Dream Guide

Chapter 409 The Real Hell

"We rowed in the fog for a long time, and then we came to this island. After arriving on the island, Anderson has been in deep self-blame. He was originally the first mate on the ship, and he should live and die with Captain Church. Die. He said he felt like a deserter, but I knew he wasn't. He was a brave man who only got into the lifeboat on Captain Church's order to save Mrs. Larry and me.

Pardick was already injured, but after all this, his injury became more serious. We found a sheltered place on the island to wait for rescue, hoping that someone would come to rescue us after the fog cleared. But we are also worried because once the fog clears, we will not be able to hide. Several times when I fell asleep, I dreamed of being chased by a helicopter.

Later the fog cleared and no helicopters came after us, but no one came to rescue us either. We waited on the island for three days, and the little food and water brought on the lifeboat were quickly consumed. Anderson said that we must be prepared to survive on the island for a long time, just like Tom Hanks in "Desert Island" Survive like that.

In a last-ditch effort, we lit a large pile of dead branches and burned them day and night, hoping that the flames and black smoke would attract the attention of passing ships in the distance. But this was probably the stupidest thing we ever did, for we had no idea that there were savages on the island, and that the fire would attract them.

Anderson took two sailors to search for food and water in the jungle on the island. Since Pardick had limited mobility, Mrs. Larry and I stayed to take care of him.

Not long after Anderson and the others left, the savages arrived.

I was picking up dead branches in the nearby woods to keep the fire burning. I heard Mrs. Larry yell, Alice, run! Hide quickly! Don't come out!

Her shouts were so anxious, even hysterical, that she had never heard before. She is a serious person who never smiles or yells. Her cry made me very scared. I didn't know what was happening. I hurriedly dropped the branches in my hands, hid in the crevice behind a rock, and looked towards where we lived.

I saw Partick being thrown next to the fire. His injuries were very serious. It must have been very painful. I seemed to feel the heart-breaking pain. This feeling made me very painful, but what happened next made me sad. I understand that hell is real. "

Alice trembled all over when she said this, and her eyes showed great fear, as if she had seen an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

Su Huilan hugged her shoulders and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, Alice, everything will be fine, you have to be strong!"

Alice nodded vigorously:

"I know, I know, I have to be strong, as strong as Mrs. Larry! She is the strongest woman in the world and is my role model! If it weren't for her eyes, I don't think I could survive. I would definitely be killed by what I saw. Scared to death!

Pardick lay groaning on the ground. Mrs. Larry was tied up and I could see her from my position. I think she saw me too. I could understand the look in her eyes. She was comforting me, telling me not to panic and to live well.

Those savages, armed with spears and bows and arrows, were searching everywhere in the forest. As long as they took a few more steps, they would be able to find the crevice in the rocks where I was hiding.

Mrs. Larry suddenly screamed like crazy. The attention of the savages was attracted by her, and the leader went back and slapped her twice. She stopped barking and they stopped looking for me.

One of the savages stabbed Pardick to death with a spear, right in his neck. I saw him open his mouth as if to say something, but only blood came out of his mouth.

I was so frightened that I forgot to close my eyes. I looked at his body like a lost soul, from convulsing to finally motionless.

They stripped Pardik of his clothes, tied him to a stick, and set him over a fire. Oh my gosh! These savages actually regarded him as their hunted food!

They stripped Mrs. Larry naked again. I thought Madam was going to suffer the same fate as Pardick, but I was wrong. They raped Madam and lined up to unleash their bestiality on her, like a pack of hyenas sharing an antelope.

This is hell! At that moment, I was convinced!

My heart was filled with despair and I no longer had the courage to call out to God. I also forgot about escaping. I just wanted to poke my eyes out and then hit myself to death, so as not to be destroyed by those beasts.

But I saw the look in Mrs. Larry's eyes.

Even in that situation, there was no trace of cowardice or sadness in her eyes. What I saw in her eyes was not despair and fear, but strength!

I remember my wife said before that when we choose the path of archeology and science, we choose the truth. We will always only pursue the truth, experience the truth, and use our knowledge and actions to dig out the truth that has long been covered up by civilization. See to a real-world past and possible future. In the face of truth, all vanity, happiness, sorrow, anger, fear and desire are just clouds. Only by overcoming these can we truly grasp the true self and the universe.

She did it.

If she hadn't encouraged me with her eyes, I think I would have died at that time and would not have been able to hold on until Anderson and the others came back.

I looked into Madam's eyes, watching those beasts abuse her, I didn't close my eyes, I knew this was reality - real hell!

When Anderson and the others came back, the savages were gone. Partick was left with only a pile of bones. Mrs. Larry was taken back by the savages as a trophy.

I was still behind a crack in the rocks, and when Anderson found me I was horrified because I was frozen like a zombie. And because I opened my eyes too wide and shed too many tears, I became temporarily blind.

Anderson thought I was dead. He said my eyes were filled with blood and looked horrible. I told them what was really scary was what my eyes saw. I would rather be blind from now on than see the same thing happen again.

I told them everything I had seen, and all three men were shocked. Then, they had a heated argument. Anderson believed that he should follow the savage's footsteps and rescue Mrs. Larry, even though the hope of her being alive was slim. The other two sailors disagreed with his idea and thought that what we should do now was to leave this ghost place quickly before the savages discovered our hidden lifeboat.

Anderson said that we had weapons on hand, but the sailors thought that a few pistols could not deal with so many savages, and we had no idea how big the island was, and these savages were obviously indigenous here.

Finally they looked at me for help, but I had no idea at the time. It's not that I don't want to save Mrs. Larry, nor am I afraid of death. I would rather exchange my life with Mrs. Larry's. But I seemed to see her terrifyingly calm eyes again. I could understand it. She never wanted me to do something meaningless.

I said to them in an almost indifferent tone: Get on the boat, let's get out of here.

Anderson looked at me in surprise, but agreed.

We hurriedly buried Pardick's body, got into the lifeboat, and left.

As I looked at the coastline that was getting away, I felt like a ghost escaping from hell in a hurry, rushing to be reborn as a human being in the human world. But the other soul stayed on the island, suffering forever in the dark hell.

The boat had not rowed out long before Anderson exclaimed.

I turned around and saw a misty mountain shadow appearing on the sea ahead. The mountain shadows gradually became clearer, and the lines of the rolling ridges could be seen. Not just across from us, but in all directions.

The vast sea we were originally in turned into a big lake. "

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