Dream Guide

Chapter 142 Going Home

Aoki failed to learn more about the Awakened Alliance from Dua, but the information he got so far was enough to shock him, and he became more and more curious about Situ.

After Poppy woke up, Qingmu took her down the mountain. It was now afternoon. If he hurry up, he could still get back to the country before dark. He didn't want to spend a night abroad.

Wu Sotun's mansion had become a ruin, and when Aoki returned there, he could still see the smoke and embers that had not dissipated. He originally thought that the entire area of ​​​​Masuba would be under martial law, that a cordon would be set up around Wu Sotun's residence, and that the police would be on the streets arresting people. However, whether it was because the trees fell and the hozens dispersed, or because the government was unwilling to take care of things here, nothing happened. The streets were even quieter than in the morning, with almost no pedestrians in sight.

Aoki rode away on the motorcycle parked not far outside the ruins and took the beauty to the restaurant where the other three girls were eating.

The shop owner is waiting anxiously. On the one hand, he was a little scared when he heard the sound of gunfire and wanted to close the door and go home. On the other hand, he was embarrassed to leave his three children alone after taking Aoki's money. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot when he suddenly heard the sound of a motorcycle.

When he saw Aoki, it was like seeing a relative, and he said with tears in his eyes: "Oh, you are back, I am so anxious to death!"

When the madman saw the poppy coming in with Qingmu, he danced happily and shouted vaguely: "Beauty! Beauty!"

When the poppy saw the madman, she was surprised and said, "Hey, isn't this a beggar?"

When the lunatic saw that she recognized him, he became a little embarrassed and smiled, showing a mouth of yellow and black teeth.

Aoki asked the poppy to sit with a few girls, and asked the boss: "Is there anything left to eat? Let's get some more for them."

The boss said with some embarrassment: "Didn't you hear the gunshots just now? Something must have happened. It's better to go home early!"

Aoki smiled and said: "It's okay, don't worry." He took out a wad of dollars from his pocket and threw it over.

How dare the boss answer: "You have already given me too much just now. I will cook for them. I really can't take any more money."

The girls quickly became familiar with each other and by the time they finished eating, they had become good friends with each other.

After coming out of the hotel, Aoki got on his motorcycle and said, "Let's go home!" The girls shouted excitedly.

Poppy sat in front of Aoki, and Madman helped carry the other three girls onto the back seat of the motorcycle. Then, Aoki said to the madman: "You sit at the back. Although it is a little crowded, you have to believe that my driving skills are no worse than Asan's!"

The madman shook his head and waved his hands repeatedly.

Aoki asked strangely: "Aren't you leaving?"

The beauty also asked: "Beggar, won't you leave?"

The madman shook his head, and then smiled at the beauty.

Aoki started the car, and the motorcycle drove away with a large group and four small children on board.

The madman chased a few steps behind, watching them turn the corner and disappear into the distance. He kept waving his hands and shouting "Beautiful Beauty".

In a village not far from the south bank of Nangou River, a dark and thin man stood on the path at the entrance of the village, looking forward to the distance.

A woman scolded behind him: "You are a fool! Only a fool like you would lend a motorcycle to a stranger!"

"Oh, I promised you I would pay you back!" The man said without confidence.

"Have you been kicked in the head by a donkey? A stranger has taken your bike and returned it to you?" The woman became more and more angry. "Don't you know that this motorcycle is for your son's wedding?"

"How come I don't know? I can't bear to ride it myself!" the man said.

"I can't bear it! I can't bear it! Why did you lend it to a stranger even if you couldn't bear it yourself? How could I marry such a stupid man like you! Without a motorcycle, what are you going to do to pick up the bride? You want my son to be embarrassed and die ah!"

"Just wait and see! He said he would come back before getting married!" The man squatted on the ground and buried his head in his arms.

The woman kicked him hard: "Wait, wait, wait! You know how to wait! What if you don't come back? Are you going to wait at this intersection every day until you die of old age? Will your son not get married?"

While the two people were arguing, a black spot appeared at the end of the path in the distance.

The man raised his head, squinted his eyes, and said to himself, "Is he here?"

The woman said: "Come on! Just dream!"

Although it was already dusk, the road was still steaming hot in the summer, making it difficult to see things in the distance.

