Draw Card! Start The Golden Epic Card To Kill Ghosts!

82. Turning Into Flames, Illuminating The Night Sky

"Captain!" Everyone exclaimed.

Even Qing Shui above couldn't help revealing a puzzled expression: "What does he want to do? To die? Is this a human being? Pursuing a meaningless death?"

Only Qiu Xiaoye, the moment the truck rushed into the tunnel, immediately understood Captain Ye's intentions.

Qiu Xiaoye couldn't help yelling: "You are a fucking lunatic! Crazy! What kind of hero are you! Fuck you!" But while cursing, Qiu Xiaoye's tears couldn't stop pouring out of his eyes, like a flood It's like breaking a bank.

Captain Ye knew that Qiu Xiaoye understood, and said with relief: "Then, I'll leave it to you, kid! Now you are the captain, take up your responsibilities!"

Qiu Xiaoye didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately issued an order: "Everyone! Run to the tunnel exit at the other end! Quick! Run with the greatest strength! [A], retreat your car to the tunnel entrance!"

Everyone didn't understand what was going on.

But since there was an order at this time, it was better than running around in a panic, so he immediately followed the order and started to act.



Captain Night sat in the driver's seat of the van.

I used all my strength.

He stepped on the gas pedal desperately.

Both hands held the steering wheel tightly without any slack.

Facing the tunnel entrance full of flames in front of him, instead of having any fear, he was full of fighting spirit, and a scornful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Since he never came back, he was still afraid of being a bird!

On the verge of death, what is it like to cry and cry!

The truck had already accelerated to the maximum, and then "swished" into a tunnel full of flames.

Almost instantly, the truck was surrounded by the surrounding flames, and those arrogant streams of flames violently rushed outside the windows, beating against the fragile glass.

The temperature inside the car rose in an instant, like a huge steamer, Captain Night began to sweat profusely.

But he was not distracted at all, his eyes were fixed on the front, and he continued to charge forward.

With a "bang", under the violent high temperature, the glass of the car window finally shattered.

Pieces of broken glass splashed out and smashed into Captain Ye's flesh and blood,

The flames entered the cockpit in an instant!

Everything in the cockpit started to burn, the seat, the backrest, the dashboard, including Captain Night's clothes!

The entire cockpit is on fire!

Captain Night's body also burned, and the flames began to devour his skin. He had never endured such a huge burning pain!

Living people are burned by flames!

The skin turned black little by little, and the bright red blood was scorched dry in the flames, making a "sizzling" sound.

Captain Night can no longer bear this pain!

But he can't give up!

those kids!

He recruited children into the ghost killing team one by one, he couldn't just die here like this!

I must save them, even if I am smashed to pieces!

Under the intense burning pain, Captain Ye still firmly stepped on the accelerator, with both hands on the steering wheel, and no deviation was allowed!

His shoes started to burn, and the flames kept melting the soles of his feet.

The plastic shell on the steering wheel also began to melt, scalding his palms, and his hands now seemed to be held on a puddle of lava!

But he can't let go!

He clenched his teeth, driving his bones with willpower, and his hands on the steering wheel became tighter and tighter.

Fortunately, at this time, Qiu Xiaoye's voice came from the earphones: "Captain, we have all rushed to the exit."

Everything makes sense!

Qiu Xiaoye reported, but it could be heard from the voice that he was already crying badly.

Under the tremendous pain, Captain Ye still couldn't help showing a smile.

Why is this guy crying so easily?

Handing over the Ghost Killing Team to him should be the right choice, right?

At this moment, Qiu Xiaoye's crying and cursing voice came from the earphone again: "Captain Night! You're so fucking self-assertive! You're so fucking fucking cool!"

Ha ha.

The night captain smiled.

His clothes were already on fire, his hair was on fire, and even the white mask that symbolized the Ghost Slayer Team was also on fire.

The two colliding triangles were shining like never before in the raging fire.

The flame of the mask ignited the smoke in Captain Night's mouth.

He took a deep breath for the last time, but he didn't have the strength to spit it out again.

"I'm so cool? Haha, of course I know!"

Captain Night thought to himself.

However, there was no longer the strength to speak out.



outside the tunnel.

The ice wall has shrunk smaller and smaller, and is about to surround all the Ghost Slayer team members.

The ghost-killing team members, a total of nine people, were forced to gather at the exit of the tunnel, [A] sat in the driver's seat, and the rest stood behind the carriage.

And the ice wall coming towards him seemed to be a huge mountain that was about to topple, crushing towards him.

There are still fifty meters!

Forty-five meters!

Forty meters!

The ice wall is getting closer and closer. If it is touched by the ice wall, everyone, including this truck, will become an ice sculpture.

What should we do in this situation now?

In a panic, [Ji] drew out his pistol and fired several times at the ice wall.

But those bullets, after making a hole in the ice wall, were immediately frozen in the same way, losing any power.

Despair suddenly enveloped the world.

Even the bullets can't break through, how can they get out?

at this time,

Suddenly a violent roar was heard,

A flame capable of illuminating the night burst out of the tunnel, like a fire dragon rushing out of a cave, crashing straight towards the ice wall!

It's Captain Night!

Under the flames, only a thin frame remained of the huge truck.

Everyone looked into the cockpit, trying to search for Captain Night's figure.

The shell of the cockpit has been burned and damaged.

But in the driver, there was no longer the night captain they were familiar with.

And there was only a pitch-black charred corpse left!

Captain Night's flesh and blood had been scorched black, but his body still maintained that posture, motionless,

His feet were still firmly on the accelerator, and his ten tough finger bones were still tightly fastened to the steering wheel without any loosening.

It is hard to imagine how much pain Captain Night endured in order to maintain this position when he was dying.

Tears poured out of everyone's eyes unconsciously.

I heard a "boom",

The car burning with huge flames crashed into the ice wall. Under the burning of the flames, the ice on the wall began to melt little by little.

follow closely


There was a huge explosion!

The fuel tank of the truck finally reached its limit, and there was a huge explosion,

And under this huge explosion, a big hole was blown out of the ice wall!

The ice wall still wants to heal quickly, but the flames are still burning, making the hole unable to be closed.

Qiu Xiaoye yelled: "Let's go! Don't let Captain Ye die in vain!"

Under the desire to survive and the huge shock, [A] stepped on the accelerator.

The truck immediately started and jumped out, hitting the back of Captain Night's truck, and at a huge speed, Captain Night's car was pushed out of the ice wall, and following the big hole opened by Captain Night, Qiu Xiaoye and their truck He also got out smoothly, and started running along the road towards Feng City.

Before leaving, Qiu Xiaoye glanced back at the burning truck.

The iron-like frame is beginning to bend.

Captain Night's body still maintained the posture of stepping on the accelerator and holding the steering wheel tightly.

Stand still.

Seems like an eternity.



Qing Shui stood high in the sky, his whole body began to have goosebumps.

The scene in front of him was completely beyond his expectation.

He couldn't even express the shock at this moment.

Did that guy, using himself as a carrier, break through the ice wall with flames?

Didn't he know he was going to die?

How did he endure the intense pain of burning flames?

Qing Shui couldn't explain everything in front of him, he could only murmur with emotion:

"Could it be."

"Is this human?"

"What a terrible opponent."

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