Dream Guide

Chapter 133 It’s time to die

"Hey, you are really rich! It can't be fake, right?" Everyone in the room felt incredible.

Aoki ignored them, continued to dig into his pocket, took out three more wads of money, folded them together, and said, "Okay, a total of 40,000 US dollars, I will take all four girls with me."

Decha didn't seem to believe it, so he asked one of his men to bring the money over, looked at it in his hand, and said, "Oh, it's really rich! But you can only take away three."

Aoki said: "I want four."

Decha said: "The other one is not at this price."

"How much?"

Decha thought for a moment and said, "One hundred thousand."


Aoki went to dig into his pocket again, and like a magic trick, he took out a lot of money and neatly put it together. The people around him looked at him in disbelief, and when they looked at the pile of green dollars, they all showed greed on their faces.

There was a brief silence in the room.

Decha shook his head and said, "No, not even 100,000."

Aoki said: "You don't keep your word."

Decha said: "It's not that I don't keep my word, it's..."

"We need to find out what nonsense you are talking about!" the fat man said loudly, "I don't know how much money this kid has hidden on him. Let him hand over the money and share it with everyone, otherwise we will kill him!"

Decha was stunned for a moment. He seemed to think that what the fat man said made sense, but also didn't seem to make sense. He didn't know why he became so strange and entangled.

Just when he was about to agree with the fat man, he heard Aoki say: "Don't you just want money?" Then, he saw Aoki throwing the money in his hand into the air, and green dollars were flying in the air like a shower of flowers.

After all, these people are the bosses in charge of their own neighborhoods. They will not rush to grab the money like the prostitutes on the street. However, they were still confused by this scene. They stood there for a moment, looking up at the crowd blankly. Money floating around the house.

While they were stunned, Aoki walked up to the three girls, knelt down and said to them: "Close your eyes and ears."

The girls didn't know how to close their ears, but Aoki's voice gave them an inexplicable sense of trust, as if they had known this person a long time ago. They closed their eyes as he said, and then thought about closing their ears, but it turned out that their ears really seemed to be closed, and they could no longer hear the sounds outside.

Aoki stood up and suddenly took action without warning, slicing the throat of the guy holding the AK next to him with one palm. The man fell down at the sound, and the AK fell into Aoki's hands. Aoki turned around and fired at the people on the other side of the round table. In the blink of an eye, all those people fell down. Their eyes were still wide open, and their pupils were filled with reflections of falling dollars.

There were several other men in Decha who were not within the range of Aoki's shooting. One of them, also holding an AK, was closest to Aoki, but as soon as he raised his gun, he was kicked to the side by Aoki and fell to the ground. Several others pulled out their pistols and fired, clearly pointing at Aoki. Somehow, not only did they miss the target, but they shot their own accomplices.

Aoki turned around and fired a few more shots, and then there was only one living person left to check.

Decha was alert when Aoki threw the money. When Aoki talked to the little girls, Decha wanted to warn everyone to be careful about this person. But he suddenly found that he couldn't move. Not only could he not move his body, he couldn't even speak.

He could see everything around him and watched helplessly as Aoki grabbed a gun and killed everyone in the room, but there was nothing he could do.

This feeling is like a nightmare. Sometimes I can see things around me even though I am awake, but I just can't move. It's like there is a huge stone pressing on my chest and I can't move it.

It wasn't until Aoki walked in front of him that he suddenly woke up. His clothes were soaked with sweat and he could not move his hands and feet, but the AK was already pressed against his forehead.

"You...who are you?" Decha asked in fear.

"I told you, my name is Aoki."

"What happened just now? That money..."

"Money? I just asked your boys downstairs to borrow two decks of cards." Aoki said lightly.

You have to look around to see if there are any other dollars anywhere? Poker cards were scattered among the corpses on the floor.

"I know who you are! You were the one who killed Yao Pozi, but how did you escape from Du Juan? Could it be..."

"You guessed it right. Now tell me, where are Muka and the girl? I want the exact location."

Decha closed his eyes: "It's death anyway, why should I tell you."

Aoki said: "Since you know Dujuan, you should know who I am. I don't want to waste time hypnotizing and guiding your consciousness, nor do I want to search your damn memory in your mind. Let me ask you now, Where are Muka and that girl? If you don’t tell me, I will split your consciousness into pieces, mix your brain into a pot of paste, and make you an idiot, paralyzed, and mentally ill for the rest of your life. Your head will be broken every day It will hurt for at least seven or eight hours, and you will be in so much pain that you want to die! But at that time, your neuromuscular transmission will be blocked. Your hand will not be able to lift the gun, you will not be able to pull the trigger, and you will not even be able to lift your chin. It’s impossible to bite your tongue and commit suicide.”

Aoki's words were like needle pricks piercing into Decha's mind, lingering in his consciousness. He knew what Aoki said was true. He has seen the power of Du Juan - that is a woman who is even more difficult to mess with than Muka. And the man in front of me is probably more terrifying than Du Juan!

His will began to waver, but he was still thinking of a way to escape. As long as Aoki didn't kill him, there would always be a way. After all, this was Wu Sotun's territory.

"She is at Wu Sotun's place, I will take you there." Decha said.

"The house owned by Wu Sotun is so big, everyone in Maxuba must know it." Qingmu said.

Decha had already seen the hope of living, and of course he refused to give up, saying: "No, you don't know. Except for Dua, U Sotun doesn't like any woman to appear in his mansion, even his own woman. So he When I play with women, I go to the villa, and most people don’t know the location of the villa.”

"so what?"

"So you can't kill me, only I can take you there, and if you don't go, it will be too late."

"Really? But aren't we already on the way to the villa now?" Aoki said with a smile.

I was surprised when I looked around and found that I was no longer in the house, but on a road. The scenery on both sides of the road is constantly changing, just like playing a first-person drag racing game.

"Do you think this is Wu Sotun's territory and you can lure me into a trap?" Qingmu's voice rang in his ears, but he couldn't see Qingmu's people. "You don't know how to deal with me when you are thinking about it?" Did you relax your will when you were there? When you think about Wu Sotun's villa, your consciousness will naturally retrieve the memory about the location of the villa. What's the difference between this and you taking me there?"

Decha was really scared this time. He struggled desperately not to think about Wu Sotun's villa, trying to bring his consciousness back. However, the more he thought about it, the clearer the villa became and the faster the scenery on the roadside receded.

After a while, the scene changed, and a complete two-story villa clearly appeared in front of you. Not only that, from his perspective, the villa was almost transparent, and the locations of every sentry, ambush, hidden mine, and camera he knew were clearly displayed.

Decha knew that this was in his memory, because he only knew part of the villa, and the things he didn't understand did not appear.

"Damn it!" he cried.

"It's time to die!" He heard Aoki's response.

Then, the entire space in front of him went black, just like the screen flashing when playing a game, and he returned to the original room. The ground around them was littered with corpses and playing cards.

He saw the man holding an AK and pulling the trigger on him.

Thanks to Study Less Back to the Dormitory, Pan Jianlong, Qian Yu Wandao, Yi Qing, and Feng Guangyue for the rewards. Thank you all for your subscriptions and votes.

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