Qing Shui stood on the icicle, looking down at his mortal body, it shattered and opened countless gaps in an instant, raging flames shot out from the body, like thousands of flower snakes rushing out of the cave, Burning his flesh and blood made a "sizzling" sound.

The scorched smell immediately permeated the tip of his nose.

That formal black suit had been turned into fly ash and smoke in the flames, and it was constantly drifting towards the ground as the night wind blew.

That's it, dead?

Qing Shui clenched his teeth tightly, his warm eyes were full of blood, and the jet-black eyes danced slightly in the eye sockets.

This severe burning pain was like tens of thousands of knives cutting his body at the same time. The severe pain from the inside out made his whole body tremble.

However, he was stunned and didn't say a word!

No unbearable howling!

No hysterical yelling either!

Not to mention waving limbs wildly, as if struggling to escape from the hot purgatory.

After all, that would be too inelegant.

Howling and rolling, that's how pigs and dogs die,

If he dies, he will be like a leaf that falls with the wind and floats into the still waters.

Soon, in this silent fire, Qing Shui's skin was completely scorched black, and his two eyeballs also melted into a puddle of deep black pus, which slid down the same dry face, leaving only There were two empty eye sockets, and there was still a trace of flames in them.

At this moment, a huge "bang" sound suddenly swooped down, and the icicles were suddenly swept by a strong wind.

It was the helicopter that Ji Chuan was in that suddenly attacked, and it was within 20 meters in a blink of an eye.

The old general Xie Yinfei stood at the door of the cabin, the skin on his face had turned into a cloud of floating black mist due to the mutation, only two shining eyes were left, exuding a breathtaking murderous aura.

Seeing that Xie Yinfei opened his mouth suddenly, thick black mist billowed out and hit the icicle. In a blink of an eye, Qing Shui and Qiu Xiaolu, who was wrapped around the icicle with its tentacles, were surrounded by the black mist. middle.

And in this place where the black mist is filled, the burning flames are extinguished in an instant, returning to a dead silence.

Ji Chuan couldn't help feeling beside Xie Yinfei: "Sure enough, one thing descends one thing. In the mist released by the fog ghost, there is no oxygen for combustion. Once all the flames touch the black mist, they will immediately burn. Extinguished! Including the fire madness that turned into flames!"

However, Ji Chuan was enjoying himself when he saw two figures jumping down from a height of more than ten meters in the black mist.

It was Huokang and Qiu Xiaolu!

At the speed of free fall, it smashed towards the burning earth. If it was an ordinary human being, its bones would only be broken under this jump.

However, Qiu Xiaolu stretched out her tentacles ahead of time, and with a little support on the ground, she landed smoothly.

Huokang also turned into flames just before landing, and he recovered his human body after landing smoothly.

As soon as they landed, they immediately plunged into the vast sea of ​​flames hand in hand. They hid themselves in the flames for a while, and no one knew where they were hiding.

"Everyone! Fire immediately!" Ji Chuan gave an order, and all the helicopters gathered around,

The machine gunners on the helicopter lowered the heavy machine guns in their hands, aimed at the field of fire under their feet, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Da da da da da"

Dozens of machine guns sprayed out violent tongues of flame at the same time, shooting wildly at this sea of ​​flames,

The barrel of the machine gun rotated rapidly, rows of bullets were continuously fed into the clips, screaming towards the ground, leaving only empty shell casings, splashing and ejecting in the air.

But the pursuit is more than that!

Xie Yinfei's black mist immediately spewed down into the sea of ​​flames, like a waterfall of mist pouring down, once it hit the ground, it turned into black clouds rolling in the sea of ​​flames, and the raging flames were engulfed by the black mist , and immediately dissipated without a trace.

In just five or six seconds, three-quarters of the sea of ​​fire surrounded by the ice wall was extinguished.

Only the northeast corner is left, and there is a faint fire.

The machine gunner's strafing followed,

Ji Chuan's eyes were fixed on the remaining fire area. You must know that in this black mist, neither Huokang nor Qiu Xiaolu could breathe normally.

ten seconds!

They only need to be submerged in this black mist for ten seconds, and they will suffocate to death!

At that time, a golden [Solo Card] and a blue [Solo Card] will fall into the hands of the ghosts.

However, apart from joy, Ji Chuan felt a faint sense of unease in his heart.

If both Qiu Xiaolu and Huo Kuang died in the black mist, then these two cards would belong to Xie Yinfei!

A level 94 Fog Ghost, plus one piece of [Huokuang] and one piece of [Young and Dangerous Boy], what kind of terrifying character will Xie Yinfei become?

