Dream Guide

Chapter 380 The middle school boy who wants to save mankind

Bian Ziyuan sat in front of the computer, his hands on the keyboard, looking at the line of code on the screen, his eyes shining like a gold digger seeing gold. But this gold was not found by him, but invented by him. His mood at the moment was more exciting and complicated than that of a gold digger.

He knew that as long as his finger tapped lightly on the Enter key, this line of code would be implanted into the program, and this program would serve as a supplement to the entire game, optimizing the game's information about Cronus. The smart part.

But he was hesitant because this program would bring such revolutionary changes to Cronus that he could not estimate the depth of the impact of this change. Since Cronus was implanted in the Dream Guide game, it has become an integral part of the entire game.

Bian Ziyuan knew that the Space Box and Dream Guide games focused the efforts of almost the world's top scientists, especially Professor Mei Yiqiu. If something went wrong because of him, he didn't know how to face these people.

Although he and the Cronus he developed have brought great help to this project, and Professor Mei even praised him as a contemporary von Neumann, Bian Ziyuan is not arrogant enough to take these words seriously.

He knew that he just happened to develop an artificial intelligence program at the right time, but the entire dream guide project was extremely huge. In addition to artificial intelligence, it also included quantum computing, biochips, brain wave analysis, nerve center simulation, and virtual reality. , virtual space-time, space-time simulation of multi-dimensional superposition states and other cutting-edge sciences. These fields may not sound as popular as artificial intelligence, but any breakthrough in any direction is Nobel Prize-level.

In addition, there are some theoretical applications in the space box project that go beyond the scope of science and are a bit close to metaphysics, which Bian Ziyuan doesn't understand at all.

Of course, he also has a proud side. He is young, more energetic and creative than those great scientists. In addition to Cronus, he also made many constructive suggestions. Because of this, Professor Mei brought him into the core team and gave him the privilege of conducting in-depth research on the project in the top-floor laboratory without restrictions.

Bian Ziyuan was greatly shocked after learning some truth about the invasion of consciousness. The existence of parasites, Internet consciousness, etc., was far beyond his past understanding of the world, but at the same time, it also made him extremely excited.

From childhood to adulthood, he has lived in a boring and endlessly repetitive world. Get up very early every day, eat the nutritious breakfast made by his mother, go to school, listen to the national anthem and watch the national flag rise again and again. The teacher repeats the boring test-taking knowledge in class after class, and the students are drowsy. When I was sleeping, I finally waited for the bell to ring for the end of school. I always heard the teacher say: I will talk for another five minutes, and then...

No matter your grades are so good that they make people jealous, or they are so bad that you doubt your own IQ, you cannot escape the fate of going to school, doing homework, sleeping, going to school, doing homework, sleeping... This fate may be added to some people. ——Attend cram school.

Bian Ziyuan didn't understand that everyone was obviously different, so why did they all live the same life?

Fortunately, he doesn't have to go to cram school. Because of his good grades, his parents allow him to play computer on weekends. Only when he was immersed in the game world did he feel that life had meaning.

He is a gaming genius, but he has never been addicted to any one game. He has played countless games, and completing them is a piece of cake for him. His greatest pleasure is to find bugs in these games, exploit vulnerabilities to enter the server, and modify game data. From being sneaky at the beginning, to being lawless later, he even hacked into the Penguin Group's server because he was dissatisfied with a certain game.

He finds that games around the world are becoming more and more retarded and vulgar. Although this may be determined by market factors, he still believes that developers must bear certain responsibilities. So, he decided to develop a high-IQ game by himself. But soon, he discovered that this goal was unrealistic and almost impossible to achieve by himself. Developing a game requires more than just being able to write programs. The early planning and plot structure stumped him, not to mention the art and UI required later. Therefore, he made a small change in his decision - from originalism to appropriation - adding an intelligent expansion module to other people's mature games to improve the playability of the game. This was his original idea for developing Cronus.

Ideas are just ideas. Before going to college, he only had an idea in his mind because he didn't have much time to do it. Life was still repeating his boring days - going to school, doing homework, sleeping, etc. go to school……

No matter how good your grades are, you can't escape the destiny. You have to look at the formulas and words that have been deeply imprinted in your mind, read them until you are upset, and copy them until you feel weak.

He said, Teacher, can I learn something else? At 90%, the teacher said you were still far behind. When the score was ninety-five, the teacher said it was not very good. Ninety-eight points, the teacher said it was still a little short. One hundred percent, the teacher smiled broadly and said to consolidate it further.

Such days lasted from elementary school to high school. After entering college, he thought things would change. It is true that life in college has become more colorful, but in his opinion, it is becoming more and more boring. Most students are just venting the emotions that have been suppressed for many years by the boring middle school life, but they are not releasing the vitality and value that life should have.

After a few months of indulging, everyone began to calm down. After calming down, they became even more confused. So some people began to return to the repetitive life of classes, homework, and sleep.

Bian Ziyuan was confused for a long time, until the beautiful Cronus appeared in the magic forbidden area, looked at him from above and said: My people, what do you want?

Bian Ziyuan felt reborn for the first time. The dying life suddenly had the meaning of living at this moment. Although he has never been able to explain what this means, he knows that he is living for it.

When he first came to take the Turing test at Mei Yiqiu Laboratory, Bian Ziyuan only admired Mei Yiqiu's reputation, and did not expect that he would later enter the world's top laboratories and participate in the research and development of top projects. It wasn't until the moment he came into contact with the core contents of the space box and the dream guide that he suddenly understood the meaning of life he was vaguely pursuing——

Save humanity!

That's right, it's so middle-class, it's so hollow, it's so ridiculous, it sounds like the ramblings of a primary school student.

However, Bian Ziyuan knew that this was what he wanted to do.

Human society is like a mentally retarded game. Everyone is a mentally retarded NPC in the game, repeating boring plots.

As for the protagonist or player of the game?

He didn't know, but it was definitely not these ordinary people, nor even those celebrities and rich people who looked very prosperous. The protagonist players must be fighting through obstacles in a certain area of ​​the game, working hard to pass the level. Unfortunately, the NPC cannot see them, and they don't know if they see it.

But it doesn't matter if you can't be the protagonist, because the protagonist can't change the game. Only the developers can change the game.

Are there developers in the human world? If anything, it’s probably God!

Bianzi didn't know God, just like he didn't know the developer of Magical Forbidden Land, but he created Kronos, a smart extension that can change the game.

There are seven billion NPCs in the world, save or destroy?

Bian Ziyuan's hand on the keyboard was shaking a little. His raised ring finger and middle finger paused for a long time, and finally landed heavily on the Enter key.

The code on the screen flashed.

Just once.

No miracle happened.

But a senior coder knows that Pandora's box has been opened and God is on his way to the world...

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