longer! I ran through three red lights and sent it to you! If you say no, then don’t! You bully me, an honest man! Look, everyone, someone is bullying honest people!"

The voice became louder and louder, and the surrounding spectators were already pointing fingers at Qing Shui.

Qing Shui couldn't hold back his elegance anymore, showing a look of hooliganism, he reluctantly scanned the QR code and paid.

"Can you give me a bag, opaque." Qing Shui was helpless.

"I don't have any!" Qiu Xiaoye said innocently, with treachery on his face: "Hold these things in your hands, be careful not to drop them, and walk slowly! Don't be robbed by others, return them yourself I want to use it."

After finishing speaking, Qiu Xiaoye got on the battery car and told Xiao Yawei: "Miss Xiao, you have to be careful not to get too close to this Qing Shui, some of his hobbies are strange, don't put yourself in danger, You can't hold it."

After speaking, Qiu Xiaoye left with Wang Anxin on the electric bicycle.

Qing Shui looked at the things in his hand, each package contained a special picture, walking on the street with so many strange items, it was undoubtedly a very social behavior!

Qing Shui is really helpless.

In his life, all the hooligans he met together were not as good as Qiu Xiaoye alone.

Qing Shui looked at Xiao Yawei, and said mockingly: "I'm sorry, Qiu Xiaoye, he is just kidding me."

Xiao Yawei blushed with embarrassment, lowered her head, not daring to even take a look at those products, she just whispered: "You... don't worry about it, Xiaoye has this kind of character."

"I know." Qing Shui laughed a few times: "This kid is really naughty."

"That's right." Qing Shui said suddenly: "It seems that something happened in this square just now."

Xiao Yawei nodded: "Well, it seems that there was a terrorist attack and it was a mess for a while."

"Then why don't you leave, it's too dangerous to stay here." Qing Shui lowered his head and asked.

Xiao Yawei thought for a while, and then said: "Didn't we make an appointment to meet, I'm afraid I'll leave first, and you won't be able to find me when you get here."



Qiu Xiaoye and Wang Anxin found a hospital and had doctors treat their wounds.

Although the wound is not large, it needs to be disinfected before applying gauze.

Both of them bandaged their wounds, so Wang Anxin invited Qiu Xiaoye to a coffee shop and sat in the corner.

"Now, you can tell me what's going on, about the monster with the knife, your sister, and your identity, why are you a 'burning butcher'." Wang Anxin looked into Qiu Xiaoye's eyes , asked seriously.

"Do you really want to know?" Qiu Xiaoye took a sip of coffee: "About the truth about this world, about your brother's death, if you know the truth, then from now on, you will be trapped in an abyss, unable to break free. From now on, your understanding of this world will be turned upside down, and you will face endless horror and darkness."

Qiu Xiaoye's expression was very serious, and this kind of expression was very rare on his face, so he looked particularly solemn.

Wang Anxin was shocked by Qiu Xiaoye's seriousness, but quickly replied: "I would rather die clearly than live in a daze."

"Okay, then I can tell you, but you have to promise me that everything I tell you, including my identity and my sister's affairs, you must keep secret, otherwise, I will kill you!" Qiu Xiaoye said coldly.

"I promise you, I swear on my life!" Wang Anxin stretched out three fingers in a gesture of swearing.

Therefore, Qiu Xiaoye told Wang Anxin as much as possible about the ghost clan and the Solo cards. Of course, he still concealed some things about himself.

Hearing Qiu Xiaoye say that the world has always been ruled by ghosts, and that his younger brother was killed by ghosts, Wang Anxin couldn't bear the truth after all, and tears flowed unconsciously from the corners of his eyes.

"Then who is that person on TV?" Wang Anxin asked, "The one who set fire."

Qiu Xiaoye took a sip of coffee and said, "It's Yao Mu. Obviously, the ghost killed your younger brother, and Yao Mu killed those ghosts. In order to get rid of those ghosts forever, Yao Mu chose fire prevention. Your brother was killed." Burning is just incidental."

After hearing all this, Wang Anxin was silent for a long time.

Then he began to rummage through his wallet, took out a bank card, and handed it to Qiu Xiaoye.

Qiu Xiaoye was taken aback: "What are you doing? I'm a showman but not a person! Don't get my idea!"

Wang Anxin was not in the mood to joke: "There are more than three million yuan in this card. You will definitely need the money to kill ghosts. If you don't have enough money, you can ask me to get it."

"I'm just an ordinary person. I have no way to avenge my brother. I don't even know who is a ghost and who is not. So in order to avenge my brother, I am willing to do everything in my power to help you."

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