Dream Guide

Chapter 379 Power and Wrangling

Since scientists all over the country have been assassinated, Mei Yiqiu has not left the laboratory for a long time. Even when he attended special meetings of the United Nations, he did so through online video.

The conference room was filled with white smoke. Mei Yiqiu liked this feeling. The strong smell of smoke could make his body more relaxed, as if every pore in his body was smoking. At this time, his brain could be calmer. Focus on your thoughts without being distracted by other aspects of your body.

Therefore, when he is alone, he often turns off the air purification system and smoke alarm system, letting clouds of white smoke fill the room. Of course, this was only limited to his office and conference room. In the laboratory, he still maintained full restraint.

The United Nations Space Management Committee has just held an emergency meeting to discuss the situation in the South Pacific. Due to the discovery of the wreckage of scientific research ships and submarine fragments, the nerves of many countries have entered a sensitive period. They have requested to send their own navies to the Pacific region. Even the United States, which has always been tyrannical, can no longer stop the development of the situation and can only let the entire Pacific The fleet has entered a state of combat readiness, ready to respond to possible emergencies at any time.

Mei Yiqiu understood that this was actually just those countries using this matter to compete for control of the Pacific and surrounding interests. In addition to a few big countries, many small countries were also involved. Some countries took the initiative to join. Although they did not have the strength to compete for sea control, their ability to wade through troubled waters was not lagging behind others. They thought about fishing in troubled waters, and they could catch as much as they could; some countries were forced to get involved. Because they were near the sea area where the incident occurred, they had no choice but to participate.

This meeting lasted for more than four hours, and Mei Yiqiu felt tired and bored. But as an important advisor to the Space Management Committee, he had to participate.

He knows very well that once more countries are involved, the possibility of conflict will be greater. And with the economies of various countries generally declining, some people are eager to find a place to conduct military operations to alleviate domestic conflicts.

Moreover, the world has just experienced a panic caused by consciousness invasion, Toxoplasma gondii and gray brain virus, which is the easiest time to cause greater chaos.

Some people may think that things like alien invasion and global disasters will unite mankind as never before, but Mei Yiqiu knows that such people have never experienced real suffering at all. Suffering never unites people, it only exposes the ugliest side of human nature.

Those in power are obsessed with the never-ending struggle for power, and they cannot stop even if the struggle does not bring them any actual benefits. Mei Yiqiu calls it a power disease. There is no medicine to cure this disease because it is rooted in human nature and genes. It is like a cancer cell hidden deep in the human soul. When the conscience is slightly slack, it will break out. And it is difficult to cure from now on.

Mei Yiqiu is a scientist and cannot change anything. But he was not a hermit, so something had to be done.

After the endless debates stopped, Mei Yiqiu solemnly proposed his proposal to the United Nations:

Ban the Dream Club globally, investigate and deal with accounts related to the Dream Foundation, and at the same time want Ronald Cohen.

Because of his proposal, the meeting was extended for another two hours, but in the end less than ten countries agreed. The other countries said that their laws did not allow this, and there must be enough evidence to prove that Dream Club and Ronald ·Cohen’s relationship with aliens, and only after trial.

Finally, the committee proposed an alternative plan. The Space Management Committee would set up a special prosecution team to prosecute Cohen to the international court. If the court finally declares Cohen guilty, then all countries can take unified action to arrest Ronald worldwide. ·Cohen.

The crime was discussed for another hour, because there has never been any law against aliens and parasitic consciousness. It was finally decided to prosecute for crimes against humanity.

Mei Yiqiu sighed and turned off the remote conference screen, filled the pipe with another pot of cigarettes, and lit it with a match. The smoke passed through the lungs and blew out from the nose, filling the conference room. His fluffy and stiff white hair spread out in the thick fog like pine caps covered with snow in winter.

When another pot of cigarettes was finished, Mei Ziqing knocked on the door and came in. She was choked by the thick smoke. She coughed and pushed it away with her hands. She frowned and asked, "Ah, Professor, why do you smoke so many cigarettes?"

"I smoke so much all the time!" the professor replied.

Mei Ziqing sensed that the professor was not in a good mood, so she stopped complaining and pressed her hand on the wall to turn on the air circulation purification system.

The smoke dissipated quickly.

Mei Ziqing poured a glass of water and said, "Professor, you don't have to be angry about those politicians."

Mei Yiqiu said: "I'm not angry, they are not worthy of my anger. I just wonder why human beings have developed such a social structure today. When destiny reaches a critical crossroads, what determines our direction? What a bunch of stupid politicians!”

"Aren't there still outstanding scientists like you?" Mei Ziqing explained while helping him clean the cigarette residue from his pipe, "It is because of you that mankind will progress."

Mei Yiqiu smiled and said, "You are just trying to coax a child, but you are actually using it to coax an old man like me." Then he asked, "Is there any news from Hans?"

Mei Ziqing said: "I just received an email from Professor Hans. The performance test of the second-generation space box went well. If nothing goes wrong, we will be able to access the Dream Guide game next week."

"Well, that's good." Mei Yiqiu rubbed his eyelids, "We must hurry up and wait for the second-generation product to be released before launching the Dream Guide game for public testing. Regarding the global publicity and distribution of the game, you have to pay more attention Stay focused."

Mei Ziqing said curiously: "Professor, don't we have to wait for Professor Aoki and Professor Su to come back for internal testing? You said that some functions can only be used with confidence after they have been tested, otherwise there will be greater risks."

Mei Yiqiu said: "It's too late, we can't wait for them. Send an email to Hans and tell him to speed up the progress. In addition, contact the Xia family. The promotion of the game also relies on the power of capital. Huanyu International and Cheung Chau International has entertainment industries under its umbrella, and they also cooperate with Penguin Group, so they must fully cooperate. In addition, I also want to meet Mr. Xia. After the game is promoted, the mass production of space boxes will be a big event. Set up another processing base.”

"Don't you want HW Company to produce it?" Mei Ziqing asked.

"HW Company is too big, and parasitic consciousness will definitely penetrate into it, so the core components and game intentions must not be known to them. However, their production conditions are better. The virtual reality part and some related components can be produced by them, and the shell can be The assembly is temporarily entrusted to FSK, and we will send people to supervise it. But in the end, we will still have our own production base."

Mei Ziqing wrote down the things one by one and was about to go do it when he suddenly remembered something and said, "Professor, Bian Ziyuan always goes to the lab on the top floor recently, saying he is checking the game code, but I always think he is a little strange, and I It was found that he secretly used the space box, but you said that no one is allowed to use the space box alone."

Mei Yiqiu waved his hand and said, "Let him go! We shouldn't restrict talented young people too much. Let's see what tricks he can do. Maybe there will be unexpected gains!"

Mei Ziqing nodded and went out, but she still felt something was wrong.

What unexpected gains can there be?

The professor has clearly said that before the second-generation box comes out, there is a risk that a person's consciousness will not return if he enters the space box. Aren't you afraid that a genius will accidentally become a vegetative state?

Or is he an experiment?

Mei Ziqing suddenly trembled, startled by her own thoughts.

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