Dream Guide

Chapter 341 Tabu Taboo

The island of Tubuai is not large. The road around the island is only 30 kilometers long. There are some scattered villages along the way, ranging from dozens of households to three or two wooden houses. Most of these houses face the sea, which makes people think of the blooming flowers in spring and the idea of ​​becoming a happy person from tomorrow on.

When passing by the village, someone shouted to the young man driving: "Hey, Qiqika, business is good today!"

The young man laughed and responded: "Yes, yes, today is really good!"

They didn't speak English, but an extremely mixed language with a thick accent.

It sounded to Aoki like Malay at first, with some strangely pronounced French mixed in. However, the most amazing thing was that he actually understood it.

Of course, these local residents did not expect that guests from far away places would understand this less authentic Austronesian dialect, so they spoke unscrupulously.

"Where did these pigs come from? Why does that guy have a strange bird on his head?"

"I don't know, he looks like a Japanese, or a Chinese, maybe Mohammed, who knows!"

Qingmu looked at Su Huilan and saw that she was smiling but not smiling. He didn't know if she understood.

After a short detour on the ring road, the car turned onto a small road on the island, which was rugged and bumpy.

When passing a village, someone asked the young man: "Qiqika, where are you taking your guests? There is no road ahead!"

The young man said with a sad face: "They are going to Tab to find the crazy Petru."

The person who asked the question waved his arm: "Oh, madman!"

I don’t know whether he was talking about the pirate, or whether he was referring to the group of people who went looking for madmen as the real madmen.

As expected, there was no road ahead. Qiqika could only park the car at the end, then pointed to the jungle ahead and said, "You go up from here, I don't dare to go forward."

"How far is it from here?" Su Huilan asked.

Chichika said: "It's not far away. Through the forest in front, there is a hillside. If you climb over, you can see where Petru lives."

"How do I know you're not lying to us?"

"Oh, I swear to God, he's right there."

"It's no use swearing, I have to see someone."

"That madman has set traps around his house. After he catches you, he will find ways to torture you and make your life worse than death."

Su Huilan took out two US dollars, dangled them in front of Qiqika's eyes and said, "If you don't take us to the place, the remaining two hundred US dollars will be gone, and the one hundred US dollars you just took away will have to be returned." Me, because the ride is only worth fifty dollars.”

Chichika grinned and looked at the banknotes in front of her, and said, "Okay, okay, I'll take you through the woods until you see his house, but I don't dare to go up that hillside. I advise you not to go up either." You may be regarded as prey. You must know that on this island, private territory is not infringed. If you break into other people's territory, you will have to consider yourself unlucky if you are killed."

"Okay, as long as I can find Petru, but if you play any tricks..." Su Huilan glanced at Aoki, "My friend is no easier to talk to than Petru!"

Aoki had no choice but to make a face, pretending to be a cold and mysterious wizard. The crow on his head fully demonstrated its acting talent. At this time, its wings were half spread, its deep eyes were staring at Qiqika, its sharp beak stretched forward, and it made a pecking motion towards him. The crow on its neck The hair exploded with a bang, and an extremely terrifying scream came from his throat.

This cry is accompanied by spiritual power and goes straight into people's subconscious.

Chichika was really frightened. She shivered in the hot weather and her clothes were soaked with sweat on her back.

"Don't worry... I... I won't lie to you... I will definitely let you see Pe... Petru..." When he was nervous, not only did his voice tremble and stammer, but he also forgot to use English, and instead said He picked up the Austronesian dialect that he was better at.

Su Huilan smiled and said, "That's pretty much it."

Qiqika walked ahead tremblingly, leading Qingmu and Su Huilan into the woods.

This forest is not dense, at least the sunlight can still shine on the forest floor, but it looks very primitive and has a rotten smell.

Chichika used her hands to pull away the branches and vines in front of her, mumbling something as she walked.

Taking this opportunity, Aoki asked Su Huilan if she could understand the indigenous language here.

Su Huilan said: "They speak Polynesian. However, this language is very complex and is distributed on islands throughout the Pacific, including Polynesia, Hawaii, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc., with the northernmost end extending to Taiwan Province of my country. Within such a wide range , it is actually inaccurate to classify them as one language family, but there is indeed a strong correlation between their languages. What we just heard is the dialect of the Southern Islands in this language family, because Polynesia also has many People speak French, so it’s inevitable that some nondescript French words will be mixed in when they speak.”

Qingmu suddenly understood and secretly admired Su Huilan's erudition. Although I can understand other people's words, it's a bit baffling. Firstly, I don't know when I learned this language. Secondly, although I understand it, I don't understand it as thoroughly as Su Huilan.

However, he didn't tell Su Huilan that he could understand it. It was really hard to explain. Although Chichika kept a distance from him, she kept muttering curses at him and the coal boss above him. Aoki pretended not to understand and remained taciturn. In other people's eyes, he was evil anyway. wizard.

While Su Huilan listened, she looked at Qingmu from time to time and laughed secretly.

Chichika would avoid some roads that looked easy to walk and instead walk toward dense thorns or long grass.

He explained that except for some places on the island that are clean for tourists, other places are very primitive, infested with various poisonous insects and some poisonous plants. The natives on the island can easily distinguish these things, but outside visitors are often caught off guard, sometimes fatally.

Therefore, most people who travel to the island will organize a group and find a tour guide, who will be responsible for their safety. Qiqika is also a tour guide on the island, but he never takes tour groups. He only takes business from individual tourists, which gives him freedom and sometimes he can earn a lot of tips. He calls this personalized service.

After passing through a relatively dense section of the forest, the area in front seems to open up. The tall coconut trees cannot block people's sight. You can see a bare hillside in the distance. There are not a single tree on the slope, only a few trees. Low rocks were built there like trenches.

Chichika pointed to the hillside and said, "Climb over there and you'll find the place you're looking for."

Su Huilan asked: "What are those stones for?"

Chichika said: "Those are Tabu, temples established by our ancestors on the island. Tabu means taboo. According to the rules, we cannot enter the scope of Tabu, so I can only bring you here." ”

Seeing that Su Huilan didn't seem to want to pay, he walked a few steps to the right, pointed in another direction and said, "If you must see the house where Petru lives, then I can only go from We’ll go around Tab and take you there for a look, but you still have to come back and go uphill from here, because Petru occupies a canyon bay with cliffs on both sides, and this is the only way to go.”

As soon as he said this, Aoki heard a whooshing sound, followed by a bang, and Chichika fell to the ground.

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