Dream Guide

Chapter 340 Ancient Wizard

A temporary camp for the Maritime Search and Rescue Team and the United Nations Space Commission is set up on the island of Lapa, the administrative center of the Bass Islands. It was a very small island, covering an area of ​​less than fifty square kilometers, equivalent to the area of ​​a town near Wuzhong.

There is no airport on the island, so Aoki and the others had to fly to Tubuai Island first, and then take a boat to Lapa Island from there.

Although Tubuai Island does not have strict requirements for the entry of pets, it is still difficult to bring Coal Boss and Shenran from Auckland Airport.

Su Huilan got a private jet from somewhere. Now, the coal boss finally no longer had to spend his journey in a dark and closed cargo hold.

He has been jumping around since he got on the plane, sometimes jumping on the seat, sometimes flapping his wings against the glass and looking out the window. Even Shen Ran, who has been very sleepy recently, is also energetic and staring at the sunshine outside the window. Clouds of changing colors.

It wasn't until lunch was ready that they stopped to enjoy the fish steaks and salad.

"Oh, this is a plane!" Crow said excitedly.

Shen Ranze meowed twice in agreement, and then continued to chew her fish steak. It seemed that her symptoms of lethargy and lack of hunger were almost gone.

The facilities on the plane are all available, and the service staff are very professional. However, there are only four of them as passengers. To be precise, there are only two people, Qingmu and Su Huilan, with two pets.

"Where did you get the plane?" Aoki asked.

Su Huilan said: "New Zealand is a paradise for rich people. Rich people from all over the world are buying assets here, buying land, houses, and islands. Their reason is that it is far away from disputes between right and wrong. If a world war breaks out, New Zealand will probably be the only country to buy assets." A livable paradise that is unaffected. So don’t underestimate this island country, it is a place where many celebrities plan to live in seclusion for the rest of their lives.”

"Are you one of them?" Aoki suddenly felt that the woman in front of him had some magical powers.

"I don't have that much money. I just happened to meet an acquaintance who was traveling in Polynesia. His plane was going to pick him up and take us to Mataura first."

"So we're lucky?"

"Yes, great luck!"

As Su Huilan said, the plane dropped them off at Mataura Airport, filled up the tank with fuel, and flew towards Polynesia's Fa'a International Airport.

Su Huilan is holding an orange cat, and Aoki is holding a crow on his head. This combination arouses the attention of the local residents of Tubuai Island, especially Aoki's dress, which looks like an ancient wizard in the eyes of these indigenous people.

Su Huilan complained: "Look, you scared them. No one comes to promote hotels and car rental services."

Aoki saw a few people in the distance looking towards them again, pointing, wanting to come over but hesitating. When he looked towards them, they immediately turned away.

"The people on the island are relatively simple, but don't make them unhappy." Su Huilan said, "We need to rent a boat to go to Lapa Island."

Aoki asked: "Isn't there a special ferry to Lapa Island?"

The crow cried cheerfully: "It's good to rent a boat, it's good to rent a boat, you can rent a boat and travel freely!"

Su Huilan said: "If we don't rent a boat, what will we do after we get to Lapa Island? Just chat with other people in the camp? You can't rent a boat on Lapa Island, and there are less than 500 residents on that island. "

"You mean, we have to act alone?" Qingmu understood Su Huilan's intention, "It seems like we have to rent a larger boat."

At this time, a young man came over tentatively and glanced at Aoki. The crow croaked at him mischievously, startling him. He carefully took a few steps to the side, faced Su Huilan, and asked: "Madam, do you want to rent a car? I will take you around the entire island in one day for only one hundred and fifty US dollars."

Su Huilan said: "Don't think I don't know, there is only one ring road here."

The young man smiled coquettishly: "That's one hundred dollars. It really can't get any cheaper. The gasoline on the island is much more expensive than yours."

"Two hundred dollars." Su Huilan said suddenly.

"What?" The young man thought he heard wrongly.

Su Huilan explained: "Take me to see Petru."

The excitement just shown on the young man's face suddenly disappeared, and he waved his hands repeatedly: "Petru? He is a lunatic! I don't want to get close to his village. So, for fifty dollars, I will take you around the island, I guarantee you You won’t miss anything you should be watching.”

"No, I'm going to see Petru." Su Huilan emphasized.

The young man shook his head, turned around and left.

"Three hundred dollars." Su Huilan stood there and shouted calmly.

The young man's departure pace obviously slowed down, as if he was having a fierce ideological struggle. After a while, he turned back and asked, "Really three hundred dollars?"

Su Huilan conjured a one hundred dollar bill like a magic trick: "Deposit."

The young man grabbed the banknote, held it in his hand, and said fiercely: "Okay! The worst that can happen is that the lunatic will catch him and beat him up."

While the young man was driving, Aoki asked Su Huilan: "Who is this Petru? That guy looked very afraid of him."

Su Huilan said: "A pirate, known for his ferocity. There are many stories about him circulating in the Gulf of Aden. It is said that he once made a fool of the Asan family's warships. He was wanted by navies all over the world. Then he stopped and lived in seclusion. South Pacific.”

"He is wanted all over the world, but he can still live in seclusion here?"

"This is his skill. The islands in this area used to be French colonies, and now they are still under French administration. He was a soldier in France before becoming a pirate. If you think about the relationship, you will understand why he wants to hide. Come here.”

"How do you know this kind of person?"

"I don't know him, I just heard about him."

"What are we looking for him for?"

"He has a boat."

"On such a big island, is he the only one with a boat?"

"Not only does he have a boat, but he also knows the location of the islands better than a satellite map. Without a good guide, what do you think we can do at sea?"

The young man who had taken the money drove up in a convertible with an engine that sounded like a tractor.

"Hey, your car is really broken." Crow complained.

"It would be great to have a car in this damn place! This car was driven by my second uncle's boss when he got married. After his boss got rich, he bought a new car and gave the car to his son. Later, when his son got married, he also gave it to his son. I bought a new car and sold it to my second uncle. My second uncle died in a storm while fishing a few years ago, so this car belongs to me. It’s a bit old, but it still runs very fast... …”

As he was talking, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, so he looked back, and then he was startled and shouted in horror, "Oh my God, your bird can talk! Oh my God! It can talk!"

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