Dream Guide

Chapter 418 Klein Bottle

When Qingmu exited Su Huilan's dream, the unconscious savage on the ground just woke up.

In fact, their time in the dream was very short, at least in Alice's opinion, it was just a moment. She heard them saying some incomprehensible words about who was in whose dream, so she didn't dare to ask any more questions and just watched curiously.

Then, time seemed to have stopped. For about two or three seconds, the cave fell into silence, and even the space seemed to freeze. Alice saw Qingmu and Su Huilan staring at each other, motionless, like two wax figures. She felt a chill and quickly stood up and added some dead branches to the fire.

At this time, the savage lying on the ground woke up, and his eyes were filled with anger. He turned over and grabbed the feet of Alice who was adding wood to the fire.

Alice was so frightened that she screamed. Just when she didn't know what to do, she heard a bang. The savage who was about to get up suddenly flew out, hit the stone wall of the cave, and rolled down again. It seemed that for a while I won’t be able to get up for a while.

She saw Aoki, who was like a wax figure just now, lift one of his feet, and the tension board on his foot was still shaking there.

Su Huilan came over and hugged the frightened Alice, kissed her cheek, and comforted: "It's okay, Alice, don't worry, it's safe here."

"I'm fine." Alice's lips turned white and her body was trembling.

The moment the savage held her ankle, the wild smell of body odor made her suddenly panic. She thought of Mrs. Larry, and her heart felt as if it was being grabbed, followed by anger and hatred.

She stared closely at the moaning savage lying on the ground, her eyes about to burst into flames.

Su Huilan felt Alice's body trembling, which was the anger coming from the bottom of her heart. "Go ahead," she encouraged.

With a sullen face, Alice walked over and kicked the savage hard, cursing: "Beast! Beast!"

The savage on the ground got up and pounced on Alice like a trapped beast.

There was another bang, and the savage flew out, hit the wall, and rolled down.

At some point, Aoki had already stood in front of Alice. His right foot was raised, and the brace was dangling on his foot.

This kick was harder than the one just now. The savage struggled twice and vomited blood on the ground.

Alice became more courageous, walked over again, and kicked the savage hard in the crotch. The savage had already been severely injured, but this time it was even more fatal. He grinned in pain, but had no strength to resist.

Alice's face became ferocious, and she kicked and hit her. Then she rushed forward and scratched the savage's face with her nails, screaming hysterically, but she couldn't hear what she was shouting.

The savage was scratched and bruised all over his body, with blood marks all over his face and chest. His eyes slowly turned from anger and unwillingness to fear at the beginning.

Alice's state was close to madness, and even Aoki felt cold when he looked at it. He winked at Su Huilan: "That's almost it. Don't kill people."

Su Huilan went up to pull Alice but did not pull away. Alice was still there scratching and tearing frantically, and even biting her with her mouth, as if she wanted to take revenge on the savage for all the suffering Mrs. Larry had suffered.

Su Huilan had no choice but to hug her and kept saying in her ear: "Alice! Alice! Stop, Alice! We can't kill him, he is still useful, and we still need to save Anderson!"

Alice stopped when she heard Anderson's name and sat on the ground in a daze for a long time. She turned around, glanced at Anderson, then threw herself into Su Huilan's arms and cried.

The savage was still alive, and Alice had not caused any substantial harm to him. The real serious injuries were the kicks Aoki gave him, and it looked like a lot of broken bones.

After Alice's emotions calmed down, Aoki and Su Huilan began to study how to hypnotize the savage.

The natural spiritual force field on the island still exists, but after staying here for a whole day, Aoki was surprised to find that he had become very accustomed to the existence of this energy field, just like people in snowy areas would be drunk and itchy after leaving the plateau, but as long as After living here for a few days, you will get used to the oxygen-rich air on the plains.

