Dream Guide

Chapter 313 Prison Break 1

This man's name is Howard, and he is Zhao Pengcheng's one-line contact. After Zhao Pengcheng accepted the special mission, Howard became the only person in the organization that he could contact. The dream corridor was also granted to him by Howard, and the other end of the corridor was connected to Howard's dream space. After Zhao Pengcheng was imprisoned, Howard closed the connection at the other end of the corridor and stopped contacting him. He didn't know why he suddenly appeared today.

Even though Zhao Pengcheng had tried his best to restrain himself, Howard could tell at a glance that his mental strength was stronger than before. The phrase "Human prison conditions are good" was obviously a joke, and his progress obviously attracted the other party's attention.

Zhao Pengcheng didn't want Howard to know that he had received guidance from humans, saying, "It's the same everywhere. Only humans can affect their own spirits because of the good or bad environment."

Howard said: "Very good, you are not affected by humans. Many of our comrades have been affected by the host's body and memory, causing fluctuations in thoughts and affecting their mental strength. The leader is very worried."

Zhao Pengcheng said: "Has this happened before?"

Howard said: "Who knows, when human civilization is over, we will be gone and these things will not remain in our memories."

Zhao Pengcheng said: "We have no memory."

Howard said: "Yes, we have no memory, because we don't need to rely on memory to pass on civilization like humans. Moreover, just because you and I have no memory, it doesn't mean that the entire race has no memory."

Zhao Pengcheng said: "Are you talking about the leader?"

Howard smiled, not knowing whether he wanted to say it or not. He stopped talking about memory and said, "You completed the task very well, which proves that the organization did not choose the wrong person."

"Everyone is the same. Anyone chosen by the organization can do well."

"Very good, your will is as hard as steel, and your strength is also very strong, at least much stronger than the last time I saw you, which shows that you have potential. The organization will not give up on talents like you."

Zhao Pengcheng didn't know how much Howard saw, and hoped that he wouldn't see through his full strength. I reacted quickly enough just now. If Howard saw the scalpel, the abnormal fluctuations left on the knife would definitely arouse suspicion. He felt that he should learn more about how to hide his strength in the future. It would be great if he could look harmless like Aoki.

"Is there a new mission?"

"There will be." Howard said, "But I'm not here to assign you tasks today. I'm here to tell you, preserve your strength, the organization has not given up on you."

Zhao Pengcheng felt that there was something in Howard's words and asked, "Teacher, please tell me if you have anything to say."

Howard nodded and said: "Something happened and our access to the earth was blocked. We will probably have to fight alone for a long time to come."

"You mean... our other comrades will never come to this planet again?" Zhao Pengcheng was a little surprised.

"It's just temporary," Howard said.

Zhao Pengcheng understood that since Howard specifically mentioned this matter, it would not be short-lived for the time being.

“How many of our people are there already on the planet?

"Only the leader knows the specific number. Anyway, compared with the total population of the earth, it is pitifully small."

"But we should have controlled a large number of important people. Among the human population on earth, 5% of the people control 95% of the world's wealth, and power is more concentrated than wealth." Zhao Pengcheng tried. Said, "As long as you control these five percent of people, you can control the earth."

"You're right, but five percent is also a big number!" Howard sighed.

Zhao Pengcheng thought about it and thought it was true. Five percent is 380 million people, which is already more than the total population of the United States. The channel for invading humans is not stable, and not many can come at once. After entering the earth, they still have to look for opportunities for parasitism. After parasitism, there is a high possibility of failure. The consciousness of the people on earth is also very strong, especially those scientists and soldiers, whose willpower is unparalleled, but it is easier for politicians and businessmen to break through. But there are always some outstanding politicians and wealthy people with strong willpower who will have accidents, leaving them helpless. It is said that Mr. Xia of Wuzhong has always been the target of the organization's attention. Zhao Pengcheng does not know whether the famous old man has become his "comrade".

"Then what's our next strategy?" he asked.

"Biding the moment."

"How long do we have to wait?"

"It won't take long, with the leader here, the door will be reopened soon." Howard said, "But before that, we need to preserve our strength and unite as much as possible to disintegrate mankind and seize resources. The only thing we have to worry about is , just don’t be discovered and eliminated by human scientists.”

Zhao Pengcheng seized the opportunity and said tentatively: "I really want to fight with the leader. It would be great if I could attend the organization's gathering. Are there any of our people in the prison?"

"Except you, the only comrade in this prison has died." Howard narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhao Pengcheng, an undetectable spiritual energy spreading from his eyes.

Zhao Pengcheng knew that Howard was talking about the prison guard who died under his knife, but he couldn't admit it. And Howard's mental strength came over him like dark clouds before a storm, making him very depressed. He knew that if Howard's mental power was stronger than his own, then in the dream world, his consciousness and memory would be invisible. All things would be remembered in his mind, even things that happened in the dream. , such as the meeting with Aoki and the knife shot at the prison guard, will be known to Howard.

So he must resist.

Fortunately, Howard's mental strength didn't seem to be stronger than his. Maybe he didn't fully explode. He seemed just a little suspicious. And Zhao Pengcheng's mental power was indeed much stronger than before. He pretended to be surprised and shouted:

"Sacrifice? How could you sacrifice?"

Howard put away his mental power and said: "We should have met a master of human cultivation. The leader has long discovered that the biggest threat to us from human beings is not the scientists, but a very small number of special groups of people who pay great attention to spiritual cultivation."

"Fortunately, there are not many people like this." Howard continued, "We must pay special attention to people like this in the future. If you find one, you must report it to the organization in time and don't provoke them rashly. In the prison where you are, Maybe such people exist.”

"I know, I will pay attention." Zhao Pengcheng said, "But teacher, can I leave here? Although you don't say it, I know that the passage is closed and I am alone and waiting for the opportunity, which means that I will probably be in prison. Stay for a lifetime.”

"Well..." Howard muttered, "After all, there's nothing you can do here. But it's not easy to get out! It's very troublesome to rehabilitate your charges. Although we can use the power of high-level officials, it would be too easy to be exposed."

Zhao Pengcheng said: "If the organization agrees, there is no need to use the power of senior officials."

Howard asked curiously: "What do you think?"

"Prison break." Zhao Pengcheng said.

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