Dream Guide

Chapter 135 Aoki’s anger

The two old ladies looked at the unfamiliar person at the door and shouted, "What are you doing? Didn't you see that we were putting makeup on the little lady? Men can't just come in!"

Aoki kicked in the door and gently held the poppy who was unconscious on the bed in his arms.

The poppy had her eyes closed, her face was delicately made up, and her cheeks were rosy, like a drunk little princess.

"Hey, this is the woman the general wants. How can a man like you just hug her?" The old woman didn't know who she was and thought she was sent by U Sotun or Muka.

Aoki raised the beauty's arm, pointed at the little red dots on it and asked, "What's going on?"

The old lady said a little embarrassedly: "She was too disobedient, so I pricked her with a needle a few times. Oh, it's okay, it's okay. If I put makeup on her, I won't be able to tell anymore."

"What about here?" There were obvious traces of injections on the beauty's intravenous injection point.

"Ahem, well, the injection didn't work, so I had to give her some medicine." Seeing that she couldn't hide it, the old woman confessed honestly, "It was just a little bit, and the medicine will wear off after a while. And this matter is Mu Mu Kammer had promised, and the medicine was also the new medicine he brought.”

Aoki was a little angry. He rarely gets angry, and even when he kills, he is calm because those who die in his hands always know that they are committing a crime and are still trying to escape and hide their crimes. Even if Aoki doesn't kill them, those people will always be punished.

But here, all crimes happen in broad daylight, drug trafficking, rape, murder... Those crazy guys commit crimes openly, but no one can punish them. There is no justice and conscience here. People here only know opium. Whoever has more opium or more guns can be the boss.

Even the Burmese and Vietnamese governments don't care about people like U Soe Tun. He is the local emperor here, and of course the woman he likes cannot escape the fate of being a slave.

It is unimaginable that if Aoki had not crossed the river to save the beauty, and if he had not met a madman, what would have happened to the beauty tonight? What a tragic situation this kind girl's life will fall into from now on!

Aoki is really angry!

"What needle did you use to prick her?" he asked.

The old woman took out a long iron needle and said, "This is it."

Aoki put the beauty down gently, then grabbed the old woman's hand, turned his hand and stabbed the needle into the old woman's eye.

"Ah -" the old woman yelled, covering her eyes, blood seeping out from between her fingers.

Aoki let her scream without worrying about attracting people in the villa. His anger needs to be vented. He will burn this place with his anger and send all these criminals to the fiery hell.

He stepped forward and pulled out the long needle inserted in the old woman's eye, inserted it into the other eye with a pop, then pulled it out and walked towards the other old woman.

The old woman was so frightened that her soul left her body. Kutong knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "Spare your life! It's not us who are here to administer the medicine! We have been serving the general here for several years, and many little girls did the same in the past! The general never Blame us..."

Before she could finish her words, Aoki inserted the needle into the Dazhui point on the back of her neck. Due to excessive force, the long needle penetrated the cervical spine and came out from the front of the throat.

At this time, someone heard the blind old woman's scream and came in: "What's going on? What is your ghost name?"

The man saw two old women. One was lying on the ground, rolling her eyes, as if she was dead. The other was covering her face and screaming like a pig, with blood all over her face.

He pulled out a gun and pointed it at Aoki: "Who are you? What do you do?"

Aoki bent down and gently picked up the beauty from the bed, letting her head rest on his shoulder, and then slowly walked towards the door.

"Stop! What do you do?" The man at the door shouted, holding a gun.

Aoki ignored it and walked over in a hurry.

The man suddenly felt his heart pounding and wanted to shoot, but his hand refused to obey and could not pull the trigger. He wanted to turn around and run away, but his calf suddenly started spinning like a cramp.

Aoki walked up to him, holding the beauty in one hand, stretched out his other hand to take the gun in the man's hand, and shot him in the head.

A woman in a white coat carrying a tray happened to walk over. Seeing this scene, she screamed in fright, dropped the tray in her hand, and spilled the syringes and medicines on the floor.

Aoki refused to say anything and shot her to death again.

He walked out slowly, tapping the pull board against the smooth ground.

The servants in the villa were running around in panic. Aoki didn't have the time or energy to distinguish those who deserved to die and those whose crimes were not worthy of death. Anyway, if someone seemed to be trying to block his way, he would end his life with one shot.

The sound of gunfire attracted the surrounding guards, who rushed into the villa one by one with carbines in hand. Intense bullets were fired at Aoki, but the marksmanship they were usually proud of suddenly lost their accuracy, as if those days of training under the sun and sweating like rain were a dream. But none of them would have thought that they were really dreaming at this time.

Aoki's pistol quickly ran out of bullets. He picked up a carbine and shot out all the way.

Perhaps the villa owned by Wu Sotun is very secluded, perhaps it is due to his confidence in his power in the Maxuba area, or perhaps these security personnel are experts selected from a thousand. In short, there are not many guards in the villa.

Aoki easily reached the jeep where the guards were parked outside. All the guards had been killed by him, and only the driver was left in the car.

Aoki put a gun to his head and asked, "Are there any explosives in the car?"

The driver shook his head: "No, only grenades and rocket launchers."

Aoki said: "Oh, you move them all to the villa and blow them up."

The driver nodded, obediently drove the car to the door of the villa, then unloaded the two boxes of grenades and several rockets and moved them into the villa with difficulty.

In fact, Aoki had already left at this time and did not force him with a gun. But for some reason, he just had an idea that was deeply imprinted in his mind like a steel seal - to blow up this villa and himself.

Aoki held the beauty in his arms and slowly walked towards his motorcycle. There was a loud noise behind him. It was unknown whether it was the shock wave or the wind that blew up his windbreaker, and also caused the beauty's white princess dress to float up.

Poppy was awakened by the explosion.

She only remembered that she was still in a room covered with flowers, waiting for the distant prince to send someone to pick her up. She found herself lying on a man's shoulder and wanted to jump down in a panic. However, when she heard the sound of the pedals tapping, her heart became extremely peaceful.

She lay on Aoki's shoulder, looking at the collapsed houses in the smoke and dust in the distance. She put her arms around Aoki's neck and said, "Aoki, I think I heard a gunshot just now."

Aoki dusted off the smoke that fell on the beauty's white dress and said with a smile, "You're dreaming!"

"Well, I also dreamed about my garden. There are many flowers in the garden."

"That must be beautiful!"

"It's beautiful! But there are a lot of poppies in it. I don't like poppies."


"Because poppies are bad and harmful flowers."

"Then I'll take you to cut the poppies, and cut all the poppies here so that they can no longer harm anyone, okay?"


The tapping footsteps moved forward again, and the poppy smiled happily. Although the places where the needles pricked her arms and butt were still aching, when Aoki Yeye held her, it was as warm as when her father held her, and all the hard wounds were melted by this warmth.

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