Become a five-star ghost general! The strength can even approach the ghost king!

With Ji Chuan's eyes, he couldn't help sneaking a glance at Xie Yinfei, and saw the joy and complacency on Xie Yinfei's face, as if the huge future and power were right in front of his eyes, within easy reach.

But at this moment, a shadow suddenly rose from the place of black mist.

It was Qiu Xiaolu who turned into a long pole with the help of the tentacles. She held Huo Kuang in her hand, and as the tentacles were pulled out, she immediately climbed over the ice wall and fled towards a deeper mountain.

The cooked duck flew! Xie Yinfei panicked immediately, and followed after breathing out black mist.

However, there was an imperceptible smile on the corner of Ji Chuan's mouth, and there was a bit of relief in his heart.

It seems that these two guys deliberately held their breath in the black mist, making the pursuers mistakenly believe that they were in the flames, and then took the opportunity to quickly escape over the wall.

What a trick to sneak through Chen Cang!

But in this way, Xie Yinfei's abacus has come to nothing.

As soon as Huokang and Qiu Xiaolu entered the mountain, they immediately gave up the monstrous flames. This time, they didn't have any scruples. They didn't care too much when they were running for their lives.

In an instant, the flames divided into six directions and burned towards the forest!

This vast mountain group suddenly turned into a mountain of flames, illuminating the night as if it were daytime, and the flames not only did not decrease, but instead became larger and wider. In this large sea of ​​flames, , it was impossible to tell which direction Huokang and Qiu Xiaolu fled to.

"Damn it!" Xie Yinfei collected the fog, stamped his feet and cursed: "These two guys! They ran away! If they didn't run away, it would be impossible to survive in my fog!"

Ji Chuan on the side held back his smile, pretending to be relieved and patted Xie Yinfei on the shoulder: "It's okay, Commander Xie, there will still be opportunities in the future, success or failure is not just a matter of time, you have to be normal, hahahaha .”

After finishing speaking, Ji Chuan looked at the icicle standing in the sea of ​​flames: "I don't know, our Qingshui commissioner is somewhat familiar now."

Ji Chuan jumped out of the helicopter and landed in front of the icicle.

Around the icicle, there were still flames dancing, but even though the flames were burning close to Ji Chuan's skin, he didn't care.

Ji Chuan stretched out his broad palm and gently pressed on the icicle, only to hear the sharp sound of "Zizizi". There were bursts of white smoke.

Soon, there was more and more white smoke, and as the icicle evaporated, it continued to lower, from an icicle of more than ten meters, it fell into an ice platform in front of Ji Chuan.

Ji Chuan withdrew his palm, gently pushed away the mist, and saw a charred corpse lying on the ice platform.

Ji Chuan shook his head helplessly: "It's a pity, Special Commissioner Qingshui, you are considered a talent, and you died in such an embarrassing manner."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Ji Chuan suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something beating faintly under the scorched flesh.

how come?

Ji Chuan was startled, and quickly stretched out his hand to push away the scorched meat,

He suddenly discovered that under the scorched flesh, there was actually a complete heart and a complete brain!

The heart is beating up and down in the gray-black breastbone,

The gray brain also twitched slightly in the empty skull frame, extremely lively!

It's just that the heart and brain are covered with crystal clear drops of water.

And Qing Shui's throat, mouth, and torso have recovered almost half of their flesh and blood!

"Special commissioner, I didn't expect you to be alive." Ji Chuan took a breath, in such a desperate situation, Qing Shui was able to survive.

Qing Shui moved his bloodshot mouth and said, "Mayor Ji? Is that you? I feel you coming."

"I'm sorry, I can't see you, and I can't hear your voice. My eyes and ears are gone, and they haven't recovered yet. This appearance is really too inelegant. It must be very embarrassing."

"Fortunately, I froze my brain and heart with ice in time, otherwise I would have been burned to death by Huo Kuang."

"By the way, Mayor Ji, can you make a call for me? I need to contact someone, thank you very much."

Hearing Qing Shui's request, Ji Chuan couldn't help shaking his head, and said with a smile: "You, what a strange guy."

According to the number Qing Shui read, Ji Chuan dialed out.

When the call was connected, he put it on Qing Shui's remaining lips, touched his lips, and signaled that he could speak.

"Hello." Qing Shui said easily: "Honey, I can't go with you tonight, I have to deal with some work tonight, I am really too tired."



(Add more, but I have to go to work in four hours, I have to go to bed quickly?_?)

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