Dream Guide

Chapter 416 The sky is the sea

Su Huilan was startled, just like a candidate who was turning over scraps of paper during an exam. When she looked up, she found the invigilator standing in front of her. She straightened up in panic, and the entire dream space became extremely unstable due to panic. She thought about changing the scene, but she couldn't decide what to change for a while. The chaotic thinking made the memory retrieval become equally chaotic. The dream was like a flashback of disordered movie clips. Sometimes it was a cafe, sometimes it was the sea, and sometimes it was a cafe. It’s the classroom again…

But in the midst of these changing scenes, there are always the dark corners of the bar and the patter of rain outside the window.

Human consciousness is so strange. The more scared you are and the less you want to think about something, the more you will think of it.

"Hey! Stop changing things around, your head will get dizzy!" Aoki said.

When he said this, Su Huilan hurriedly froze the scene, just like a TV that had been jumping between channels. She pressed the remote control and froze on a certain channel.

Hey, why are you back at the bar again? Su Huilan knew she couldn't change any more, otherwise she would be laughed at by him!

"How did you get in?" She wanted to hide her thoughts, but it was impossible to hide her thoughts in the subconscious world, especially when facing a spiritual master like Aoki. Her panic and nervousness, as well as some incomprehensible thoughts even to herself, left vague traces in the dream, which combined with other things in the space, made the dream a bit strange.

"That's how you came in!" Aoki said.

"But -" Su Huilan bit her lip, feeling aggrieved like a child whose parents read the diary in the drawer, "Didn't we agree to count to three?"

"I'm counting to three!"

"How can it be?"

"You only asked me to count to three, but you didn't stipulate how fast I should count, or whether I should count with my mouth or with my heart, so I just thought 123 came over."

"Ah? It can still be like this!" Su Huilan wanted to say that he was a cheat, but when he thought about it, he really didn't make it clear. "But how could I not know that you came in? How did you do it?"

"Of course I will be mentally disturbed when I come in. It's not difficult to detect with your ability, but..." Aoki pointed at himself, "You dreamed of me!"

Su Huilan suddenly realized, yes, she took the initiative to dream about others, and it was still like this. It was really embarrassing! However, seeing Aoki's serious look, he didn't seem to think much about anything else, and his panic gradually calmed down.

Her mental power is already strong, especially the subtlety of her control. Even Aoki admires her very much. So when she stabilized, everything passed like a cloud.

"What are you using my dream for? You can do it now," she said.

Aoki slapped his head, "Oh, I almost forgot after you did this!"

Su Huilan glanced at him sideways and thought to herself, "What did I do? You obviously didn't say hello when you came in, okay?" She thought so, and of course it was expressed in her subconscious dreams.

However, Aoki stopped communicating with her subconscious and called out to the coal boss. Of course, this was not a real call, but a subconscious thought, but in the dream, from Su Huilan's perspective, it was as if he called the coal boss with a loud voice.

This meant that this thought of his consumes a huge amount of mental power. Su Huilan also felt the vibration of this mental power in her dream space, as if the entire space was filled with a force and was about to expand.

She didn't understand the use of this. Could such an idea break through the constraints of time and space and pass it on to the coal boss? Is it possible for them to have long-distance, even different time and space conversations like this?

But what happened next made Su Huilan unexpected.

The shadow of a bird was reflected on the dim glass that was wetted by rain. Then, the dark bird's head penetrated through the glass. Gululu rolled his eyes, quacked twice, and said, "Wow, this is Where? Bar! Oh, is it Ruhua Bar? Why does it feel a little different...uh..."

It came in like this, soaking wet.

"Hey, this is just a dream. You don't have to be so realistic. It seems like you were really caught in the rain outside the window." Aoki said.

"Quack, quack, I wasn't caught in the rain, I fell into the sea and became a drowned rat, oh no, a drowned crow!" The coal boss jumped to his feet and shouted, "You don't know how salty the sea water is! You don't know how salty I am. Bitter! You actually still have the mind to pick up girls in your dreams!...Don't look at me with that look, you two...adult ****! Adulterous **** quack-"

Aoki asked: "Did he fall into the sea? Are you dead or not?"

"You're not dead yet!" Crow said, "Don't expect that if I die, no one will care about you two traitors——"

Aoki interrupted him and said: "Okay, stop talking nonsense. Even if it is in a dream, it is shameful to waste time. What happened?"

The crow then said: "Oh, we met the guy you mentioned, the old man with a stick in his hand. He has very strong mental power, strong, strong, strong, so damn strong! He is Just waving my hand, I felt like my mind was being emptied out. Guagua, you don’t know how dangerous it was at that time! Fortunately, I was excited, I flew fast, and I kept flying into the sky, flying, and kept flying. Once you reach the clouds, I don’t believe that your damn spiritual power can reach the sky! But, damn, I never imagined that the sky is actually the sea!”

"...?" Aoki didn't react for a moment.

"I have never seen such a strange ghost place. At that time, I thought I had fallen into the old man's trap and was in his dream. But when I plunged into the sea, I almost It didn’t choke me to death, so I knew I wasn’t in his dream,” Crow said.

"Can you explain a little more clearly, what does it mean - the sky is the sea?" Aoki said.

"Oh, your brain! When did you become so stupid?" Crow complained, glanced at Su Huilan, and muttered, "If men want to maintain their IQ, they should stay away from beautiful women!"

Su Huilan glared at it.

The crow pretended not to see it, shook his head and said: "After I flew into the sky, I wanted to try to overlook the entire island. Although I had flown here and there many times before, I didn't fly very high because of my mission. Maybe I didn't pay attention when I was flying before, didn't expect it, or didn't see it clearly. Anyway, I suddenly remembered it this time. I should take a look at the whole island, maybe I can find some secrets or something."

"What's the result? Did you see it?"

"No, I can't see the whole picture at all! Guagua... It's no use no matter how high I fly, I can only see more than what I can see when standing on a branch. I don't feel like I'm on an island. It's on a vast plateau, well... saying this may mislead you, making you think that this island is really big, right?"

Seeing Qingmu and Su Huilan nodding, the crow cackled proudly, "This is unbelievable, right? But what I'm going to say next is even more unbelievable. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, even I wouldn't believe it."

"Can you finish it in one breath!" Even Su Huilan was worried by the rhythm of the old lady telling a story.

"Wow, how can such a thrilling experience be told in a straightforward manner? Shouldn't it be a little passionate and full of twists and turns?... Um, okay, okay, I'd better talk faster. Usually, the higher you fly, the more people on the ground will Things get smaller in view, right?”

Qingmu and Su Huilan nodded helplessly again.

The crow continued: "Well, when I flew into the sky, I didn't see the whole island, but I saw the big lake in the center of the island. But the strange thing is that the higher I flew, the lake changed in my eyes. The bigger it gets. The bigger it gets, the higher I fly, the higher I fly, the bigger it gets, until it becomes the ocean...

By that time, I had passed through at least two layers of clouds, and even the air had become thinner. I was worried that a flight would pass by and suck me into the engine. However, I crashed into the sea. That’s right, it’s the sea in the sky! "

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