Dream Guide

Chapter 2 Mistakenly pretending to be the Duke of Zhou, it’s a waste of time

"What is your name?"


"What's your last name? Tell me your full name."

"My name is Qingmu. The surname is Qing, which means youthful Qing. The surname ranks 608th among the hundreds of surnames. He is a descendant of the Qingyang family and comes from Xingyang..." Qingmu took out his ID card while counting his family treasures.

The policeman took the ID card suspiciously and looked him up and down a few more times: "Petition or report? This is the criminal investigation detachment, petitioning is not our responsibility."


"Professor Mei from Sanwu University introduced me here. I'm looking for a captain here. I think his last name is Shi... um... Shi... Shi..."

The policeman secretly wiped the sweat from his forehead, picked up the phone and dialed a number: "There's someone out there who is seeking death... Captain Shi, he said he was introduced by some university professor... His name is Aoki... He's... OK."

After the police hung up the phone, he returned his ID card to Aoki and asked him to sit on the bench in the reception room and wait.

Not long after, a young policewoman in police uniform came over, looked around and asked, "Where is Teacher Aoki?"

The previous police officer pointed at Aoki: "That's him."

The policewoman opened her mouth in surprise at first, and then burst into laughter.

Probably aware of her impoliteness, she quickly put away her smile, stretched out her hand and said, "Hello, Criminal Investigation Team Hu Xing."

"Hello, I'm Aoki." Aoki shook hands with her and found that her hands were soft, not like a policeman's hands at all.

"Come with me." Hu Xing led Qingmu to the upstairs of the police station and said as he walked, "A male body was found in the garbage street. Our team history is going to the scene. Let me receive you first."

"Oh, garbage street?" Aoki said casually, "Does your captain have to go to any case in person?"

"That's not true. It's just that there have been many related cases recently. Captain Shi was worried, so he went to see for himself." After Hu Xing finished explaining, she looked at him sideways, "Are you Professor Mei's... student?"


Hu Xing was surprised: "Professor Mei is an authority in psychology. His friends must also be experts, right?"

Aoki could tell that the female police officer in front of him didn't quite trust him.

He smiled and said, "Professor Mei and I have a purely personal relationship and have no academic relationship."

Hu Xing took him to the office, poured him tea, and asked, "What are you good at?"

"Dream Interpretation."

"Dream interpretation?" Wu Xing thought he was joking, "We don't need a Duke of Zhou!"

"Oh, fortune telling, fortune telling, fortune telling, picking a name, etc. are all fine." Aoki took out a crumpled business card from his pants pocket and handed it to Hu Xing, "Well, catching ghosts and eliminating evil spirits. We also take jobs like private detectives, but they are a bit more expensive.”

Hu Xing took the business card stupidly, with a face full of sweat...

"Uh... Well, you sit down first, I'll go out for a while."

Qingmu saw Hu Xing take out her mobile phone to make a call when she went out, as if she was talking to someone: "Is there a mistake? Isn't he a liar?"

After waiting for about twenty minutes, Aoki felt really bored, so he walked to the corridor, leaned against the window, took out a Paramount cigarette, put it in his mouth, and struck a match...

The long sound of the match "click" has not yet dissipated, and before the light of the fire has had time to touch the cigarette butt, it was blown out by a sudden gust of wind.

"No smoking allowed in the office area!" Wu Xing put her hands on her hips and blew, grabbing the cigarette and matches and preparing to throw them into the trash can.

"My matches!" Aoki felt a little distressed.

"What age are you still using matches, you're such an antique!" Hu Xing said, throwing away the matches and waving her hand grandly, "I'll buy you a lighter later."

Aoki scratched his head in embarrassment. Hu Xing couldn't help but laugh when she saw his appearance and said, "Okay, okay, Team Shi is back. He's in the interrogation room. Let's go there quickly."

When Aoki walked into the interrogation monitoring room, he recognized the criminal investigation captain Shi Dazhuang among the many police officers at a glance.

This man has a pair of eagle-like eyes, a straight and strong figure and a serious face that exudes a sense of righteousness. No matter how dark the place, he can give people a sense of security.

"This is our team history, and this is Mr. Aoki." Hu Xing introduced.

"Hello, I am Shi Dazhuang."


Shi Dazhuang's hands were covered with calluses, which were acquired from years of practicing holding guns. And Aoki's hands are fair and slender, like a natural pianist.

When the two hands were held together, Shi Dazhuang used force as a habit, and then felt the power coming from the bones of Aoki's fingers.