Su Huilan obviously had the same feeling. She said: "The reason why hypnosis is ineffective for the islanders is that they have adapted to the strong mental force field on the island, and their consciousness is not sensitive to the interference of mental force, just like bacteria are resistant to drugs. Penicillin won't work if you take too much. Although it's not yet certain whether the island's spiritual stance and our spiritual power are the same thing, I think they are essentially the same. At most, they are ampicillin and amoxicillin. The difference. When they become tolerant to ampicillin, the amoxicillin we use on them will naturally be ineffective."

Although Aoki thinks there are problems with Su Huilan's metaphor, for example, the principles of mental power and antibiotics are completely different and there is no comparison, but he understands what Su Huilan wants to express and admits that the current dilemma is indeed true. If this problem is not solved, just the two of them, plus the helpless Alice and the injured Anderson, even if the crow comes back, Petru and Shenran will be fine, and it will be difficult for them to escape from danger, let alone Said Mrs. Larry was rescued.

He felt the ubiquitous spiritual force field, thought for a while, and said:

"You said this is an enclosed space surrounded by water, right?"

Su Huilan said: "It's not surrounded by water, but a... Klein bottle."

"Klein bottle?" Aoki remembered Professor Mei mentioning this thing.

"This was discovered by the famous mathematician Felix Klein in 1882." Su Huilan explained, "You can imagine a bottle - a vase, a wine bottle, etc., any bottle will do, as long as it has a bottom , a normal bottle with a bottleneck. First dig a hole at the bottom of the bottle, and then extend the neck of the bottle. Imagine that the bottleneck is as soft as a water pipe, bend it, and insert the bottleneck into the bottle from any position on the bottle body, and then Connect it to the hole at the bottom. This completes a Klein bottle.

Think carefully about this bottle. Its top and bottom are connected, so it is closed. But starting from any point on the bottle, you can reach any point on the inner and outer surfaces of the bottle. In other words, it has no distinction between inside and outside. A closed bottle, but there is no distinction between inside and outside. Put a bug into this bottle and it can easily crawl out without the ability to walk through walls.

Of course, a Klein bottle is actually a curved surface that can only be truly expressed in a four-dimensional space. I just described it from a three-dimensional perspective, and Klein also described it from a three-dimensional perspective, but what he really described was a four-dimensional thing. In three-dimensional space, its bottleneck needs to pass through the surface of the bottle body and enter the inside of the bottle. In other words, the position occupied by the bottle itself in the three-dimensional space is occupied by another part of itself.

But if there is another dimension, it does not need to pass through its own body, but connects the mouth of the bottle to the bottom of the bottle through the fourth dimension. But we need to express it in the three-dimensional space of our lives, so we have to make do with it and make it look like it intersects with itself. "

"You mean this island is a Klein bottle?" Aoki asked.

Su Huilan opened her arms and made an upward movement and said:

"The sea outside the island looks like a flat surface, but it is actually a twisted space. You can understand it as rolling up, just like the body of a bottle. The island is the bottom of the bottle, and the lake on the island is at the bottom of the bottle. The hole dug. The bottle body made of the ocean slowly closes up to form a bottleneck in the sky, passing through the fourth dimension and connected to the hole at the bottom of the bottle, which is the lake on the island. This constitutes a complete Klein bottle.

This is also the reason why Alice and the others return to the lake when they go to sea. In the Klein bottle, the inside and outside are connected. It is a non-directional plane, and the key is the hole at the bottom of the bottle, which is the lake on the island. , it is both the bottom and the mouth of the bottle. "

The New Year is over, I wish you all a Happy New Year!

I stopped updating for a few days during the Chinese New Year. I'm very sorry. In fact, I went back to the city yesterday, but I've eaten so much during the past few days during the Chinese New Year that my belly was full of oil and water, which occupied the space for ink. I wrote a few paragraphs but even after reading them, I felt like nonsense. I had to take a day off to calm down and sort out the outline. Although this book is not as rigorous and tough as Liu's science fiction, it still takes a lot of thought, at least in terms of my personal ability and I try to be rigorous.

The Wandering Earth has become popular, and Chinese science fiction has seen hope. It’s time for Qidian’s science fiction to put its efforts into action. Best wishes, I hope it gets better and better!

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