Dream Guide

Chapter 407 Clean up the old nest and wait for your return

Due to such a delay, a lot of time was wasted. The key is that Su Huilan's feet can no longer enter the water. And if they walked on the shore wearing shoes, the footprints they left might be discovered by the savages on the island and chased after them.

Su Huilan said: "I'm fine. The wound has been treated and the bleeding has stopped. It's not a big problem to go into the water."

Aoki said: "No, what if we get infected? The antibiotics are all on Petru's ship, and we don't know when we can get out."

He looked at his surroundings, then knotted the laces of the two pairs of sneakers he had picked up, hung them around his neck, then turned his backpack to the front, half-crouched down and said, "Come up!"

Su Huilan was startled: "What?"

Aoki said: "I will carry you."

Su Huilan said: "I just made a joke, but you really have to bear it!"

Aoki said: "Stop talking nonsense, come up quickly!"

There was no doubt in his tone. Su Huilan was not a hypocritical person, but at this moment, she felt uneasy for some reason, as if it took a lot of courage to lie on this man's back. She hesitated for a moment, and finally bit her. Gritting his teeth, he picked up his shoes and lay on Aoki's back.

Just like that, in a creek more than three meters wide in the jungle, a man with messy hair and a windbreaker was wading in the water, with six shoes dangling from his neck, and a beautiful woman on his back. .

"Why hasn't your bird come back yet?" Su Huilan hooked her arm on Qingmu's shoulder and asked without saying anything.

Aoki said: "I don't know either, but you don't have to worry about it. I know its abilities. As long as you don't encounter a parrot, no one can do anything to it."

"Parrot?" Su Huilan asked curiously, "Is it afraid of parrots?"

"It's not that I'm afraid, it's that I'll be confused." Aoki said.

Su Huilan guessed something, chuckled and said, "He is a passionate bird, unlike some people who are just like a piece of wood!"

Another whistling sound came from the forest ahead, and the sound was much closer than before.

Aoki said: "We should go ashore. If we go upstream like this, we will be discovered by them soon."

As he spoke, he stepped ashore from a relatively dense patch of grass.

Su Huilan said: "Then let me down."

Aoki said: "No, you have to walk barefoot for a while. The ground here is soft and will leave footprints."

He bent down to pick up the pull-up board on his feet and handed it to Su Huilan: "Hold it for me."

Su Huilan used to be curious about why Aoki always wore the same outfit and never changed, especially in winter when he wore a pullover and was not afraid of the cold. At this moment, the pull-up board on Aoki's feet suddenly came into his hands, and an indescribable strange feeling suddenly arose in his heart.

Aoki carefully stepped on areas with many vines with his bare feet, so that the footprints left behind would be lighter.

Not long after they left, they heard a croak and a crow flapped its wings and flew over.

Because Su Huilan was lying on Qingmu's back, the crow found that it could not land on Qingmu's head, so it spun in the air and landed on a tree branch, shouting: "Wow, what happened? I traveled to a high place. Are you the old man?"

Aoki said: "If you don't come back to report, I will almost think you are dead!"

The crow said: "Quack, come on! Are you wishing that I didn't come back so that you could elope with this... woman... on your back? Quack..." it said and started singing, "In front of my brother, there is a winding river. , my sister is singing a sweet song on the other side of the river, and my brother’s heart is filled with waves. When will my sister let me cross your river..."

Su Huilan quickly explained: "My foot is injured and cannot be immersed in water. I am afraid of leaving footprints and cannot walk. I..."

"Oh, look, look, look, you're all incoherent! Are you afraid of leaving footprints, not being able to walk, or not being able to get soaked in water? Oh!" the crow cried, "Woman, your mind is already messed up! I hear you My heart is beating!”

Su Huilan's heart was indeed panicked. She had never been so panicked before. Whether in the laboratory, at the university lecture table, or at the murder scene, she never panicked. She didn't expect that she would behave like this in front of a bird today. so bad.

Aoki said: "Don't pay attention to it, it's always like that." Then he said to the crow, "Okay, let's be serious, why did you come to us now?"

The crow tilted its head and then remembered the business and said: "I have returned to the place where the savages were warming up by the fire to report the news, but I didn't find you. I only saw Petru being chased by a group of savages. He said you were heading here. The edge is coming, I was afraid you would chase me all the way down the stream, oh, I didn’t expect you were smart enough to know how to turn back.”

"Is Petru okay?"

"It's okay, he's just teasing them! Those savages can't catch him at all."

"What about those two people?"

"Um, which two?" Crow pretended to be confused.

"The two you were following were a man and a woman. The man was injured." Aoki said.

"Hey, you know all this? I also want to tell you a wonderful story. It seems that you all know it. It's so unfulfilling!" Crow looked very frustrated, "Go through the woods in front, there are There is a cave, and now they are hiding in the cave, and the man seems to be dying."

Crow was leading the way, and Qingmu was following behind, carrying Su Huilan on his back. After walking for a while, he put Su Huilan down, stepped on the pull board, and said, "It shouldn't be a big problem here. See if your feet can walk well."

Su Huilan put on her shoes, tried to take two steps and said, "No problem."

The crow looked at them, cooed unconvinced, and stood on the branch and muttered to himself: "A man and a woman, in the barren mountains, with a winding river in front of my brother... oh... like a flower - -You are a virtuous man, but you are too trusting about your wood! You should take the elbow to live and die with him! How can there be true love without adversity! How can we grow old together without life and death! My little elbow!"

In distant Wuzhong, Lifeshenghua, who was leaning on the sofa and reading a book, suddenly sneezed. She rubbed her nose and looked at the sunlight shining in the shadows of the trees outside the window and imprinting them on the floor, like ink paintings on New Year's red paper.

Yes, the Chinese New Year is almost here!

Bishenghua remembered that it was time to post Spring Festival couplets, so she got up and found the Spring Festival couplets she had prepared for this year, and posted one at the door of the bar.

Then I went upstairs and posted a couplet on both sides of the door of Aoki's studio. After looking at it, I thought it was too vulgar, so I went back to the study, found pens, ink, paper and inkstones, spread wool felt on the table, and poured some Dege wrote the ink himself.

Few people know that this female man with mediocre breasts, dressed in men's clothing, and able to chase gangsters with a kitchen knife until they are cornered and run into the police station, is also good at handwriting.

She finished writing in a flurry of strokes, waited for the paper to dry, and posted the couplet at the door of Aoki's studio.

The first couplet is: Withered trees come spring, flowers bloom and no one can see them in the back alleys

The second line is: The bird is in love with its nest, and the old nest is swept away, waiting for you to return.

She originally wanted to put another word "Fu" on the door, but suddenly she had an idea. She took a blank red paper and put it on the door, and then used a brush to draw a little elbow with a nose and eyes on it, just like a talking spirit. elbow.

After finishing the painting, I stood in the corridor and looked at it. The more I looked at it, the more satisfied I became, and I couldn't help laughing.

Yes, the Chinese New Year is almost here before I know it. I wish you all a happy New Year in advance. May you have a new atmosphere in the New Year and get better every year.

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