Draw Card! Start The Golden Epic Card To Kill Ghosts!

66. Mutual Confidentiality And Happy Cooperation

As soon as Qiu Xiaoye got home, when he opened the door, he could smell the strong aroma of vegetables.

There are already several Qiu Xiaolu's specialty dishes on the table.

And at this moment, Qiu Xiaolu came out with a plate of fried vegetables, and when he saw Qiu Xiaoye, he said in an imperative tone, "Go and wash your hands quickly! Dinner is ready now!"

At this time, Qiu Xiaoye noticed that Qiu Xiaolu's head still had the words [Ghoul: Level 7]

what happened?

There are two ways to upgrade ghosts. One is to upgrade naturally over time, but this process is very slow. The other way is to eat the brains of other ghosts to upgrade, but although this method is fast, it is not allowed by the ghost law.

And Qiu Xiaolu just finished eating the brain of [Speedy Ghost], so he should be upgraded anyway, why is it still level 7?

Qiu Xiaoye was puzzled, but obviously, he couldn't just ask directly.

After washing their hands, the siblings went to the table and moved their chopsticks.

Qiu Xiaoye looked at Qiu Xiaolu and asked, "Xiaolu, you ate the brain of that speed ghost, wouldn't your level skyrocket after a while, won't other ghosts suspect you?"

Qiu Xiaolu said: "It's fine if I don't upgrade, I will store the absorbed energy first."

"Then if you don't upgrade, can you use those powers?" Qiu Xiaoye asked.

"No." Qiu Xiaolu shook his head: "Just like food, the food is in your stomach. Before you absorb it, the energy contained in the food cannot be used by you."

"Okay, I understand." Qiu Xiaoye said.

But at this moment, the white letter on Qiu Xiaolu's head suddenly jumped,

From [Ghoul: Level 7]

Became 【Ghoul: Level 8】

This little girl!

Qiu Xiaoye murmured silently in her heart, Qiu Xiaolu wanted to use this method to test herself,

If I have a corresponding reaction, this girl will find out that I have a Solo card!

What a slippery head!

Qiu Xiaoye continued to eat, as if nothing had happened, and nothing had happened.

Of course, Qiu Xiaolu was watching Qiu Xiaoye secretly, and found that he was indifferent, so he didn't think much about it.

It seems that the current big brother is just an ordinary person.

While eating, Qiu Xiaoye said: "So, now that [Young and Dangerous Boy] is in your body?"

Qiu Xiaolu nodded: "Yes, but unfortunately it's just a blue card."

Qiu Xiaoye said: "Then you are breaking the law by eating the brains of other ghosts. If you are found out, you will be punished by the ghost clan."

"It's fine if you don't get discovered." Qiu Xiaolu said nonchalantly: "The so-called "Ghost Law" is just to restrain ordinary ghosts on the surface, those who really have power and status don't care about anything As for "Ghost Law", they have ten thousand ways to openly build the plank road and secretly pass through the old warehouse."

"Those ghosts with status, once they have descendants of the ghost clan, they will catch ordinary ghosts for them to eat, let them upgrade far faster than ordinary people, and then arrange their children in noble schools, Say they are all geniuses. How is it possible that the children of those dignitaries are all geniuses? The so-called geniuses are nothing more than standing on the dunes of power and money."

"In this world, only those at the bottom will foolishly abide by the so-called rules, and then live a boring life like ordinary ants. Those who have already gained status will only try their best to play with the rules , to obtain greater benefits."

Hearing Qiu Xiaolu's long speech, Qiu Xiaoye couldn't help but sigh with emotion. This girl looks harmless to humans and animals, but her thoughts are so realistic.

At this time, Qiu Xiaolu smiled at Qiu Xiaoye, revealing two dimples: "So we all have secrets now, I violated the "Ghost Law", and you are a member of the ghost killing team, we have to keep each other secret. "

Speaking of this, Qiu Xiaoye suddenly remembered, and asked, "Xiaolu, when did you find out that I was a member of the Ghost Slayer Squad?"

"It was the day you were taken away by the police." Qiu Xiaolu said, "I went over your car and found masks, guns, etc., and then found a communication device in your room."


Qiu Xiaoye couldn't help feeling a shudder down his spine.

"So, you helped me hide it, not that the police didn't find it?" Qiu Xiaoye said in surprise.

"Nonsense." Qiu Xiaolu muttered: "You think those policemen are idiots. They searched your car and your room inside and out, and even took apart the computer case."

Qiu Xiaoye couldn't help feeling a little scared.

This time, Qiu Xiaolu really saved her.

If it weren't for her, now that his identity as the Ghost Slayer Team has been confirmed, he wonders how Seinfeld and the others would deal with it.

The two brothers and sisters are talking.

Suddenly, the sound of a news broadcast came from the TV.

A female voice said sadly: "Dear viewers, today, a terrorist attack took place in the Star Plaza in the city center. The group that planned this attack was the group of 'Burning Corpse Butchers' who have been committing crimes in Feng City recently. .”

Qiu Xiaoye and Qiu Xiaolu looked at the TV at the same time.

The picture is the Stellar Plaza at night, in front of the shopping mall.

The police have surrounded the place layer by layer, and ordinary people cannot enter.

The lights of the ambulance were flashing, and the nurses in white coats carried people into the ambulance one by one.

But Qiu Xiaoye knew that all of this was fake, it was just a show put on by the ghost clan to deceive the citizens.

All the humans in the mall were eaten, where did the wounded come from?

This performance is nothing more than posturing.

The one who reported the news was a female reporter named Yu Fei. She was in her early twenties. She had a very handsome appearance, with light makeup and long black hair, giving off a capable and dignified look.

This Yu Fei is a big celebrity in Maple City, a celebrity in Maple City TV Station, and her fans on social accounts are even higher than many celebrities.

However, although it has been rumored that Yu Fei is going to enter the entertainment industry and start to develop in the film and music circles,

But she still stays on the TV station, rushing to the front line of various reports,

Even in some fires and collapses, she stepped forward bravely, so she has a good reputation among the citizens.

And even luckier, such a beautiful girl is human.

At this time, Yu Fei was standing in front of the gate of the shopping mall, with faint tears in her eyes, she reported solemnly:

"In today's terrorist attack, the police responded quickly and decisively to surround the terrorist group."

"But the gang was rampant, storming the building on a motorcycle and robbing a jewelry store."

"At the same time, other gang members also entered the mall and began to use weapons to harm ordinary citizens in the mall and destroy various mall facilities."

At this time, on the TV screen, shots of members of the Ghost Slayer Squad appeared.

[Geng] Holding a samurai sword in his hand, he arrogantly chopped up the claw machines and robbed the dolls inside.

Yao Mu rushed towards the elevator on his bike, and Yu Ge slashed at the surrounding enemies with a long knife.

Those ghosts have not mutated. In the eyes of ordinary audiences, this group of people at this time is undoubtedly extremely vicious and rampant terrorists.

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