Dream Guide

Chapter 134 The person sent by the prince

Aoki snapped his fingers in front of the three little girls and said, "You can wake up!"

The girls all opened their eyes and were surprised to find that the bad guys who had captured them were already lying on the bed. Although there was a lot of blood on the ground and it looked a bit scary, they knew they were saved - it was the cute uncle with messy hair in front of them who saved them.

A girl suddenly couldn't help crying and cried: "Uncle, I want to go home!"

Aoki said: "Okay, uncle will take you home."

Another girl said: "Uncle, I'm hungry!"

"Uh... these guys are so inhumane, don't they even give them food?" Aoki thought for a while, then touched the body of the fat man, and sure enough he found some money.

He touched a few other people who looked like the boss, then raised the money in his hand and said, "Okay, uncle is rich, let's go to dinner! After dinner, go home!"

The girls burst into laughter and cheered.

Aoki took the three little girls out of the yard and returned to the street. He saw the madman guarding the motorcycle, looking like he was facing an enemy, just like a miser guarding a pile of treasures.

Aoki laughed loudly, pointed to a restaurant not far away, and said to the madman: "Let's go there to eat."

The madman saw him coming out, relaxed, smiled and nodded. He glanced at the three little girls, suddenly became nervous again, pointed at them and shouted vaguely: "Beauty? Beauty?"

Aoki said: "The beauty is not here, I will go find her right now, you go to eat first."

Aoki took the girl and the madman into the restaurant, ordered a curry chicken rice for each of them, and said to the girls: "You guys eat here, and don't run around until I come back."

"Uncle, aren't you going to take us home?" The girl thought Aoki didn't care about them, and tears were about to flow down again.

Aoki comforted him: "Uncle, go save a girl like you now. When we pick her up, we can go home together."

The girls nodded in unison and said, "Okay."

Aoki gave all the money to the shop owner again and said: "You can watch them for me and don't let them leave before I come back. See if the money here is enough to pay for the meal. If there is more, Give them more food, if it’s not enough, wait until I come back.”

The shop owner looked at the pile of money on the table and was shocked: "Oh, why do you need so much money? You have enough money to take over my small shop."

Aoki said: "Oh, then consider it a tip for you to look after them!"

After he finished speaking, he ignored the boss's surprised and incomprehensible expression, walked out of the hotel, hurriedly got on his motorcycle and left.

Poppy didn't know where she was at this moment.

The room was filled with flowers, like a bride's wedding room. Two old ladies came in and wanted to take off her clothes. She resisted desperately, but the two old ladies, who had more wrinkles on their faces than old Enkun, were really strong. They forcibly stripped her of her clothes and threw her into the bathtub. .

"Girl, you are so lucky. The general is interested in you. As long as you accompany the general well, you will enjoy happiness every day from now on!"

"Don't be dissatisfied. Those who are not favored by the general are all sold to the prostitution streets! If you compare with them, it will be like heaven and hell!"

They were giving her a bath while chattering in broken Chinese.

After the bath, they put her into new clothes. The dress looks beautiful, like the princess in the picture. But Poppy didn't like her at all. She knew that she could not become a princess, but was about to become someone else's slave.

The old lady brought a lot of bottles and jars of things to put makeup on the beauty. Beauties are very resistant to these cosmetics that emit pungent odors and do not cooperate with them at all.

Makeup is a delicate job, and no matter how strong the two old ladies are, there is nothing they can do if the poppies don't cooperate. An old woman was about to reach out and hit her, but another old woman stopped her: "Oh, you are stupid again. She has to serve the general tonight. You injured her and made her swollen. What should I do if the general blames me?"

The old woman took back her hand and asked angrily: "What should I do if she doesn't obey? I won't give her any medicine, just give her some medicine and she will be obedient."

Another old woman said: "The general likes the real thing, and it won't be real if it's drugged. Use this -" she said, taking out a long needle and scaring the beauty, "If you move again, I'll poke you!"

The beauty still doesn't cooperate. The two old ladies lifted up the beauty's skirt and poked her buttocks with needles. The beauty clenched her teeth in pain, but did not hum.

They pricked her arms and back again, saying as they pricked her, "She is such a hot-tempered person. No wonder the general likes her."

Seeing that it had no effect and that they couldn't really hurt her, the two old ladies stopped panting. One of them yelled: "It's impossible to do anything without spraying pesticides. You forced us to do this yourself."

She said and walked out, and after a while, a younger woman walked in with her, holding a tray with syringes and vials on it.

The two old ladies held the poppy down while the young woman gave her an injection. Poppy couldn't struggle, so she had to let them do what they did.

An old woman said: "Just give her half an hour to apply makeup. The general won't like it if you apply too much."

The woman who gave the injection said, "Don't worry, this dose is about the same as a sedative."

The white lotion in the syringe was injected into the beauty's arm bit by bit. The beauty suddenly felt her heart beating violently, and then something hot began to hit her brain, as if someone poured a bowl of spicy food into her brain. Then, her consciousness began to blur, her whole body felt light and airy, and she felt like she was flying.

She flew to the forest, where there was a very big garden castle, and many small animals were playing with her in the castle. She is their princess.

On this day, the princess is getting married. The prince in the distance is riding on a white horse, eagerly waiting for the arrival of her float.

She was in a room covered with flowers, wearing her most beautiful clothes. Servants stood on both sides, and two old women were putting makeup on her.

"Well, that's good. Let's add a little more red here."

"Come on, smile, you look good when you smile!"

The poppy laughed. They all said she had a beautiful smile. The prince from far away must feel the same way! she thinks.

She always felt that the people sent by the prince to pick her up were almost here, and her heart skipped a beat, fearing that they would not like her current appearance.

The door creaked open.

Poppy turned to look and saw a man with messy hair walking in, his hands in his pockets, looking cool. She always felt that this person was very familiar. When she heard the tapping footsteps, it was like the sound of distant temple bells ringing in her mind.

There was a flash of clarity in her consciousness, but the hot power in her blood was still impacting her heart and brain, colliding with the tapping footsteps, like two encountering armies. The battle broke out in her body, and with a roar in her mind, she fell.

Before fainting, she murmured: "Aokiyeye!"

Thanks to Qian Yu Xiang Yi and book friend 2017051422 for the reward.

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