Dream Guide

Chapter 408 Alice

Qingmu and Su Huilan followed the crow all the way to the cave and saw the two people hiding in the cave.

The man lying on the ground had his eyes closed, his face was black, his breathing was very short, and he twitched from time to time. The woman next to me was sobbing.

She saw two strangers walking in, a flash of light flashed in her eyes, but then dimmed again, and she looked sadly at the dying man beside her.

Su Huilan walked over, opened the man's eyelids and said, "You're poisoned. Where is the wound?"

The woman pointed at the man's calf.

Aoki squatted down and tore open his pants and saw that his calves had turned purple with a black dot in the middle.

"Hit by an arrow?" he asked the woman.

"He was hit by an arrow when he was saving me. He kept saying it was okay, but he didn't expect the arrow to be poisonous... Wuwu... You are the ones who shot to help him, right? Anderson said someone shot to help him. You have to save him, he He's a good man... Wuwu..." the woman said incoherently.

Aoki did not deny the shooting. Anyway, Petru and them were in the same group. He asked Su Huilan: "See if you are saved?"

Su Huilan said: "The arrowhead may have been soaked in the sap of poisonous plants such as curare wood. The arrow was not treated in time after being hit, and it traveled too far. It is not easy to handle now."

When the woman next to her heard what she said, she cried bitterly: "Please, wuwu, please save him, wuwu, it's all because of me, he didn't come to save me in the first place, wuwu..."

Su Huilan understood the woman's sadness, but had to stop her: "Stop crying, we will attract the savages and we won't be able to escape."

The woman covered her mouth with her hands, but her body was still shaking violently. It was obvious that she could not suppress the pain in her heart.

Su Huilan first cut a cross on Anderson's wound with a knife. Anderson, who had been in a daze, screamed in pain.

The purple rotten flesh was cut open, and a lot of black blood was squeezed out. Until the color of the blood became less black, Su Huilan found a stick of ointment from the bag, touched a little on the wound, and wrapped it with gauze. He took out two more pills, stuffed them into Anderson's mouth, and drank them with mineral water.

"That's all I can do." Su Huilan said, "The medicine can only provide some relief and cannot completely remove the toxicity. It depends on his luck. If he can persist until he returns to Lapa Island, he will be in the camp." With a doctor, maybe he can be saved."

The woman next to me asked: "Rapa Island? Where is Lapa Island? Can you take us there now?"

Su Huilan looked at her in surprise: "Don't you know where you are now?"

The woman shook her head: "I don't know! I feel like I'm dreaming and I don't know where I am!"

Su Huilan asked: "What's your name?"

"My name is Alice," the woman said.

"Alice?" Su Huilan and Qingmu looked at each other, "Are you on the Discovery research ship?"

Alice's eyes lit up: "Yes, yes, I am Mrs. Larry's assistant! You are..."

"We are from the United Nations search and rescue team, specifically here to find you."

"Oh, God, are we saved? Where is your ship? Is it a warship? Can we leave now? This island is terrible. The people on it can eat people! Oh, no, Larry Madam! Mrs. Larry is still in their hands, you have to save her!"

"What happened? You have to tell us."

"Okay, okay, I've told you all, but where do I start? Mrs. Larry and I boarded the boat in Auckland, and Mr. Robbins also boarded the boat there, but he was two weeks late. We kept waiting for him, and when he came it was snowing in Auckland, and it was still winter, and the snow was so beautiful, and Anderson went fishing while it was snowing... Oh, my God! Shouldn't I be saying this? I am Isn’t that too wordy? What should I do? I don’t know where to start, my mind is so messed up!…”

Su Huilan listened to Alice's incoherent words, put her arms around her shoulders, and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, Alice, relax! Relax! It's okay now. We are here to save you. Speak slowly and tell us what you know." Tell me everything. Let’s start from when you found out that the date was Christmas, and Mrs. Larry and Mr. Robbins went to find Mr. Stone. Then what happened to the Discovery? How did you get here?”

"Christmas? Oh yes, Christmas..." Alice frowned, trying hard to recall the past, with an extremely painful expression on her face, "I remembered that Christmas was discovered by Anderson first. It was winter in the southern hemisphere when we set off, and there was still snow in Auckland, but we only sailed for more than ten days at sea before it turned into summer. I was taking care of Mr. Pardick that day, and Mrs. Larry and Robbins arrived. I chatted with Pardick for a long time. They said that the Discovery may have passed through a wormhole or a high-dimensional space bubble. That’s what it meant. I didn’t understand those physics terms very well. I was just doing archeology with Mrs. Larry. Research."

"Then they went to find Mr. Stone. I had to take care of Partick, so I didn't go with him. I don't know what they talked about. Anyway, after talking, Robbins asked the captain to head north towards Tubuai Island at full speed. Let’s go. Because the boat was going too fast, Mr. Pardick and I were both a little seasick, so we stayed in the cabin and didn’t go out.”

"The next day I was making coffee when I heard a loud noise. The boat shook violently, and then the cabin tilted. Partick rolled from the bed to the ground. He was seriously injured. I quickly went to help him. Him, but I couldn't even stand on my own. There was a noise outside, and everyone was shouting desperately. Anderson ran in and told me to get on the lifeboat quickly, saying that our ship was under attack and was about to sink.

Mrs. Larry and I were women, and Pardick was the wounded, so we got into the lifeboat first. Captain Church asked Anderson and two sailors to take care of us.

From the lifeboat, I saw the Discovery cut off in the middle, broken into two pieces, and slowly sinking. Captain Church and Mr. Robbins were still on the ship's strings directing the escape of others.

At this time, a helicopter flew from the sky. Just when I thought it was coming to rescue us, I saw a fire snake flying out of the helicopter and hitting the Discovery with its tail flame like a meteor.

I don't know if it was a missile or a rocket, but there was a very strong explosion, and the tail cabin of Discovery was almost shattered into pieces. But Discovery was huge, and even then it didn't sink. When the explosion happened, I closed my eyes and didn't dare to look any further. Anderson and the two sailors rowed desperately. If it hadn't suddenly fogged up on the sea, I think we might not have been able to escape. "

Su Huilan interrupted: "Are you the only six who escaped?"

"I don't know." Alice shook her head. "There were five or six lifeboats lowered at that time, and we were the first one. After the helicopter attack, Captain Church and the others organized a resistance. If not for this, I don't think we would have been able to make it in time." Escaped into the fog. I don't know if the other lifeboats escaped, but according to Anderson, at least one boat ran into the fog like us."

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