Dream Guide

Chapter 434 Forbidden Land

Petru carried Mrs. Larry down the steps to the base of the altar.

It is about half the size of a playground and is filled with boulders of various shapes, like a stone processing factory.

As soon as Petru walked in, there was a familiar feeling. These stones are very strange. In terms of color, shape and rock texture, they are very similar to the stones in Tabli on Tubuai Island.

In fact, he discovered this above. He remembered that the indigenous people on Tubuai Island once said that Tabu is the site of the ancestral temple. Tabu means taboo and rules. No one can break this rule or get close to this taboo.

He wanted to make a bet - these islands in the Pacific share common ancestors and beliefs. This primitive tribe abides by the rules of Tabu like the natives of Tubuai Island, and they will not enter forbidden places.

If he hadn't had such an idea, Petru would rather use a dagger to cut a bloody path than to tie himself up and put himself in a desperate situation. If the guess is wrong, there is really no way to go to heaven or earth in this rock pit, and it can only become their burial place as Mrs. Larry said.

The steps and stone crevices above the entire altar were covered with moss, grass, and vines, but there was no grass at all in the space below. This is consistent with the characteristics of Tabu on other islands. Both Qingmu and Su Huilan suspected that the underground of Tabu contained radioactive materials.

This gave Petru some confidence. The only thing that made him nervous was the distribution of spiritual power on this island. Judging from the situation on other islands, Tabu is the center of the spiritual force field, and the spiritual force surrounds Tabu like an energy shield. This island is filled with spiritual power everywhere, but it is obviously not centered on this altar. And if this is Tabu, what happened to the hot spring lake that Petru discovered when he first came to the island?

While looking for a suitable hiding place, he asked Mrs. Larry: "Madam, you said you have seen savages coming to the altar to pray. Do you know how they worship, and do they come down here?"

Mrs. Larry said: "I don't know, because I only saw them from a distance, when they were worshiping in front of the altar, but I didn't see the entire ceremony, and I didn't know that the altar was not a platform, but a platform. It’s a cave.”

"So with your extensive experience in archaeology, what do you think this place is used for?" Petrou asked.

“I thought it was just a place to worship gods, but now it seems like it’s more like an unfinished project,” Mrs. Larry said.

"Unfinished project?" Petru looked around and asked, "Building a house? If you build such a large stone house, it would be much better than their wooden houses, but they have such ability, why don't they build a few A smaller house? Moreover, the walls of this house are too thick, and it’s hard to even open a window.”

Mrs. Larry said, "The dead don't have to open the windows."

Petru was startled: "You mean - this is a tomb?"

At this time, he found a pile of large rocks that looked like he could hide. He put Mrs. Larry down, then stuck his head out to see, making sure that it was impossible to see the person hiding among the stones from any angle above the altar.

Mrs. Larry sat on the ground, leaning against the cold stone, and said: "I just guessed that judging from the shape, this may be an unfinished tomb. But the population size of this primitive tribe is not enough to support such a large project. , unless they devote several generations of efforts, but this is contrary to the process of civilization. Primitive tribes like this are still on the edge of a survival crisis. Their first priority is racial reproduction and survival. They cannot live in vain for the sake of the afterlife. Fantasy, and the construction of these large, gaudy tombs.”

"Then according to what you mean, is it a tomb?" Petru was confused.

"I'm not sure. If so, it means that this race was once much larger than it is now." Mrs. Larry stroked the dark brown stones with her hand. "Have you noticed that these stones are very special! There are other species on the island. I have never seen this kind of stone anywhere.”

Petru said: "I discovered that there is no grass growing here. In fact, my friends and I have seen this kind of stone on other islands. Madam, I wonder if you have heard of a kind of stone called 'Tabu'. thing?"

"Tabu?" Mrs. Larry read the word several times, as if judging Petru's pronunciation. "Are you talking about the relics of ancestors spread on some islands in the South Pacific?"

Petru nodded.

Mrs. Larry said: "I have heard that... a friend of mine... has done research in this area. He is an expert on Mayan culture. He said that these things may be related to some ancient civilizations that have disappeared, but there is not enough information. Evidence. Moreover, the distribution of 'Tabu' is not widespread and is only found on a small number of islands in Polynesia. Therefore, in the archaeological community, almost no one pays attention to these things. If it weren't for my... friend, he was studying the periphery of the Mayan civilization. The influence spans from intelligence to the entire South Pacific. He will not notice it, let alone me. Do you want to say that this is a Tabu? "

Petru said: "I'm not sure, but these stones are indeed very similar to the Tarab stones I have seen, and all Tarabs are barren. My friend said it may be because these stones contain radioactive elements, so the indigenous people According to legend, Tabu is a forbidden place."

Mrs. Larry shook her head and said, "Oh, I've never heard of that."

Petru also didn't believe that the stone was radioactive, otherwise he would have had problems long ago after living in Tabli for so long.

At this time, some sounds came from above. Petru put his index finger to his lips to silence Mrs. Larry.

He secretly climbed up the crack in the stone and looked up, and saw several savage figures appearing on the edge of the top of the altar. The one in the middle was the patriarch holding a scepter.

The savage leader stood on the top of the altar and glanced down. Petru shuddered. He quickly withdrew his gaze and hid himself, not daring to look out again.

He and Mrs. Larry just hid behind the stone and listened nervously to the movement above. At the beginning, I could still hear the voices of a few savages talking, but they were far away and I couldn't make out what they were saying. After a while, there was no sound at all.

Petru guessed that the savages were gone. He was glad that he had made the right bet. This was a forbidden place and the savages would not come down. But he didn't dare to go out for the time being. Who knew if they had gone far? Maybe just squat on it and wait for it!

The shadows of the boulders blocked the sunlight, and the wind blowing from above swirled among the rocks, making a whining sound. It was also cool when it blew on people.

At this time, the two people suddenly realized that everyone was naked. Petru felt a little embarrassed, and Mrs. Larry also clamped her legs, crossed her arms across her chest, and turned her face to the side.

The wind suddenly stopped, the savages' whining calls in the distance also stopped, and the world suddenly fell into boundless silence. There was only the sound of the heartbeat, as loud as someone beating a drum. Time becomes very slow, like a quartz clock that is out of power, and the second hand cannot climb up no matter how hard it is.

Petru suddenly heard a strange sound, hissing, with an unpleasant fishy smell. A familiar feeling of danger came over him. He turned to look at Mrs. Larry and saw a big black snake lying on the rock on Mrs. Larry's body, raising its triangular snake head and spitting out red apricots.

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