Draw Card! Start The Golden Epic Card To Kill Ghosts!

83. The Road To Escape Is Full Of Sorrow

The truck was speeding down the road.

Like a firefly looking for a way out in the dark.

Most of the people were crying, mourning for Captain Night.

[A] who was driving was crying even more. During this night, she lost two important people at the same time.

Surprisingly, [Yue] did not cry at this time, but suppressed her grief and recited a little poem "Courage Floats in the Air":



The wind of the year,

Blowing through the golden wheat-waves,

The people who reap the abundant grain,

Happiness and joy appear on everyone's face,

There are still deep scars on their wrists,

It is the trauma left behind by iron chains for countless years.

But at this time,

The iron chain has long since been shattered, and it no longer remains.

Tall ears of wheat bend down with the wind,

exposing a low hillock,

There are buried warriors who died trying to break the shackles,

Their bodies, sleeping peacefully under the ground of their homeland,

Turned into dust in the soil.

But when people look up,

But you can still see their tall figures,

That is their courage,

Forever in the air.



With the chanting of [Month], everyone was once again immersed in a sad atmosphere.

Qiu Xiaoye huddled in the corner, sitting on the hard iron plate of the truck, hugging her knees, with her head bowed deeply, not knowing what to say.

At this moment, his mind was extremely chaotic.

Captain Night is dead!

The man who recruited him into the Ghost Slayer Team!

A man who may not have any outstanding talents, but has fearless beliefs.

He turned into a flame, and on this night, he became the most shining star in the world.

A fearless shooting star!

But how did things get to this point?

How could Qing Shui be unharmed?

With that level of explosion, even if he used ice pucks to protect himself as soon as he entered the tunnel, it would be impossible for him to be unscathed!

And how could he protect himself with the puck in advance?

How did he know about this trap?


A bold guess appeared in Qiu Xiaoye's mind.

If it is assumed that Qing Shui knew about tonight's trap in advance, then there is only one possibility left, someone inside the Ghost Slayer Team who knew about this trap is reporting to him!

The Ghost Killing Squad has an undercover agent!

But it's not right!

Hasn't that swift ghost already been wiped out?

Speed ​​ghost! Speed ​​ghost!

Qiu Xiaoye began to carefully recall the scene of killing the Speeding Ghost.

Speedy Ghost owns a [Young and Dangerous] card, and he hides the fact that he has the [Young and Dangerous] card. He is afraid of being robbed by others, so he neither tells people nor ghosts!

And his purpose of joining the Ghost Killing Team is to obtain information and grab more [Solo Cards].

And that speed ghost never mentioned anything about the police from the beginning to the end.

The police don't even know that he owns the Solo card!

That is to say!

Speedy Ghost sneaked into the Ghost Slaying Team on his own initiative, hoping to get the [Solo Card]!

He has nothing to do with the police!

And when [Gui] was about to shoot Yoka on Star Plaza, the police came out to block the gun.

This shows that the channel communication of the ghost killing team is indeed under the control of the police.

The police must have undercover agents in the Ghost Slaying Squad!

And this undercover,

It's human!

Thinking of this, Qiu Xiaoye regretted it!

correct! I am simply too stupid! Why didn't I think of it at the beginning!

If the ghost clan wanted to be an undercover agent in the ghost killing team, how could they choose a ghost!

Of course it is to choose a person!

Qiu Xiaoye raised his head calmly and looked around at the team members in the carriage.

He already knew who the undercover agent was!

That's where the whole assassination process went wrong!

But Qiu Xiaoye still needs more confirmation.

Moreover, the situation just now has reached a life-and-death crisis, and they are about to die!

The guy with the [Cavalry] card in the ghost killing team didn't make a move either!

This means that the guy with the [Cavalry] card is the undercover agent, he knows that Qing Shui won't kill him, so he doesn't have the ability to use the [Solo Card]!

Wait, then!

This guy must die!

And it's going to be a miserable death!



at the same time.

Qing Shui stood on the tall icicle, watching the car flee towards Feng City.

He pressed the button of the earphone and said with a smile: "You did a good job. This time the task is completed, and you will get a generous reward, Sparrow."

After finishing speaking, he looked forward again and shrugged indifferently:

"Chasing and killing people who are about to die is not what I should do. It's too inelegant. I'd better leave this kind of dirty work to Lu Nagao and the others."



on the van.

Everyone is mourning.

Only 【白】 looked behind from the very beginning, vigilant whether Qing Shui caught up or not.

[Gui] said: "Qing Shui has no signs of catching up, we are safe."

However, as soon as [白] finished speaking, Qiu Xiaoye immediately sensed that something was wrong.

If that guy is an undercover agent of the police, then tonight, it is impossible for Qing Shui to break into the trap alone!

There are other cops too! It will definitely be dispatched!

"Change direction quickly!" Qiu Xiaoye shouted.

However, as soon as the words fell, [A] stopped the car with a sudden brake.

Qiu Xiaoye's heart skipped a beat.

He knew that it was too late!

Everyone looked ahead, and saw that dozens of police cars had stopped on the road ahead, blocking the way.

The messy police lights flickered crazily under the night, looking weird and dangerous!

Among the police, the one who takes the lead is the chief of the police station, Shika Nagao.

[Ghoul: Level 78]

Two-star ghost general!



The moment the truck stopped, all the policemen ran up and surrounded the truck.

Then every policeman began to mutate, and his body suddenly swelled, completely tearing their police uniforms.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of policemen who symbolized justice and order immediately turned into hundreds of grotesque alien species with their fangs open!

Magnetic ghost!

Shiyan ghost!


Blade Ghost!

All kinds of ghosts! There are more than 30 levels on average!

After these ghosts mutated, they immediately rushed towards the truck greedily.

It's like a group of zombies besieging the living!

Under the fear of death, the members of the Ghost Slaying Team forgot their sorrow, raised their guns one after another, and shot at the rushing ghosts.

But now is not the time to fire black guns! It's a face-to-face confrontation!

The bullets shot out and hit the mutated limbs of those ghosts. High-level ghosts can bounce off directly, while low-level ghosts just embed themselves in their bodies and cause minor injuries!

After a burst of violent shooting by the members of the Ghost Slaying Team, they didn't lose any ghosts.

In a blink of an eye, those ghosts were about to hit them!

A few ghosts jumping from the air have already started shouting excitedly! The sharp and unpleasant voice echoed in the night sky.

Facing such a dangerous situation.

Qiu Xiaoye has no choice.

His hand hidden in his sleeve was ready to conjure playing cards at any time.

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