The black spots slowly grew larger, passing through the distorted heat, becoming more real. Not long after, you can hear the sound of motorcycles taking off.

"It looks like a motorcycle!" The man stood up and put up an awning to look at.

"It's a motorcycle, it's your motorcycle!" The woman still didn't believe it.

It wasn't until the brakes squeaked and Aoki stopped the motorcycle steadily in front of them that the man laughed ecstatically. He smiled very happily, even happier than when he bought the motorcycle.

He grinned and said to his mother-in-law: "Look! I said he will come back! I said I won't be mistaken about the person!"

The woman glared at him: "Look how happy you are, as if this motorcycle was given to you!"

Aoki returned the motorcycle to the man, then rummaged around in his windbreaker pocket, took out many stacks of U.S. dollars, neatly stacked them on the motorcycle seat, and said, "Your son will get married next month." Right? The motorcycle is old, why don’t you buy a new one?"

The men and women looked dumbfounded. They had never seen so many dollars. In this small border village, buying a motorcycle worth 500,000 kyats is enough to get married. The dollars on the motorcycle may be wealth they will never earn in their lifetime.

The woman slapped the man on the ear: "You are stupid! Why don't you thank me quickly!"

The man woke up from the shock, and turned to look with the woman. The strange man had already held the hands of four little girls, lined up in a row, clapped his hands and sang a song towards the northern border:

"Our motherland is a garden, and the flowers in the garden are so bright... Wahaha, Wahaha... Everyone has a smile on their face..."

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the Nangou River, lighting up a red sparkling light. Several waterbirds flew back and forth on the water, and the quiet and beautiful border scenery of southern Yunnan was clearly visible.

Shi Dazhuang stood by the river, but he was not in the mood to appreciate the scenery. He walked anxiously along the river bank, picking up his binoculars from time to time to look at the other side.

Peng Jiahu leaned on the river beach and played with his gun, hitting the rocks on the river beach with the butt of his gun.

A policeman ran over: "Captain Shi, Captain Peng, it's almost time to go back. We can just stay here and guard."

Peng Jiahu said angrily: "We are not allowed to cross the river, and we are not allowed to wait here!"

In fact, he and Shi Dazhuang had discussed it. Tonight, he would take advantage of the darkness of the night to go there in casual clothes, go to Maxu Dam and have a good time and make a fuss about it! If the beauty cannot be saved, the old face will not come back alive.

But Director Yan seemed to have seen through their thoughts and sent special police to watch them.

The special police officer said helplessly: "Captain Peng, we are also following orders."

We were all traveling together, so of course Peng Jiahu knew they were in trouble, so he just snorted and stopped talking.

At this time, a helicopter flew over and parked in the open space beside the river beach.

Seeing Director Yan get off the plane, Shi Dazhuang and Peng Jiahu hurried over to salute.

"I know you are determined not to give up." Director Yan shook his head and said, "We have just received news that a large-scale armed conflict has occurred in Maxu Dam. It is likely that Wu Sotun's mortal enemy is fighting with him. The superiors have agreed that we should go to rescue him. Man, this is also a great opportunity to capture U Soe Tun and Muka.”

"Really?" Shi Dazhuang and Peng Jiahu looked at each other with joy.

Director Yan nodded solemnly: "But one thing is that you cannot bring any documents or any of our standard equipment. After crossing the river, someone will pick you up, and the time is only tonight."


At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "Strict Bureau, Captain Shi, Captain Peng, look!"

They followed the sound and saw a bamboo raft on the other side slowly heading this way. There is a man standing on the bamboo raft, holding a bamboo pen in his hand, and his windbreaker is fluttering in the wind like a flag.

In front of him, four little girls sat in two rows, pointing and laughing.

"Master! It's Teacher Aoki who's back! I saw a beauty!" Peng Jiahu shouted while holding a telescope.

Shi Dazhuang's chest heaved violently, and suddenly his throat felt sweet, and a mouthful of blood surged up and spurted out with a puff, but his tense face finally relaxed and smiled...

Thanks to Hengfeng, Shi Xinxin, Qian Yu Xiang Yi, Nangong Tu, and Qingtong Under the Flowers for their rewards. There will be another update tonight, around 11 o'clock

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