Dream Guide

Chapter 314 Prison Break 2

Escape from prison is not an easy task, and stories like The Shawshank Redemption can only happen in novels.

First of all, in China, the average prisoner has no chance to live in a cell alone, or to put a celebrity poster on the wall to cover the hole you dug; secondly, you cannot live in the same cell for decades. The prison will usually change you to another cell block every few years based on your performance and sentence reduction; you can't use a small hammer to dig through modern reinforced concrete walls, and there are cameras in the prison cell, so you won't sleep well at night , you will be discovered immediately, and you will probably not even have the right to sleep for a few days.

Finally, and most importantly, it is better to spend twenty years digging a passage from the prison cell to escape than to serve a good sentence in prison. Even if it is indefinite, if you behave well, you will be able to get out in twenty years.

Wuzhong Prison has twelve prison districts, and each prison district has several prison cells. Only the prison guard in charge can open the prison door. After exiting the prison door, you have to pass through a door to enter the prison area. The gate of the prison area is more strictly guarded. After exiting the gate of the prison area, you enter the work area, where there are heavily armed police on duty.

Starting from the prison building, you have to pass through six gates at the fastest before you can actually leave the prison. Among them, the two doors of the prison building and the two outermost doors are designed with AB doors, that is, these doors can only be opened in sequence and cannot be opened at the same time. If you want to open door B, you must wait until door A is closed. And there are cameras and electronic sirens all along the way. With such tight defense, it is simply impossible to force a jailbreak.

According to Howard's idea, the risk of escaping from prison is too great. If it is not possible, it is better to abandon the current human body and find a new parasite. Zhao Pengcheng believed that the process of transfer parasitism was too complicated, and the cost of discarding all current memories would be too high. What's more, parasitism is not always successful. Now that humans are alert, parasitism is more difficult than in the past. The most troublesome thing is that now we can't even find a cat that can overshoot the consciousness.

In the following days, Howard would come to Zhao Pengcheng's dream almost every night to discuss the details of the jailbreak with him. Zhao Pengcheng showed some improvement in his mental power intentionally or unintentionally, which shocked Howard for a time. Of course, he would not be so stupid as to reveal all his strength.

Howard discovered the progress of Zhao Pengcheng's spiritual power. For pure consciousness beings like them, strong spiritual power means strong vitality, and the higher his status in the organization will be. Zhao Pengcheng is Howard's downline, and to a certain extent, he can also be said to be his student. Of course, he hopes to have an outstanding student.

If he were to be parasitized again, regardless of the success rate, Zhao Pengcheng's current achievements in mental improvement would probably be reduced to zero. Howard also felt it was a pity, so despite the high risk, he agreed to Zhao Pengcheng's escape plan and promised him organizational help.

During the day, Zhao Pengcheng worked as usual. I don’t know why, but the orders sent by the electronics factory during this period were very unstable. They were either very empty, or they had to work overtime until late at night, which made the inmates complain.

As long as he works overtime, Zhao Pengcheng is always the last one to leave, because he has to inspect with the factory and help load the cars. After going back and forth, he has become quite familiar with the factory's inspectors and drivers.

There is finally news about Zhao Pengcheng's confession. The guard took him to see the instructor, who then took him to see the deputy political commissar. The political commissar took his confession and asked him a few questions, and taught him some general principles. Finally, he said that it was good, that the confession was well written, and that if he reformed well, his future would be bright.

In this way, Zhao Pengcheng came back after being praised for some reason.

A few days later, the guard came to him again and said that his confession was well written and asked him if he would be willing to help other inmates. He asked how to help. The prison guard said that in order to improve the level of modern management and the cultural quality of prisoners, the prison will gradually replace traditional paper documents with electronic ones. The most important thing now is training. However, the prison has insufficient manpower. With so many prison areas, there is only one training specialist. Other prison guards have their own responsibilities, so some prisoners with relatively high ideological awareness and cultural level will be selected to assist in the work.

Zhao Pengcheng readily agreed. So he began to spend half a day every day in the computer room to assist the training specialist in teaching inmates who had to write confessions or reports or apply for first-class documents how to use computers and WPS. The training specialist only comes around once a day, just like a doctor doing rounds. But in fact, it's nothing. Zhao Pengcheng can handle it by himself, because the prison is cautious and only arranges for a few people to come for training at a time. And these people are not completely computer-savvy. They basically don't need to be taught typing or anything like that. They just do it. The cultural level is low and the ideological awareness is not enough. Someone needs guidance to improve the writing level.

Zhao Pengcheng felt that the prison authorities were not trying to improve the quality of the prison, but were cultivating a group of basic writers. As for what they were used for, he didn't know.

As a training assistant, Zhao Pengcheng certainly has the opportunity to use the computer alone. The prison guard in charge of the computer room would not stare at him like he did the first time, let alone pay attention to the contents of his documents.

However, Zhao Pengcheng is still very careful. He always types a long document before entering some text containing special information, hoping that the guy who automatically answers will appear. And that guy never let him down. They even invented a code word in tacit understanding, although he felt that it was completely unnecessary.

In the morning, I went to the computer room to work on the computer, in the afternoon I went to the construction site to work, and at night I was either dreaming or working overtime. This kind of life lasted for a while.

It was noticeably colder. Zhao Pengcheng found that the winter coat he applied for was still not enough. He was shivering from the cold every morning, especially the pants that were too thin. But there's nothing I can do about it. With the shackles on, I can't even wear thick pants.

He tentatively asked the guards if they could remove his shackles. The guard refused directly, saying that he should behave well, but it would be impossible to remove his shackles before his sentence was reduced.

Zhao Pengcheng had no choice but to give up. However, the problem with the shackles seriously hindered his escape plan. The iron chain, which weighed more than ten kilograms, not only made it difficult to walk fast, but also made clattering noises when walking.

One day, while he was working, the guard came to him and called him: "Zhao Pengcheng, follow me. Someone is here to see you."

Zhao Pengcheng immediately thought of Qingmu. He came to see him without any warning like this last time. But he immediately denied it. He had been using the computer in the computer room to communicate secretly, so it was impossible to come to see him suddenly.

He already knew that the guy behind the computer was called Ghost and he was from Aoki. Although he still doesn't know how this ghost got in touch with him, the method is indeed as elusive as a "ghost". Zhao Pengcheng can only understand that he is a super hacker.

He thought about Howard again, but it was impossible. If Howard wanted to see him, he could do so in his dream. The Dream Corridor is still there, so why bother looking for something far away? Moreover, the two of them had just met a few days ago.

Besides these two people, who else would come to see him?

A little curious and a little nervous, he came to the interview room and met Yu Jianguo.

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