Dream Guide

Chapter 435 Born to be an enemy

The sensitivity to snakes comes from years of experience in fighting in the jungle. Most people will not hear the sounds of snakes spitting and crawling, nor can they easily smell the smell of snakes.

Mrs. Larry was apparently unaware that she was in danger. She noticed that Petru was looking at her, and her eyes were not right, so she asked, "What's wrong?"

"Madam, do you believe me?" Petrou asked.

Mrs. Larry didn't know why he asked. Although her eyes were full of surprise, she still answered with certainty: "I believe you."

"Okay, ma'am, please don't move, no matter what I do, don't move!" Petru stared at the snake intently, getting up little by little, and slowly approached Mrs. Larry.

He looked very strange, his eyes were straight and his body seemed a little nervous. Mrs. Larry instinctively wanted to protect her body. In the situation last night, she could accept and even encourage Petru to do things he shouldn't do, but now, she was a little afraid of his appearance. However, she still chose to believe Petru, and listened to his words without moving at all.

Petru's movement obviously attracted the snake's attention. The snake's head stopped less than ten centimeters away from Mrs. Larry's face, and hissed red apricots at Petru.

Petru still maintained his slow movements and slowly approached Mrs. Larry's body. His left hand slowly stretched out, his fingers bent forward, as if he wanted to grab something, and his right hand held the dagger tightly.

When his body was about to contact Mrs. Larry, the snake moved, and Petru's left hand quickly stretched out, grabbing seven inches of the snake in an instant. Then he turned his body back, pulled the whole snake out from behind Mrs. Larry, and cut off the snake's head with the dagger in his right hand.

Mrs. Larry was so frightened that she screamed when she saw the two-meter-long snake body.

This frightened Petru. He never thought that a fearless scientific woman who looked down on life and death would be afraid of snakes. He quickly threw away the snake in his hand, jumped up and covered Mrs. Larry's mouth.

"No, don't make a sound, madam!" Petru said in her ear, "the snake is dead!"

Mrs. Larry calmed down, but her chest continued to rise and fall violently.

Petru let go of his hand and silently prayed that the lady's scream just now was not heard by anyone outside.

He asked with some confusion: "Madam, I don't quite understand. Shouldn't an archaeologist like you often go into the damp and dark underground to deal with snakes and insects? Why are you afraid of snakes?"

"Women and snakes are natural enemies." Mrs. Larry said, "In the Bible, Jehovah God said to the snake: Because you have done this, you are cursed more than all livestock and wild beasts. You will use your belly to eat it." Walk and eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. The woman’s seed will bruise your head, and you will bruise his heel…”

"I didn't expect you to be a devout Christian!" Petru chuckled, "Oh, I'm sorry, I don't mean any disrespect. I'm just curious that people who study science would also believe... um... do the things in Genesis? "

Mrs. Larry said: "Science can also draw nourishment from theology, as long as it does not violate our pursuit of truth."

"Well, these words sound so familiar!" Petru thought of the priest.

The headless snake body was still twisting on the ground. Mrs. Larry turned her head away and closed her eyes not to look at it: "Please, get it away!"

"Madam, I am willing to serve you, but it seems that Jehovah does not want to let you go, and is letting your enemies come in a steady stream." Petru said.

"What?" Mrs. Larry was startled. She opened her eyes and saw Petru standing in front of her, hunched over and holding a dagger. There were several big snakes in front of him, raising their heads and attacking. posture.

Mrs. Larry was very sensitive to snakes. She drew back nervously, and then felt a little greasy on her shoulders. When she turned around, she saw that a snake had climbed onto her shoulders, and the red apricots it spat out almost touched her face. .

She screamed in surprise and grabbed her side with her hands in panic. Suddenly there was a flash of light, and a dagger stabbed at her, cutting the snake on her shoulder to the ground.

Petru pulled Mrs. Larry into his arms, and while waving his dagger constantly, he stabbed to death or drove away the snakes that swam by.

The dead snakes on the ground seemed to shock their kind. Some snakes stopped far away from Petru and Mrs. Larry, hissing and spitting out apricots, as if testing them.

More and more snakes crawled out from the rocks, and their hissing sounds became louder and louder.

Seeing the dense snakes surrounding them in a circle, Petru also felt his scalp numb, and the dagger in his hand had lost its use. He couldn't help but miss his gun and grenades. If he had all the equipment, why should he be afraid of these snakes?

"You fell into a damn snake's nest!" He cursed almost as if he was resigned to his fate.

Mrs. Larry's body was shaking constantly, and Petru had no choice but to hug her tightly and comfort her: "Madam, it's okay. You just said that in the worst case, this will become our burial place. Eaten by snakes , it’s better than being eaten by savages as a barbecue! These snakes are poisonous, and with just a few bites, we will die painlessly as if we were given anesthesia.”

Mrs. Larry seemed to feel a little better after hearing what he said. Although her body was still shaking, her spirit had calmed down. She leaned on Petru's shoulder and suddenly exclaimed: "There! There seems to be no snakes on that road!"

Petru looked back and saw that there were no snakes on the ground between the rocks, as if someone had sprinkled sulfur on it.

"Let's go!" He supported Mrs. Larry and gestured around with the knife while retreating.

The snakes around them came up like a tide and followed them all the time.

They slowly retreated to the steps along the place where there were no snakes. As long as they went up, they would be on top of the altar.

The steps were also densely covered with snakes, leaving only a very narrow passage. Petru looked up and saw no savage.

"I'll carry you up." He knelt down and said, knowing that Mrs. Larry's health was not good yet.

But Mrs. Larry said: "No, I can go by myself, and you can concentrate on dealing with the snake."

Petru nodded and helped his wife go up.

Mrs. Larry did not dare to look at the snakes all over the ground. She only looked down at the road under her feet and murmured: "There is not even a root of grass in this place. What do these snakes eat to grow up?"

"What did you say?" A light suddenly flashed in Petru's mind, as if he had been struck by lightning.

"I said the environment here cannot support so many snakes. Unless all the snakes on the island are gathered here, where do they come from?"

"I understand!" Petru's heart beat loudly, "This is a dream!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt like the world was spinning. He thought the dream was about to collapse, but the dream held on tenaciously and never collapsed.

He couldn't get out of the dream, it was like a nightmare, and his heart and body felt terribly uncomfortable.

Mrs. Larry saw his ugly face and asked with concern: "What's the matter with you?"

Petru said with difficulty: "Madam, we are saved. I am sure that this is their forbidden place. As long as we stay here and don't go up, they can't do anything to us. These snakes are all fake, they are the wizard The old man hypnotized us into hallucinations, and we were all in a dream. He just wanted us to go up by ourselves. Now... let's go back... down..."

He looked very uncomfortable and could not even walk steadily.

Mrs. Larry had no choice but to support him in turn and asked, "Are you sure we want to go back down there?"

"Sure, ma'am!" said Petru, "you have to believe me!"

Mrs. Larry stopped talking. Regardless of her physical weakness and pain, she helped Petru down the steps step by step and walked back to the pile of rocks.

The snake in front blocked her way, constantly threatening her with its triangular snake head and scarlet apricots. She raised her foot, hesitated, and then stepped down.

With a bang, the air fluctuated, and thunder struck in the minds of Petru and Mrs. Larry at the same time.

All the snakes were gone and everything was back to how it was before.

They raised their heads and saw that the savages were surrounded on all sides above the altar, and their leader was holding a scepter towards them.

A crow croaked and flew across the sky.

The sky suddenly darkened, and a super full moon slowly rose from the sky.

Happy Lantern Festival! Super moon tonight!

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