Dream Guide

Chapter 310 Prison Computer Room

The heavy shackles dragged on the hard ground, making a clanging sound. The musty smell of summer has not yet dissipated, and the damp corridor has become extremely cold. The early north wind blew in through the square hole on the top of the corridor wall, blowing on Zhao Pengcheng's thin body, making him shiver with cold.

Although winter coats have been issued in the prison, only the coat is required, regardless of what you wear underneath. The clothes and pants were very thin and could not withstand the cold winter. Zhao Pengcheng had no family to send him cotton clothes and pants, and he had no money to buy them. The guards reported his situation, and as a rule, he could get help. The prison leaders read Zhao Pengcheng's materials and knew that he was a cultural man and had once been an excellent surgeon, so they asked him to write an application for assistance and a confession material.

This kind of thing is a great opportunity for a prisoner who is serving his sentence. If he is asked to write a confession material, it often means that his sentence can be reduced. If the material is well written, he will be regarded as a model in the prison and receive many preferential treatment conditions.

Zhao Pengcheng is a top student and has worked in a large hospital for so many years. It is easy for him to write a paper, let alone a confession material. But he was reluctant to do it. Repent? What sin do you regret? And he didn't care much about whether his sentence would be commuted. How many more years will it take to lose weight? It's just a reprieve from death.

The guard was anxious and angry when he saw his attitude, and scolded him with a bit of hatred: "Is it so difficult to just type a few words on the computer?"

When Zhao Pengcheng heard that he could use a computer to write materials, his attitude changed 180 degrees on the spot and he readily agreed. So he followed the guard, dragging the heavy shackles, through the corridor he had never walked before, and walked towards the prison's computer room.

The computer room is newly built. Wuzhong Prison is piloting reforms to keep the prison up to date, allow prisoners to receive modern education, and allow qualified prisoners to use computers to study. Unlike the audio-visual classrooms of the past, where prisoners are generally not allowed to operate the equipment, and even if the operations are done strictly according to the procedures, the computer room is a place where prisoners can use computers independently.

According to the prison's plan, in the future, reform-through-labor can also engage in work in this area, instead of blindly sewing buttons and sewing clothes. For example, let prisoners engage in game competitions, write novels, be a gunman, post posts, etc. It is said that in some places Already doing this.

Once the computer room is built, it cannot be wasted. Rich prisoners can also spend money to buy computer time, just like an Internet cafe. Of course, the prison's computer room cannot access the external network at will, but can only access the prison's internal network. The speed of the intranet is very slow. Except for some video and text materials on legal education that are made public, we can only brag and exchange reform experiences on the internal forum. But this is it, and everyone is happy with it. As for secretly playing Minesweeper and Super Mario on the machine in the corner, that is another very profound knowledge of computers and life.

Zhao Pengcheng walked into the computer room and saw a few people sitting there. The computer room was guarded by special prison guards. The guards explained to the guards a few words and then left. The prison guard took Zhao Pengcheng to a computer, asked him to sit down, and asked:

"Can you use a computer?"

"Yes." Zhao Pengcheng nodded.

The prison guard said: "You are writing materials. You didn't pay for the Internet. You can only write materials and not do anything else. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, instructor." Zhao Pengcheng agreed and turned on the computer skillfully. While he was waiting for the computer to be turned on, he casually asked, "Can the Internet be accessed here?"

He thought that the prison guard would not answer or would reprimand him impatiently. Unexpectedly, the prison guard was very patient and said kindly: "Yes, as long as you pay, you can access it, but you can only access the intranet."

"How much does it cost?"

"Fifty bucks an hour."

The blue progress bar on the monitor finally finished and we entered the familiar Windows desktop. Although the desktop was very clean with only two icons, it still felt familiar.

"It costs several hundred yuan for the first half of the day, which is a bit expensive!" Zhao Peng said while operating on the computer.

The prison guard was not annoyed at all, and said with a smile: "Then it will only take so long for your discipline to let you out!"

Zhao Pengcheng thought about it and stopped asking any more questions. Instead, he created a new wps document and started writing an application report and confession materials.

The prison guard saw that he was very proficient in computer operation and seemed to have no intention of paying for Internet access. He explained a few words and walked away.

Zhao Pengcheng wrote his materials very seriously, typing word by word, stopping to think for a while from time to time. At the beginning, the prison guard came over from time to time to take a look. Later, there were too many words on the document, so he simply didn't bother to come over and read it.

Originally, the application for relief of winter clothing and a confession document would only take two or three pages, but Zhao Pengcheng was in no rush to complete it.

He is waiting.

Although he actually didn't know what he was waiting for.

Every detail of the meeting with Qingmu still lingers in Zhao Pengcheng's mind. Having lived in two lives, he can no longer figure out who he is and which world is real. Who is he now, who he was in the past, who he was in dreams, who was in dreams within dreams, and who he was before he became Zhao Pengcheng? Which one is the real him?

Zhao Pengcheng agreed to Aoki's cooperation proposal. The moment the prison guard fell to the ground and died, he could no longer look back.

Of course, cooperation does not mean that he is a traitor and must help mankind. He has his plan. Now, he has learned to hide his thoughts, telling neither humans nor the organization.

As for Aoki, he thought that since it was cooperation, he should tell him selectively. At least there must be an equivalent exchange. Of course, he understands that with Aoki's strength, there is little chance that he will be equal to the opponent, but he believes in him. Moreover, it is precisely because he has such a powerful partner that he has the confidence to fight against other powerful beings and think about things that he would never dare to think about.

Zhao Pengcheng is now more and more able to understand Aoki and what he said - the world is a mystery, and they live to solve the mystery, not to live for a certain race.

Under the circumstances at that time, although they reached a consensus on cooperation intentions, they did not have time to discuss specific plans. Aoki only gave him some vague hints, such as ways to contact him in the future. That's fine, Zhao Pengcheng has his own ideas and doesn't want to be controlled by others.

Just when his material reached the fifth line of page five, something strange happened.

The cursor on the WPS document suddenly flashed, and then text began to be entered automatically. Zhao Pengcheng was very sure that he was paused and thinking at that time, and his fingers did not touch the keyboard.

At first, he thought there was something wrong with the computer. However, when those automatically entered words formed the first complete sentence, he immediately realized what was happening.

He quickly put his hands back on the keyboard, moved his fingers left and right, and pretended to be typing on the keyboard as the text on the document increased.

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