He instinctively felt that this was not the hand of an ordinary person, at least not the hand of an ordinary scholar engaged in psychological research.

"Smoking?" Shi Dazhuang took out a crumpled cigarette from the soft cigarette box and handed it over.

Aoki took the cigarette, straightened it with his fingers, glanced at Hu Xing, and said with a smile: "Someone is not allowed to smoke!"

Hu Xing quickly explained: "There are regulations in the office area upstairs."

Shi Dazhuang lit the lighter, held the flame with both hands and sent it to Qingmu. He glared at Hu Xing again: "Where do you get so many rules!"

Hu Xing muttered: "There are rules!"

Aoki held a cigarette in his mouth and tilted his head to light the fire, his face facing the coated SLR glass that separated the interrogation room. Beyond the glass is where suspects are interrogated.

"What case?"

"Stealing and selling human organs." Shi Dazhuang lit a cigarette for himself, "Well, Xiao Hu, please introduce the case to Teacher Aoki."

"Oh." Hu Xing agreed, brushing away the smoke in front of her eyes with disgust, "There are three victims found so far, all of them are male...ahem..."

“Two of them were knocked unconscious when they went to book a room with netizens. When they woke up, they found themselves lying in a bathtub filled with ice water. There was a mobile phone beside the bathtub and words written in lipstick on the bathroom mirror. An eye-catching line:

‘Your kidneys will fail sooner or later, so it’s better to give them to someone more useful. Call 120. Don’t stand up in a hurry until the doctor comes. ’

Later, it was discovered that there was a 20-centimeter wound on each of their backs. After simple sutures, the hospital confirmed that their left kidneys had been removed using very professional techniques. "

"How about it? Does it sound familiar?" Shi Dazhuang said with a wry smile.

"This method of stealing kidneys came from an American movie script, and later became a social rumor, especially on the Internet, where it was spread to such an extent that it once caused panic among netizens. For this reason, the American Kidney Foundation, the Chinese Red Cross and The relevant personnel have refuted the rumors.”

"The relevant personnel here include—me!" Shi Dazhuang pointed to his head.

"But now, this kind of thing actually happened in my jurisdiction! Under my nose, something that I had refuted happened. I feel like a fucking idiot!"

The more Shi Dazhuang talked, the angrier he became, and he stubbed out the unfinished cigarette in the ashtray.

"Is this guy inside doing it?" Aoki asked, pointing at the glass.

Sitting on the interrogation chair behind the glass was a man wearing a pair of glasses. He was polite, depressed but calm.

"Although the method of committing the crime is strange, it is not clever. It is a hotel and ice. This case should not be difficult to solve, right?" Aoki said.

Shi Dazhuang nodded: "His name is Zhao Pengcheng, a surgeon at the No. 1 City Hospital. Judging from the evidence currently available, it is certain that he did the case, but this kid refused to explain and has not said a word since he came in. Our pre-trial experts couldn’t do anything about him, and the superiors were pressing for help, so we thought of asking Professor Mei from Wuhan University for help.”

"Can't we get zero confession?"

"For such a big case, what's the use of arresting him? If I don't uncover his subordinates and the chain of organ trafficking, I won't be able to solve the case at all!" Shi Dazhuang said angrily.

"Fortunately, no murder occurred!" Aoki sighed.

Hu Xing coughed lightly: "Ahem... Well, Teacher Aoki, there is a third victim."

"That man was originally a wealthy businessman. He was admitted to the hospital because of encephalitis. He was later diagnosed as a vegetative state and his organs were removed in the hospital. But he was not so lucky. Not only were his kidneys removed, but his liver and brain were also removed. "

"Because the operation was performed very delicately and the victim himself was in a vegetative state, the family members did not notice any abnormalities at first and just thought he was dead. If the deceased's daughter did not come back from abroad to personally groom him, this case might never have been discovered. No."

What a strange case!

Qingmu patted Shi Dazhuang's shoulder gently and expressed sympathy for him. The facts of this case have not been announced yet. Once they are announced, the social impact will definitely be bad.

In such a vicious case, if there is no meritorious performance, the death penalty will definitely be imposed. Why are you not willing to recruit someone else?

How much money can you make by selling a few organs? What reason would a highly educated surgeon have for doing this?

Aoki always felt that something was wrong, and suddenly turned around and asked Hu Xing: "What did you just say? Brain? Why did he take away people's brains?"

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