Draw Card! Start The Golden Epic Card To Kill Ghosts!

80. Under The Fire, The Murderous Intent Is Complete

"Retreat! Quickly retreat!" Qiu Xiaoye shouted hysterically.

Although I can't tell why, but once there is something different from the plan, it means danger!

Qiu Xiaoye didn't want to take the risk.

But [A] and [J] have already backed up their cars to the front of the tunnel entrance. How could they give up at such a critical moment.

[A] said: "Don't scare yourself, just detonate it smoothly! Now the tunnel is full of fire, Qing Shui can't be safe and sound!"

While talking, [C] and [Gui] have opened the tailgate of the truck respectively,

As soon as the baffle was opened, the gasoline barrels piled up on the car rolled down one after another and began to roll in towards the tunnel entrance one by one.

At this moment, [五] and [Xin], who were in charge of detonating the explosion, also ran out from the side of the road and wanted to jump onto the truck.

Qiu Xiaoye stood on the hillside, staring at the tunnel with a binoculars, for fear of what might happen.

Under the tension, drops of cold sweat emerged from his forehead.

On the highway, oil barrels rolled towards the tunnel entrance one by one,

As soon as it touched the raging flames at the entrance of the tunnel, it exploded immediately, and the gasoline inside splashed and burned.

As a result, the flames at the mouth of the tunnel became more intense.

Qiu Xiaoye stared carefully.

Captain Night comforted him at the side: "Don't be nervous, everything is going as planned, Qing Shui should have been buried in the flames."


Looking at the still burning tunnel, Qiu Xiaoye seemed to feel that he was too nervous.

But with such a "boom", he killed a two-star ghost general?

Although this was Qiu Xiaoye's plan, from Qiu Xiaoye's point of view, the whole process still had a little fantasy.

outside the tunnel.

The oil barrels on both trucks had rolled down.

[E] and [Xin] also jumped into the car respectively. According to the plan, [A] and [J] stepped on the accelerator and drove away quickly in the truck.

Let the flame in this tunnel burn itself out slowly.

However at this moment,


At the right exit of the tunnel, an ice spear flew out of the violently burning hole,

Straight towards the truck,

Because the speed is too fast, there is no time to react.

The ice spear directly pierced [Xin]'s body, completely hitting the center!

Under the tremendous force, [Xin]'s whole body flew up!

Before he could even cry out in pain, he immediately lost his life.

His emaciated body was thrown from the wagon by ice spears,

As if a dead grass was blown up by the wind,

【白】on the side hurriedly wanted to reach out to grab him, but just pinched a corner of his clothes,

soon slipped from his hand again,

[Xin]'s body completely flew into the air, and completely lost his vitality. The white mask representing the Ghost Killing Team also broke the rope, and slipped from [Xin]'s face, revealing a young and fair face.

All this happened in just a second!

Qiu Xiaoye and Captain Night were completely shocked when they saw all this through the binoculars!

In the end what happened?


That ice spear!

Was it thrown by Qing Shui?

Too late to think about it!

Qiu Xiaoye and Captain Ye shouted at almost the same time: "Run! Run quickly!"

And when [Xin]'s mask fell off and Qiu Xiaoye saw that fair and handsome face clearly, he was shocked and speechless.

He knew that face!

A few days ago, Qiu Xiaoye was at the "Happy House" to make plans for the night.

A couple, bold and unrestrained girls, pushed a boy into the shop,

Bought a box of various models of ultra-thin.

And that fair-faced and handsome boy is [Xin] at this time!

As the drivers, [A] and [Ji] heard the orders from Qiu Xiaoye and Captain Night,

Although I don't understand what happened,

However, he quickly stepped on the accelerator and accelerated to escape.

At this time, [Gui] shouted: "What should [Xin] do? He was thrown into the air by the spear!"

"What's wrong with [Xin]?" [A] suddenly lost control and shouted at the top of his voice, "What's wrong with [Xin]? What happened?"

Qiu Xiaoye already guessed who [A] was, but could only answer: "[Xin] is dead."

Upon hearing the news, [A] seemed to be struck by lightning.

The whole person was stunned for a moment,

Immediately afterwards, the wailing voice of [A] came from the earphone: "Ajie! What's wrong with you! Answer me! Answer me! You won't die! You definitely won't die!"

【A】Began to break down and cry, unable to bear it for a while.

"Enough!" Qiu Xiaoye's heart felt like a knife was piercing her, but now was far from the time to be sad.

If Qing Shui can throw a flying spear,

This shows that Qing Shui is still alive! He might do even more dangerous things!

Qiu Xiaoye yelled into the headset: "Everyone retreat! Retreat quickly! Stop talking nonsense! Now is not the time to cry!"

Just as Qiu Xiaoye shouted, Captain Night suddenly shouted: "Be careful!"

Then grabbed Qiu Xiaoye's body and ran forward.

Qiu Xiaoye found Captain Ye running towards the tunnel with him, and couldn't help but wonder: "Captain, what are you doing?"

"Look behind!" Night Captain shouted anxiously.

As soon as Qiu Xiaoye turned his head, he saw a huge ice wall five or six meters high, moving towards him like a hill.

And as the ice wall continues to advance, all objects swept by it,

Stone! trees! Grass! Even the crickets and grasshoppers in the grass were covered with a thick layer of frost.

If Qiu Xiaoye was also swept by this ice wall, he might immediately turn into an ice sculpture!

What's happening here?

Qiu Xiaoye was completely stunned, and looked around, only to realize that it wasn't just the ice wall in front of him,

Instead, with the burning tunnel as the center, a huge circular ice circle appeared!

This huge ice circle has a radius of three to four kilometers, and the huge range surrounds all the surrounding Ghost Slayers.

Then, the ice circle began to shrink continuously,

As it shrinks, everything touched by the ice wall of the ice circle will be frozen immediately!

Not to mention Qiu Xiaoye and Captain Ye, even the two trucks encountered this ice wall on the way out,

【己】Step on the gas pedal, ready to crash it,

But as soon as it touched the ice wall, it was immediately frozen.

After reversing the car in an emergency, I finally escaped, and the whole car was not frozen by the ice wall.

But the bumper of the car had already been ripped off. After the ice wall pushed through, the bumper was also covered with a thick layer of ice and fell to the ground.

As a result, the circle of ice wall shrank smaller and smaller.

The blue mountain area, where the ice wall pushed through, was immediately covered with a layer of ice, as if it had entered deep winter in an instant.

The two vans were forced to start backing up.

Qiu Xiaoye, Captain Ye, [Yue], [Ren] were also forced by the ice wall and began to run towards the center.

Everyone felt great fear at this moment,

The approaching ice wall seemed to be a circle of soldiers carrying iron shields, constantly forcing them into the siege.

At this moment, everyone felt such a powerful force for the first time!

It can create an ice wall with a radius of four to five kilometers, and then as the ice wall shrinks, everything it passes will be frozen by the ice!

If we say that Shen Tonghai's strength is nothing more than the physical strengthening of turning into needle balls and bumping around.

At this time, the several kilometers of ice circle, in the eyes of everyone, is like a miracle.

For a moment, fear, fear, and shock filled everyone's hearts,

At the same time, there is also a deep despair.

If so, this is the true power of ghosts.

that human,

Can you defeat them?

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