Dream Guide

Chapter 419 Turbulent Waves of Consciousness

Regarding the Klein bottle, Aoki once heard the professor mention it when he was discussing high-dimensional space with Professor Mei in the laboratory, but he didn't pay attention at the time, so he only remembered such a thing, but never imagined what it looked like. Now after Su Huilan said this, he formed a more concrete concept in his mind.

"It's not easy to imagine this thing out of thin air. My mind is so messed up!" Aoki lit a cigarette, squinted his eyes, and imagined the bottle with no inside and outside. As he thought about it, it became a handful. The appearance of a chamber pot.

Su Huilan smiled and said: "Actually, the Klein bottle simulated in three-dimensional space is not perfect, because the bottleneck needs to pass through the bottle body, which will cause a part of the three-dimensional space to overlap. The Klein bottle is more precise than the Möbius strip. It’s hard to imagine, because two Möbius strips need to be bonded together to get a Klein bottle, and this bonding must be completed in four-dimensional space. In fact, the best way is to create such a thing in a dream A thing is not limited by space in dreams, as long as your imagination is enough. I suspect that Felix Klein created this thing in a dream and then proposed it.

"But no matter how rich your imagination is, you can't break through the limits and come up with something you've never seen before, right? Who has ever seen four-dimensional time and space!" Aoki said.

"This is not a breakthrough in memory limit, because it is not a real four-dimensional space-time, but an intermediate model between three-dimensional and four-dimensional. It only needs a wormhole to connect the inside and outside of the three-dimensional space."

Su Huilan glanced at Qingmu and said, "Looking at the way you looked just now, you must have thought of something. You must know about the Klein bottle. You just used my mouth to tell me. Tell me, what are your ideas?"

Aoki blew out a puff of smoke, and the white smoke slowly dispersed in the air. He took two steps forward gently, and the sound of the pull board mopping the floor echoed in the cave.

Su Huilan suddenly felt a strong spiritual force coming from him, and without warning, it enveloped her like a tide, like a man's palm, roughly stroking her body.

Ah, what are you going to do?

Su Huilan shouted in her heart, not knowing whether to resist or not. She didn't know why Aoki did this. He was gentle and gentle when he borrowed her dream and asked her to self-hypnotize. Now why was he suddenly so direct and rough, without even saying hello, as if he was attacking by surprise.

The footsteps were still sounding, tapping, tapping, like the echo in an empty basement. Su Huilan knew that this was already close to the edge of subconsciousness. If she didn't resist, she would completely enter the dream state. Apart from being trained by her father at a very young age, she had never been hypnotized by anyone, especially a man.

This was her first direct contact with Aoki's spiritual power.

Aoki's power is stronger than she imagined. Although there is no confrontation yet, she can feel this power, like a strong bison rushing towards you. You don't need to collide to know that the power can easily kill you. Top fly.

She was in the whirlpool of this power, strong, rough, wild... and sometimes there was a little bit of special tenderness... This feeling was very strange, like being hugged by a man, and every pore of her body could feel... Feel the other person's temperature.


Su Huilan finally resisted, and built a mental energy shield on the edge of Meng Weimeng to isolate Aoki's mental power from the subconscious.

Her cheeks were still a little flushed. Thinking of the feeling just now, her body couldn't help trembling slightly, and her heart was beating fast.

The two spiritual forces rolled together like a tide, stirring violently. On the edge of this dream, in the sight of consciousness, there were turbulent storms and turbulent waves, and Su Huilan's consciousness was like a beautiful angel in the eye of the storm, graceful and graceful. .

"Qingmu, what are you going to do?" Su Huilan said angrily.

Aoki held a cigarette in his mouth and smiled without saying a word.

Su Huilan suddenly felt something was wrong. Aoki's mental power is stronger than she imagined. If there is a head-on confrontation, her strength may not be able to resist it. Moreover, she doesn't know how much will she has to resist this heartbeat feeling.

However, she found that although Aoki's mental power was flowing continuously, it did not all come towards her, but kept swirling around her. Mixed with his power was not only her mental power, but also another force.

Su Huilan understood that that power was the ubiquitous spiritual power that originally existed on this island, but she almost ignored it just because of habit.

Aoki used his mental power to block this power from around Su Huilan, forming a spiritual vacuum vortex with Su Huilan as the center.

If the mental power could be seen with the naked eye, a rapidly rotating vortex composed of liquids of three colors could be seen forming around Su Huilan's body. The red in the innermost layer is Su Huilan's own spiritual power, the green in the middle layer is the spiritual power emitted by Qingmu, and the blue in the outermost layer is light, but as boundless as the sea, permeating the entire space.

The vacuum area in the middle is getting bigger and bigger, and the displaced blue suddenly becomes richer, like sea water being displaced by air bombs. It reaches the limit of water pressure, and then starts to counterattack, like waves in a storm, one wave after another. Waves of waves rushed towards the vacuum area where Su Huilan was, but were blocked by the mental barrier in the middle.

The blue waves hit the green wall of force and shattered violently, like the smoke of a bomb.

Su Huilan's conscious body can feel this battle between mental powers, which is more intuitive and more impactful than the three-color wave we assume we can see with the naked eye.

When the spiritual vacuum zone expanded to the entire cave, the power confrontation felt in the consciousness could no longer be described by the word shock.

The fire on the ground seemed to be affected by this invisible wave of energy. The flames flew upwards, as if someone was pulling the bellows under the fire.

Alice felt a little dazed, her mind fell into a brief blank, and then recovered immediately, as if she had just had a nightmare. When she looked at the unconscious Anderson next to her, she was sure that she was not dreaming and that everything was real.

The savage on the ground twisted his body and groaned, probably because he had touched a broken bone and was feeling very uncomfortable.

This is the most majestic mental power contest that Su Huilan has ever experienced and witnessed. The strength of the seemingly plain but ubiquitous spiritual force field on the island was far beyond her imagination, and the abilities displayed by Aoki were stronger than she had known in the past.

Aoki put his hands in his trouser pockets, and whether it was the wind or the heat from the fire, his windbreaker was swaying. The cigarette in his mouth was still burning, and half of the ash fell gently, spinning in mid-air.

Su Huilan, who was in the center of the turbulent energy, felt more and more that Aoki was unfathomable. This mysterious man! What are you doing?

When Aoki threw away the cigarette in his hand and lazily said the next sentence, Su Huilan finally understood what he was going to do.

"Now you can hypnotize the savage," he said.

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