Dream Guide

Chapter 417 Incredibly Strong

"Then where are you now?" Aoki asked.

"Now? Oh, I'm not sure, it could be by the sea or by the lake, because I can hear the sound of the tide." Crow said.

Su Huilan said: "Then why don't you come back quickly?"

Aoki said: "He is afraid of the dark."

The crow said anxiously: "What, oh no, no, no, no, I'm not afraid of the dark. How can a bird like me be afraid of the dark? It's just too dark and it's not very convenient to fly. I'm not an owl. But I doubt it." You can’t even see an owl in this place, so if you don’t believe me, let Shen Ran come and try it. It’s so dark, not to mention the moon, there’s not even a single star in the sky. I even doubt that this is not the earth!”

"Not the Earth?!" Aoki's brows jumped.

"Otherwise, how can we explain it?" the crow cried, "Oh my gosh, I have traveled through time, right? Are there zombies everywhere here? Or is this a world of grudges? I should find a stone to test it." As he spoke, he waved his wings and shouted, "Boss Coal——The power of fighting, three hundred levels! Guaguagua..."

Qingmu ignored the happy crow and looked at Su Huilan: "What's going on?"

Su Huilan said: "The sky is the sea. This is not inconsistent with the closed space we speculated before. The coal boss feels that he is flying upward, but in fact it may be just a smooth distortion of space. The lake and the sea are also distorted because of this distortion. And becoming one, or the sea became a lake on the island because of this distortion. But..."

"but what?"

"But I can't explain some special phenomena, such as why there are clouds in the sky and why there is no light at night. Logically speaking, unless there are heavy clouds and a storm is approaching, the starry sky on the island will be very bright."

"Is there space distortion that prevents starlight from coming in?"

"Then why can we see the sun during the day?"

Aoki was a little worried and told the coal boss: "No matter what, don't move around and wait until dawn."

Su Huilan suddenly asked: "Where are Shenran and Petru?"

"Soundy? Oh, that silly cat won't come back, right?" the crow yelled.

The silence of Qingmu and Su Huilan confirmed his guess. He fell silent, and then muttered to himself: "How could I leave her at that time! I shouldn't have left her! No, no, no, the silly cat will be fine, I reminded them that the old man was not to be trifled with. I told them to run. I saw Red Beard throw a grenade. Although the silly cat is a little fat, he can still run very fast. He will be fine... What do you think? , she’ll be fine, right!”

Aoki said: "I hope savages don't eat cat meat."

"No!" The crow jumped up and turned around anxiously, "I'm going to find her. She's fine. She must be fine!..."

"You'd better not do anything stupid!" Aoki warned.

The crow looked at him intently, the first disagreement between them.

Su Huilan said: "Maybe it's really okay, it's just that it's too dark. I might come back when it gets light."

Aoki hopes so too, but he knows that this is very unlikely. It was still daylight when Petru threw the grenade, and he was walking back with the stunned living savage on his back. After that, no more gunshots were heard, and the roar of the savages also disappeared, indicating that they had stopped chasing.

"How strong is that old man? Can you and Shen Ran combined not be able to withstand him?" Aoki asked.

The coal boss said: "I'm not sure. I just saw him wave the stick in his hand. It was the kind of scepter with a hook you mentioned. I felt spiritual power coming from all directions, like being beaten. It's like being submerged in the sea, that's how I felt when I fell into the sea just now, I almost thought I was still in his dream."

"This doesn't look like a spiritual attack!" Aoki fell into deep thought.

The most effective method of mental attack is certainly not like this. Aoki can also do it if he wants to make his mental power gush out like a tide and give the opponent's consciousness a sense of oppression, but doing so consumes too much and is impossible to last, and the effect may not be good. The most effective way should be to condense mental power like the scalpel in Zhao Pengcheng's dream, so that the damage to the conscious body is the greatest. Of course, if the mental strength is very different, then it doesn't matter. Hypnosis control can be used in a variety of ways. You can play it however you want. This is also the most commonly used method by Aoki.

Subconsciously, Su Huilan saw Aoki's thinking, and her thoughts were similar to his. This is not like a mental attack. If it is, either the old wizard is incredibly mentally strong and doesn't care about waste, or he doesn't understand more subtle control methods.

"Is there another possibility?" Aoki said.


"The wizard is simply mobilizing the spiritual energy inherent in the island, not the energy possessed by his own consciousness."


"Spiritual energy should be owned by consciousness, and the existence of Tabu itself is a very strange thing."

"You're saying that it's possible that Tabu is a sleeping consciousness and that the wizard on the island can communicate with it?"

"Maybe there is some mechanism to control it. If Tabu is alive, it would be a bit scary."

Su Huilan nodded: "It's useless to guess more now. We have to think of countermeasures. If they can mobilize the energy of the whole island, we..."

She felt it was impossible to fight. A person's mental strength can be strengthened through certain methods, but no matter how strong it is, how strong can it be? The energy on this island is endless, covering every corner. The distortion and closure of this space must be related to the spiritual energy of the island.

Human lifespan is only a few decades. Unless there are monsters that live for thousands of years, how can they fight against such a powerful energy field?

I wonder what Master Nanke is imprisoned in Sin City? Her father said that Master Nanke had probably broken away from the shackles of the physical body and became a pure consciousness. She found it incredible and didn't quite believe it because her father drank a lot that day.

She glanced at Aoki again, and the man in front of her was also a mystery, which she still couldn't figure out.

"Ignore it for now." Aoki said, "Now let's go out and see if the guy I captured is dreaming. If not, wake him up. There is always a way to hypnotize him. Their consciousness cannot be completely immune to mental disturbance. shield."

Su Huilan said: "Well, you need to confirm whether the grass you brought back is the antidote. Anderson can last until dawn at most. The sooner he is treated, the better the hope of recovery."

The crow on the side cried: "Hey, you've finished discussing it, what should I do? What should I do if there is still a sound?"

Aoki said: "You come back at dawn tomorrow. The three of us should not be separated. Once we encounter a strong mental confrontation, it is better for the three of us to be together. After dawn, we will go rescue people, Shen Ran, Petru, and Larry." Madam, as long as they are still alive, we must rescue them!"

There was a rare determination on his face, which was different from his usual laziness, as if he was suddenly a different person.

Seeing that they were about to exit the dream, the crow said anxiously: "Wait, wait, what if I'm really not on earth now? What if I can't come back?"

"No, if you are not on the earth, it means that we are not on the earth." Aoki said.

It’s Chinese New Year, I wish everyone all the best and good luck! You must have a good dream tonight, this is called the first dream of spring, ha

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