The encirclement of the ice wall is still shrinking!

The place swept by the huge ice wall was immediately covered with a thick layer of ice, like an ice sculpture in the middle of winter.

[A] and [J] drove the car backwards continuously.

Qiu Xiaoye, Captain Ye, [Yue], [Ren], also under the pressure of this ice wall, kept fleeing towards the center of the encirclement.

In the center is the "Longming Mountain" tunnel that is still burning.

Or to put it another way, it is Qingshui in the raging fire!

The situation of the entire Ghost Slashing Team immediately reached a very dangerous moment!

Tonight, perhaps the entire Ghost Slaying Team will be wiped out!

How could this be?

Qiu Xiaoye also felt a deep sense of despair.

According to his plan, even if this action failed to kill Qing Shui, they could still escape!

But Qiu Xiaoye was still negligent.

He didn't expect that Qing Shui's power was so strong!

Without anyone noticing, a thick ice wall with a radius of several kilometers was built!

Before he knew it, everyone in the Ghost Slashing Team was trapped in a besieged city!

With such a powerful force, not to mention the Ghost Slaying Squad, even a small army might be wiped out within this ice wall!

How to do?

How to escape?

While dodging the advance of the ice wall, Qiu Xiaoye thought hard about a way to escape,

His brows were furrowed,

But no idea came up!

This is a completely closed ice circle, which is five or six meters high, without any breakthrough at all!

And that ice wall can't be broken by force at all. Once in contact with it, it will be immediately frozen by the cold air on the ice wall.

In this case, it is almost a dead end!

In the earphone, 【A】is still crying.

The others fell into panic and despair.

[J] shouted: "What to do! The car is constantly being forced back by the ice wall, but if it keeps going backwards, sooner or later it will be forced into the flames of the tunnel! What should we do? How can we escape? Will we die here!"

[C] Said: "Don't be in a hurry, think of a way slowly, if you are in a hurry, you will not get the result."

【酸】smiled contemptuously: "A way? It's already like this, what else can I do, isn't it just death? I had already expected this day when I joined the Ghost Slaying Team. Why should a man be afraid of death? It's just like this It's too cheap for those ghosts."

[Yue]'s tone has already begun to be depressed: "Everyone, it's a pleasure to meet you. If we are destined to die here today, I hope we can meet again in the next life."

Listening to his teammates' words, Qiu Xiaoye's brain was spinning rapidly.

How to escape?

How should we save everyone?

What should I do?

At this moment, suddenly, at the entrance of the fiercely burning "Longming Mountain" tunnel, a person came out from the raging flames.

It's Qingshui!

Around Qing Shui's body, there is a transparent ice ball! She sheltered Qing Shui in it, like a protective shield!

As the flames burned, the ice on the ball continuously turned into water droplets and fell, but soon, those melted places would be filled with solid ice again.

Qing Shui walked out of the flames slowly, with a gentle smile on his face, as if everything that happened so far was under his control.

And on his body, there was still the intact black suit, not even a trace of damage, not even a speck of dust!

The moment Qiu Xiaoye saw Qing Shui, his pupils dilated unconsciously,

The shock made him unable to speak for a long time.

how is this possible?

Even if he failed to kill Qing Shui, how could he not be injured at all?

That sudden explosion! It is absolutely impossible for Qing Shui to avoid it!

At this time, Qing Shui came to the outside of the tunnel, stretched out his clean fingers, and tapped lightly in the air,

He saw an icicle appear out of thin air under his feet, and suddenly pulled up, sending Qingshui to a height of more than 20 meters.

Qing Shui stood on the icicle, looking down at the fleeing Ghost Slaying Squadrons, there was no slight fluctuation in his eyes, like a god looking down on the life and death of the world.

Qing Shui looked at the burning tunnel, chuckled lightly, and said: "It's a dangerous trap, if I didn't prepare in advance, I would really be buried in this sea of ​​flames. Ghost Slaying Team, you really have some skills Well. But now, do you still have a way to escape from the desperate situation?"

Qing Shui looked down at the members of the Ghost Slaying Team, as if he was a hunter observing his prey.

For the prey, this is a life-and-death struggle.

But for hunters, it's just an interesting game of capture.

Even the panic, fear, and screams of the prey in the face of death will make the hunter more excited.

The Ghost Slayer members raised their heads, looking at that tall icicle and Qing Shui standing gracefully on the icicle, their hearts felt like a dark night.

Without any hope of life.

There is no escape!

There is no hope!

At this moment, the night captain who was running suddenly turned his head and handed an iron box to Qiu Xiaoye: "[Ding], hold it for me!"

Qiu Xiaoye took it, but was very puzzled: "What is this?"

Captain Ye smiled and said, "In the future, you'll know when you open it." After speaking, Captain Night suddenly accelerated and ran down the hillside to the road.

"Hey! What are you going to do?" Qiu Xiaoye felt a little uneasy in his heart.

But he couldn't think of Captain Night's purpose of action at all.

And Qing Shui on the high place also looked at Captain Night who was speeding up with great interest: "Hey, the besieged deer is going to fight to the death? Or is it the impotent escape before dying?"

Captain Ye ran all the way to [Ji]'s truck, and ordered into the headset: "[Ji], stop the car!"

[J] obeyed the order and stepped on the brakes.

Captain Ye continued to order: "[Ji], [Ji], you all get out of the car."

"What are you doing?" [Gui] didn't understand.

"Follow orders!"

"Okay." [Gui] had no choice but to jump off the truck.

[J] also opened the driver's door and jumped out of the car.

But as soon as he jumped off, Captain Night had already run over, followed by a lunge, jumped into the car, sat on the driver's seat, and then closed the door with a "bang".

Those who saw Captain Night's actions didn't understand why.

And in Qiu Xiaoye's heart, the vague sense of uneasiness became even stronger.

Captain Night sat on the driver's seat of the train, took out a cigarette, raised his mask slightly, put the cigarette in his mouth, and said boldly into the earphone: "Children, you can't die here, you guys There is a great future ahead.”

"Captain, what are you going to do?" Qiu Xiaoye, [白], [B] sensed something was wrong at the same time, and asked.

Captain Night said: "From now on, [Ding] will inherit my position, and he will be the next Captain Night! All of you must assist him and lead the Ghost Slayer Team forward."

"What are you doing?" Qiu Xiaoye yelled, "You're not fucking going to die!"

Captain Night laughed: "How could I die! I want to turn into a flame!"

After finishing speaking, Captain Ye turned the steering wheel abruptly, stepped on the accelerator, and the truck immediately made a 180-degree U-turn.

Then Captain Night bit the cigarette in his mouth, held the steering wheel tightly, stepped on it with the greatest strength, and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

The truck immediately flew out at the fastest speed, like a desperate beast, rushing towards the tunnel full of flames without fear.

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