Draw Card! Start The Golden Epic Card To Kill Ghosts!

90. Awakening From A Startling Dream, Facing God


A girl in a black dress stood alone under the night, her innocent eyes were full of loneliness at this moment.


Fierce gunfire rang out,

The bullets flew past, like a rain of meteors piercing the night, piercing the girl's body in an instant.

The girl's body was lifted into the air by a powerful force, and immediately began to burn, and the flames engulfed her soft skin bit by bit.

The girl's eyes looked over, full of reluctance and determination without regret.


Qiu Xiaoye suddenly woke up from the dream, and when he opened his eyes, he looked at a pair of huge, emotionless eyes.

It's a statue!

The face is serious, as if looking at everything in the world indifferently.

Looking at the god statue, Qiu Xiaoye calmed down a little bit, only to realize that due to the terrifying dream just now, he was already breaking out in a cold sweat before he knew it.

Sitting up, he found himself in a dilapidated temple.

Inside the temple, [A], [C], [E], [J], [Ren], [Gui] and [Yue] sat in a corner,

Everyone was lonely and tired, especially [A]. When Qiu Xiaoye fainted, she didn't know how long she had been crying. Her eyes under the mask were already red and swollen.

Looking out the window of the ruined temple, the sky is already bright, glowing with white light.

"Where is this?" Qiu Xiaoye asked.

[Month] replied: "There is a ruined temple outside Feng City. We drove to the small road, then abandoned the car and ran all the way here."

"By the way! Who the hell knocked me out?" Qiu Xiaoye remembered, and as soon as he waved his hand, the back of his neck felt sore.

[Gui] admitted it very readily: "I was knocked out, and now you are the temporary captain, so you can't be impulsive."

Qiu Xiaoye rubbed his neck: "You are ruthless enough." As he spoke, he pretended to ask unintentionally, "Where's that girl? The girl who came to rescue us yesterday."

"I don't know." [Yue] shook his head, "We left right away, only she and the police stayed there."

Hearing this, Qiu Xiaoye secretly felt that something was wrong. Ordinary policemen were not worried. Qiu Xiaolu also had a Solo card.

But after all, there is a deer long tail there!

Lu Changwei, a dignified two-star ghost general, it would be very dangerous for Qiu Xiaolu to stay with him!

And Qiu Xiaolu, that bastard, actually rode his own battery car to save people! My own yellow battery car, with those eight cylinders, is a unique and beautiful scenery in Maple City!

Isn't it exposed now!

Qiu Xiaoye took out her mobile phone and started sending messages to Qiu Xiaolu to confirm her condition.

【Fawn! where are you? Are you OK! 】

[It's okay, answer me! I am very worried about you! 】

While sending text messages, Qiu Xiaoye asked, "What happened last night?"

【仙】holding the mobile phone, said: "The news said that there was a big fire in the mountains yesterday, and it continued continuously. Several mountains were burned. Now the fire brigade is still putting out the fire."

"Big fire?" Qiu Xiaoye was taken aback for a moment.

Who set the fire?

Who did such an immoral thing as setting fire to a mountain?

Besides, as a ghost, Qiu Xiaolu is also very afraid of fire. Will something happen to her?

Just when he was in doubt, Qiu Xiaoye's cell phone vibrated,

He slowly picked it up to look at it, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief.

The message was from Qiu Xiaolu.

【I'm fine, please be safe】

Fortunately, Qiu Xiaolu is fine.

Just as Qiu Xiaoye breathed a sigh of relief, a tall figure came in front of him, looking down at him.

It is 【白】.

There was a hint of threat in [Gui]'s eyes, and he said in blunt words: "That girl is a [ghoul], why did she appear, and what does it have to do with you?"

"And that battery car!" [Ren] added on the side, "I think I've seen that battery car in the city, but it's a man riding it, quite a dick."

I am Nima!

Qiu Xiaoye wanted to spray back at that time, but she held back, and just said: "I don't want to say, and there is no need to say, I can only tell you that she is here to save us, without this [Ghoul], we are all dead It's in Lu Changwei's hands!"

But Qiu Xiaoye was also surprised, how did Qiu Xiaolu escape from Lu Changwei's hands, the two-star ghost general should be very difficult to deal with.

What Qiu Xiaoye said was the truth.

Qiu Xiaolu did save the members of the Ghost Slaying Team.

Therefore, it is inconvenient for 【白】to ask further questions.

But [白] seemed unwilling to let it go, still looking at Qiu Xiaoye arrogantly, and the questioning in his tone did not diminish at all: "As for last night's plan, you must be responsible! You are the planner! Because of your mistake, Captain Night, And [Xin], all died under Qing Shui's hands!"

Speaking of Captain Ye and [Xin], the whole atmosphere became heavy again.

After one night, everyone's mood has eased a little.

But when I mentioned it at this time, the scenes of last night came to my mind again.

[Xin] Flying by an ice spear!

The captain of the night drove a truck and rushed into the cave full of flames,

As well as Captain Night's burned body, the ten finger bones that were still tightly gripped on the steering wheel!

[A] collapsed again, hugged her leg, curled up and cried.

The only girl [Yue] walked to [A]'s side, stroking [A]'s back and comforting her.

Qiu Xiaoye couldn't say anything more.

This time the plan was indeed designed and directed by him, although it was because of the "undercover" tip-off that the plan failed.

But Qiu Xiaoye couldn't shirk responsibility.

Captain Night has turned into flames. As the new "Captain Night", he must learn to take responsibility. A leader must be able to take responsibility, even if he is full of grievances.

Qiu Xiaoye didn't make any excuses, which is something only cowards would do.

However, [白] was still aggressive, and stretched out his hand to Qiu Xiaoye: "Hand it over!"

"What?" Qiu Xiaoye asked.

[Gui] said: "What Captain Ye left for you! You are not suitable to lead us. I should be the captain!"

His tone was extremely strong.

All of a sudden, an invisible contest began to appear in this ruined temple, and everyone became tense, looking at Qiu Xiaoye involuntarily, wondering what his next move would be.

Qiu Xiaoye snorted without any emotional ups and downs.

He raised his head and looked at the sharp-eyed [Gui], with a very firm attitude: "Now I am the captain! This is Captain Night, and I will never fail to live up to that man's entrustment before he died! Want to get it from me?" Take away the captain's position, unless I turn into a corpse first."

Strong style, contrary to the previous image.

In the eyes of everyone, it seemed that this guy had matured overnight.

Only Qiu Xiaoye knew what kind of pressure was on his shoulders at this moment.

However, [白] will not be so easily intimidated: "You are the captain, I don't accept it!"

Qiu Xiaoye looked directly into [白]'s eyes: "Don't worry, I will let you obey, and prove it with my strength!"

This sentence was not only spoken to 【白】, but also to every member here.

Now, few people will really be convinced of themselves.

But one day, I must make them convincingly regard me as the captain.

He wants to lead Feng City's Ghost Slaying Squad forward.

After all, this is the entrustment left to him by that torch-like man.

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