Dream Guide

Chapter 311 Human-machine whispers

Pretending to glance at the prison guards in the distance, Zhao Pengcheng saw two prison guards chatting and didn't pay attention. He glanced at the camera facing him out of the corner of his eye to make sure that the camera would not capture the entire screen. Relax.

He suddenly felt a little funny, and he felt like a thief, as if he was a candidate cheating in the examination room. Even when he was killing someone with a scalpel, he had never been so nervous.

There was already a long paragraph of automatically entered text on the document, and the cursor stopped, but the text was obviously not finished in terms of context.

Zhao Pengcheng was curious, how on earth was this done? Could it be that Aoki's mental power can control a remote computer through the network?

No, it's impossible!

Zhao Pengcheng quickly rejected this idea. If that were the case, Aoki would not be a human at all, but a god. God would not use such boring methods to communicate with him. If God doesn't like anyone, he can throw them into the VY Canis Major star. Maybe they can catch a supernova explosion and roast them with gamma rays, which is just in line with God's taste.

Thinking of this, Zhao Pengcheng couldn't help but think of the time when he experienced another parallel world, the cryogenic laboratory of the underground resistance organization. He couldn't help but wonder, could a pure consciousness withstand the extreme environment of the material world? For example, temperatures close to absolute zero or high temperatures inside stars.

Since Aoki is not God, the only possibility is that he used some special means such as computer viruses to invade the prison system. This was a reasonable explanation, and it also made Zhao Pengcheng feel a little calmer. Otherwise, no matter how calm he was, it would be difficult to imagine himself cooperating with a guy as strong as God.

The document on the screen remains unchanged.

Why stopped? Did the guy opposite go to the toilet?

Zhao Pengcheng had an idea and immediately typed a few words:

Are you waiting for my answer?

The cursor moved again, and wps automatically popped up two words without any human operation:


Zhao Pengcheng became excited and continued typing:

"You hacked into the system here?"

"No, strictly speaking it's not an invasion, I'm just here to hang out."

"Aren't you afraid of being discovered by them? The control here is very strict and the system is very advanced."

"Don't worry, they don't have the ability yet."

"How did you know I would come on the plane today? To be honest, I didn't even know."

"My brother told me."

"Your brother?" Zhao Pengcheng raised his head and glanced at the prison guard not far away, then thought of his discipline, and finally shook his head.

"I told my brother to let me know as soon as there is any news about you. I wasn't sure if it was you just now, until you wrote such a long confession material. It's well written, brother, it's very promising!"

"..." Zhao Pengcheng had a dark look on his face, what kind of joke is this guy kidding at this time! It doesn't sound like Aoki's tone at all!

Could it be that it wasn't Aoki but someone else who was testing him? He suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

"Why are you looking for me?" He typed the question carefully.

"It's nothing, just help my teacher give you a few words."

This conversation lasted for about ten minutes. To be cautious, Zhao Pengcheng deleted it while typing. Ten minutes later, he began to continue writing his confession.

When his supervisor came back, Zhao Pengcheng had already written the application form and the confession letter. The guard asked him to upload it to a designated location on the system, and asked the prison guard in the computer room to help print it out.

With the printed manuscript in hand, the guards took Zhao Pengcheng back to the prison cell. The shackles clattered in the long, cold corridor, and the sunlight shot out from the square hole high in the wall, slanting on the opposite wall, pulling up beams of bright light bridges in the air, adding to the cold and damp atmosphere. The aisle adds a bit of warmth.

Zhao Pengcheng looked up and from the direction of the sunlight, he roughly judged the direction of the corridor and the location of the prison computer room. There are several square holes that cast light with shadows, silhouettes of branches and barbed wire on the wall. There was a smile on his lips, and he silently counted the steps under his feet.

The confession was written very seriously, and Zhao Pengcheng was somewhat confident in his writing style. Composition writing has been his strength since he was a child. If it hadn't been for the influence of his sister's illness, he might have applied for the literature major in the college entrance examination.

A former high-ranking intellectual, a promising surgeon, now a murderer, and a sinner who had a close brush with death. The confession written with a very pious heart of repentance and a very infectious writing style will definitely touch people. Nerves for some people. After seeing this, the leaders of the prison will definitely publicize him as a model, which will be of great benefit to the ideological reform of prisoners and the improvement of the image of the prison.

During the few days of waiting for the news, Zhao Pengcheng got up, washed, went to exercises, and worked as usual, and his life was very regular.

Although felons are closely guarded, their jobs are relatively stable because they serve long sentences, and they won't do this today and that tomorrow.

People like Zhao Pengcheng who have certain cultural knowledge or technical level will be assigned jobs with relatively high technical content. Zhao Pengcheng was assigned to solder PCB circuit boards, which are common green plastic boards like computer motherboards. His task is to solder resistors, capacitors, transistors and other components to the printed circuit board according to the drawings.

In the prison, the division of labor is very clear, and the management is much stricter than in ordinary small workshops.

A circuit board is usually completed by many people. First, someone sorts out all the required components according to the requirements of the drawing, and then divides the work according to different components. Some people are responsible for resistors, some are responsible for capacitors, some are responsible for diodes, etc. These components are inserted into the corresponding parts of the PCB board as shown in the drawing. hole. After everything is plugged in, the board will be passed to the person responsible for welding, and the components will be soldered using electric welding.

Then, someone will check the welded board again according to the drawing to see if there are any errors. If there are no errors, the board will be passed to the test team. The tester tests the circuit board that has installed components. After the test, if there are no problems, it will be packaged. If there is a problem, the previous process will be returned to find out which link the problem is. The prison guard responsible for management will record it and deduct points for the whole group and the individual.

Such strict division of labor and quality control will greatly increase the labor cost of the product, but in prison, the most valuable thing is people, so what small factories outside can't do can be done in prison.

The prisoners also work very conscientiously and rarely make mistakes, because if they do, they will be severely punished, such as being transferred to make shoes or even going into the mines.

Although Zhao Pengcheng studied medicine, he was good at mathematics, physics, chemistry and computers. He could understand the drawings of simple circuit boards at a glance, and he could even guess where they were used.

The prison authorities soon discovered his talent and made him the leader of the quality inspection team, responsible for checking the last step. Sometimes he also had to deal with people from the factory who came to inspect.

A few days later, the winter clothes he applied for were sent out, a thick cotton coat and a pair of thin cotton trousers. The cotton trousers were very thin, not because the prison was stingy, but because Zhao Pengcheng was shackled, and the trousers were too thick to fit through the slits of the shackles. The prison guards will not come and remove your shackles just because you need to change your pants.

The clothes problem was solved, but there was no news at all about Zhao Pengcheng's eloquent confession.

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