Dream Guide

Chapter 420 Enhanced Space Box

This cave is not big, and the fire lit on the ground illuminates the entire cave. The spiritual force field that originally covered the entire island was isolated by Qingmu, and a spiritual vacuum appeared with Su Huilan as the center.

Su Huilan understood Aoki's intention. After he isolated the spiritual force field on the island, the place would become the same as an ordinary place without Tabu. The savage's consciousness would lose the protection of the spiritual force field. In theory, it would be possible to deal with it normally. It's hypnotic.

However, Su Huilan's heart tightened at this moment. She didn't care about hypnotizing the savage, but looked at everything around her nervously, and said in a trembling tone: "Aoki, what's going on?"

Alice even shouted: "Oh my God! What happened? Where are we?"

Aoki had been fighting against Tabu's natural force field just now. The mental power he had pushed away was rolling around the space, and huge waves hit the wall of his consciousness again and again. He had no time to think about anything else and only concentrated on dealing with the counterattack.

It wasn't until Su Huilan's reminder and Alice's cry that he noticed the scene in this "spiritual vacuum":

Su Huilan looked surprised, Alice opened her mouth in horror, and both Anderson and Savage were lying on the ground. But--

The earth is gone!

The fire that was burning just now is gone!

The cave is gone too!

The whole space shimmered with white light, like a thick fog in late autumn. Everything was shrouded in fog and nothing could be seen.

Only people remain.

Except for Aoki, everyone else witnessed the disappearance of the entire cave. The stone walls, the land, the fire... everything is slowly fading until they finally disappear, as if they have been slowly erased from the retina.

But the strange thing is that everyone is here. They are like two-dimensional creatures lying on a white paper. They can see each other but cannot see the world besides them.

Everyone could see deep fear in each other's eyes.

Aoki was also a little surprised, this was not the result he wanted.

He took back his mental power.


As the spiritual wall he built disappeared, the natural spiritual force field on the island quickly filled the vacuum, as if huge waves were coming, hitting the people who were confused and frightened.

Everything is back.

The earth, the cave, the burning fire...

It was as if nothing had happened.

Su Huilan was stunned, even forgetting to help Alice when she fainted.

Is it an illusion? impossible!

She is an awakened person, and not just any ordinary awakened person. She has always been very confident in her mental strength, and she believes that it was not an illusion just now. No one could make her have such hallucinations, unless someone hypnotized her into a dream.

She looked at Aoki and opened his mouth, and then said after a long time: "You...what did you do?"

Aoki spread his hands innocently: "I didn't do anything!"

Su Huilan felt a chill in her heart. She would rather be hypnotized by Aoki, so that at least everything would be within the acceptable range. At most, it would mean that Aoki's mental power is much stronger than hers. But now the development of things was beyond her understanding, and she could not explain the scene that just happened.

Aoki bent down and picked up the cigarette butt he had just thrown away from the ground. The cigarette butt was not burned out and was still smoking.

"I'm sure this cigarette is real! It has been on my mouth and never left," he said.

"You mean..." Su Huilan was not sure what he wanted to express and looked at him doubtfully.

Aoki said: "You must be doubting that that moment just now was a dream, right?"

Su Huilan nodded.

"I almost thought so. Everything disappeared and only us were left. It was very much like the black box stage when the consciousness just entered the dream state. But the question is, why...we are all wearing clothes? And this cigarette - —”

Aoki pressed the cigarette butt on his middle fingernail with his thumb and flicked it. The cigarette butt drew a red arc with sparks and flew into the fire. "It has been on my mouth all this time, and everything has disappeared." At that time, it was still smoking!”

Su Huilan's eyelids twitched suddenly and said: "When you push away the natural spiritual force field on the island, everything on the island disappears, and we and the things we brought are all in... the sky Where!...Does this island not exist at all? Is everything an illusion brought to us by Tabu!? Only we are real?"

This sounds extremely unreasonable, but it can well explain some phenomena that are originally difficult to explain. Maybe there are no ghost islands at all, you can only see them when Tabu's spiritual power affects you, and everything is an illusion! So when Aoki pushed the mental force field away, the illusion disappeared.

But when did it all start? When there is fog on the sea? Maybe even earlier...

She suddenly thought of a very terrible thing - if it had started from Tubuai Island...

"Petru! Where is Petru?" Su Huilan exclaimed.

Aoki lit up a cigarette again, took two puffs, shook his head and said, "If everything is fake, then who is he?" He pointed at the savage on the ground, and then pointed at the unconscious Anderson, "What about Anderson's injuries?" Coming?"

Su Huilan was a little confused. Yes, she saw it just now. When everything disappeared, the savage was still lying there, and Anderson was indeed injured.

"Moreover, if it is a hallucination or a dream, when everything is restored, we should see the original appearance, such as we are on a boat, or at sea, or on the hillside of Tubuai Island, instead of a void space!" Aoki explain.

Su Huilan nodded: "Yes, dreams always have a beginning..." She suddenly had a flash of inspiration and remembered what Aoki said just now, "You said this is a bit like the black box stage at the beginning of dreams?"

Aoki said: "Well, this name came from when Professor Mei was studying the space box. Because the moment a person enters the space box, it is like entering a dream. The subconscious has been awakened, but the memory has not yet begun to be retrieved. This moment is like A black box of consciousness.”

"Will that..."

"Are you trying to say that we are still in the space box?"

"No, no, no, this... of course... is impossible!" Su Huilan felt that the idea that suddenly popped up in her mind was too ridiculous.

"It's not impossible!" Aoki said.

Su Huilan was shocked: "What?"

Aoki said: "The two coffins made by Professor Mei are not yet advanced to this level, but it will be difficult to say in the future. I am now a little worried about what the professor's project will develop into. Maybe it is really a Pandora's box!"

"Why do you say that?"

"If the Dream Guide game becomes popular, we can of course use the space box to tell which are the invading parasitic consciousnesses, but players may also fall into dreams and not extricate themselves. At that time, humans will live in two worlds at the same time, and they will be inseparable. Find out which one is real and which one is illusory.”

"Two worlds? Existing at the same time?"

"Yes, just like we are now. We are somewhere in the South Pacific of the earth, and we are also in the Klein bottle you mentioned. The Klein bottle-"

Aoki slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, "Could it be an enhanced version of the space box?"

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