Dream Guide

Chapter 141 Alliance of Awakeners (Additional update)

"Awakened One? Dream Master?" Aoki seemed to have heard these terms somewhere.

Dua nodded: "Speaking of Kitano Zhenwu, we have to mention an organization - the Awakened Alliance."

"Awakened Alliance? What is that for?"

Du Wa smiled and said nothing, turned around and bowed several times to the Buddha statue, and then said to Qingmu: "Please follow me."

She got up from the futon, got off the ground with her bare feet, and walked towards the back door of the hall. When passing by the couch, she glanced at the sleeping poppy, clasped her hands and said, "What a beautiful and kind child!"

Aoki followed her out of the back door, through a dense and quiet purple bamboo forest, and entered the back hall of the temple. The architecture of the back hall is obviously different from that of the front hall. The stone walls are somewhat broken, and the vermilion paint on the arched door has fallen off, but it looks more and more primitive and desolate. Entering the arch is a narrow passage about two meters wide. There are many Buddhist niches carved into the walls on both sides of the passage, and there are stone Buddha statues inside.

Go through the passage and enter a stone house. The walls of the house are empty and there is nothing. There is a meadow on the ground in the center, which looks a bit like a Buddhist abbot's room.

Dua walked into the house, picked up the piece of meadow in the middle, and asked, "Do you know this?"

There is a symbol carved on the stone ground under the meadow - an equilateral triangle with two vertices connected. There is a line segment in the middle that passes through this connected point and connects the center points of the two triangles.

Aoki has seen this symbol several times. The first time was when the woman with the strange fragrance who came to the bar drew him on the table; the second time was on Professor Mei’s cell phone, which took photos of the ruins of the underwater pyramid; and the third time was when Kitano Masaki created the dream. In that cave.

If you include this time, it will be the fourth time.

"I've seen it, but I don't know what it is." Aoki said honestly.

Du Wa looked at Qingmu quietly, seeming to judge the truth or falsehood of his words, and finally smiled to himself and said: "It seems that I am paranoid, you don't need to lie to me. But, if you are not from the alliance, you are so powerful Where did your mental power come from?”

"To be honest, I want to know too, but I really don't remember." Aoki scratched his head

Du Wa smiled and said: "Why do you have such a strong mental power but are a dreamless person with no memory? You confuse me more than Situ."

Aoki asked doubtfully: "Am I related to that alliance you mentioned?"

Du Wa said: "I'm not sure about this. But people like you, Situ or Kitano Zhenwu can do whatever they want in this world if there are no corresponding restrictions. In comparison, what U Sotun and Muka did Those bad things are not worth mentioning. That’s why I don’t want to teach Muka anything before he gives up his secular ideals, but his subconscious still refuses to compromise with me.”

Aoki was shocked. This is a question that he has never considered, because before this, he has never carefully measured how strong his ability is, and he has never thought that he would face a group of semi-professional soldiers. These things happened naturally, and up to the moment before they happened, he did it calmly, as if he knew he could do it.

Now he's seen what he's capable of, and it's likely that the reality is even greater than what he currently knows. Although he doesn't know who he is, he is very sure that he is not God. Since he is not God, he cannot be the only one in the world with such ability. God will not make one man stronger than all others.

If you are a treacherous person, the consequences will be unimaginable. Just like Kitano Masaki, he can help the Japanese army create a pig cage dream and train death squads. And it is conceivable that if Japan had not been defeated, his dream would have continued to expand, more and more people would have been involved in the dream, and the coverage would have become wider and wider.

If Dua didn't accept Muka as his disciple before he gave up his worldly ideals, it would be a disaster with Muka's talent and will. Fortunately, people's subconscious cannot deceive others, and Muka cannot deceive Dua.

"I understand, that alliance you are talking about is used to restrain people like me." Aoki said, "People like me are what you call awakened ones, right? Then why has no one ever told me? These? For example, some secretary of the alliance sent me a notice or something?"

"Strictly speaking, you are not an awakened person, because you can't dream." Dua said, and sighed again, "And the alliance no longer exists!"

"No longer exists? Why?"

"I don't know," Dewar said. "All I know is that the alliance split during the war, and after the war, the alliance ceased to exist. My mother brought me here, not long after the war. She later She is devoted to the Buddha, and when I asked her about the alliance again, she refused to say anything."

Aoki was inexplicably disappointed: "Then there are always people like you still alive. Don't you all keep in touch with each other?"

"It is said that the awakened people only communicate through the Dream Corridor, and with the demise of the Alliance, the Dream Corridor has also disappeared." Du Wa looked at Aoki and smiled, "If you are interested in the Alliance, you can ask Situ. He As mysterious as you are, he knows more than you do.”

"Where is he?" Aoki asked.

Du Wa shook his head and said, "I don't know about that."

"Then what else did he tell you?"

"Oh, well, let me think about it. Situ is a very interesting person. When he first came to my place more than ten years ago, he also asked me about the situation of the Alliance and Kitano Zhenwu. Unfortunately, I don't know more than he does. He came up with a bold idea."

"What idea?"

"He said the Second World War was a sham and a dream shared by people all over the world," Dua said.

Aoki's eyes widened and his mouth opened in surprise. He had never been so surprised, even when he heard Professor Mei Yiqiu talk about the underwater pyramid.

He felt that this idea was ridiculous and nonsense, but he didn't know how to refute it. A rational person might not even think about such a problem!

"Are you surprised?" Du Wa said with a smile, "I was just like you at the time, but after so many years, with my understanding of dreams and my understanding of Buddhism, I feel that everything is possible. And Situ is not Blind guess, he has been looking for evidence in this regard, and I heard that he has found some."

Aoki's mind was a little confused, and he seemed to remember something, as if he was dreaming, but he was not a dreamer. He felt a little headache and had no choice but to not think about the problem.

"You brought me here and said so much. If you didn't want to avenge your apprentice, what was your purpose?" he asked.

"You are very similar to a person I have seen." Dua was silent for a moment, as if recalling the distant past, "My mother had just died at that time. Although she passed away peacefully, I knew she was injured. .Her death must be related to the disappearance of the Alliance. I have been trying to find people from the Alliance and learn more about the truth. As you said, there are always some remnants of people still alive! I thought you were, like Ten A few years ago I thought Szeto was."

"It turns out none of us are?"

"It's hard to tell now. At least you can't be sure of your identity yourself, can you?"

Aoki had to admit that this was indeed the case.

"So, how about we make an agreement?" Du Wa looked at Qingmu with a smile.

"What agreement?"

"If you have any news about the alliance in the future, please tell me. Of course, I will repay you." Dua said mysteriously.

"How should I tell you?" Aoki asked.

"You can write letters, send emails, or add me on Facebook. Although I am old, I do not refuse these new things. Of course, if you want to keep it secret, we can agree on an online password." Dua said, " Just like Situ, he posted a post with a contact mark on an obscure forum some time ago, saying that he discovered aliens."

Thanks to Hengfeng for his 10,000-coin reward and for being promoted to the first hall master of this book. This chapter will be updated for Hengfeng’s book friends. I won’t mention the rules for adding updates for the time being. With my coding speed, if any of you rewards a leader or something, then I will owe, owe, owe... After I have been busy for a while, everything in the future will I will arrange additional updates for the rewards of the helmsman and above according to the situation, so you must be cautious and active in this kind of reward... ^\u0026^... Note: There will still be two normal updates today, please wait a moment , I am using my lunch break to work hard on coding.

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