Dream Guide

Chapter 537 Half Fire Soul

Ronald Cohen's last words were a bit long, with a few sentences here and there. Perhaps he was too lonely in the deep well and had a lot of time before his death, just like all lonely old people who are slightly neurotic. The same nagging.

Aoki can imagine the final scene:

The Swordfish exhausted all its energy in the deep well. The officers and soldiers on the ship all knew that death was coming and lay peacefully on their beds. Only Captain Halsey reluctantly sat in the chair in the command room and looked at the starry sky outside the window. At that last moment, I don’t know if he was feeling emotional about the insignificance of human beings in the face of the vast universe, or he was deeply regretting his own misfortune, or he was thinking of his distant hometown that was not in the same time and space.

In the end, only Ronald was left on the entire ship. He was old, deaf and blind. He held the last flashlight in his hand and walked alone in the dark corridor of the warship cabin. On both sides were the officers and soldiers' dormitories filled with corpses.

He walked into the captain's room, and with the remaining energy that could still light up the wall lamp, under the dim light, he took out a pen and paper, and wrote down what he wanted to say but couldn't say.

Fortunately, his handwriting is not as bad as he said. On the contrary, it is very beautiful and pleasing to the eye, and his diction is not vulgar, and it is enough to explain some concepts and things that are very difficult to explain clearly.

When it comes to the Alliance of Awakeners, the first page has just been written, and you have to peel it off to see the content of the next page.

However, this paper has been lying on the table for hundreds of thousands of years. Although Cohen said that its conservative preservation life is 10,000 years, no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents when you touch it with your hands.

People looked at Mrs. Larry. She was an archaeologist and was good at dealing with this kind of thing.

Situ and Qingmu gave up their seats, and Mrs. Larry came to the table. Su Huilan and Petru both held torches to help her light up.

To uncover the paper, first remove the red coral branch that is pressed against the paper. Coral of pure color is valuable, but it has no value at the moment, so Mrs. Larry's attention is entirely on the paper, and her right hand reaches out to the coral branch casually, ready to take it away.

However, as soon as her hand grabbed the coral branch, she screamed, as if she had caught a red-hot iron, and she retracted it reflexively. This kind of situation rarely happens to the lady who is always calm and serious, so everyone was shocked.

"What's the matter, madam?" Petru asked with concern.

Mrs. Larry shook her head and said, "I don't know... that thing was very hot... I thought my hand was burned to ashes, but..." She looked at her intact fingers, "This is so weird! "

"Let me take a look." Petru didn't care about other people's eyes. He took Madam's hand and rubbed it gently. "It's okay, Madam, you are just too tired!"

Others also thought the lady was hallucinating. As Madam's assistant, Alice also has considerable experience in organizing cultural relics. She stepped forward to help Madam pick up the coral branches on the paper, but her reaction was even more exaggerated than Madam Larry's, and she screamed and fell back. Supported by Anderson.

Everyone felt that something was fishy. If it wasn't powered by electricity, it would be a ghost!

In the dim cabin, there were only a few torches that were not very bright, and the flames flickered and flickered. Ronald Cohen's thin face looked pale and terrifying under the firelight, as if a layer of dry white mask had been applied, revealing two dark eye sockets. The firelight could not penetrate, only as if there were ghosts inside. Dance.

"What's the matter?" Boris, who was lagging behind, stretched his head and neck, eager to reach out for it.

"Don't touch Boris!" Ivan stopped him, "Listen to Mr. Stone and Mr. Aoki."

Aoki stood closer to the table than Situ. He took a step forward and reached for the coral branch. As soon as he touched the red thing, a hot, iron-like temperature came from his fingers, making him have the urge to shrink his hand. But he held back.

Then, the burning sensation spread up his arm, through his chest, and to the other hand. That hand held the ebony scepter of the Sanchi tribe, which burned with a bang and turned into a flaming staff.

Wherever the heat passed, his flesh and blood burned to ashes and turned into nothing, leaving only white bones. Now, he has turned into a devil who is normal in other places, but his two arms and chest are only bones. He holds a flaming scepter in his hand.

Of course Aoki knew that this was all his own feeling, or it could be called an illusion. In the eyes of others, his ebony staff did not catch fire, and his body was intact.

It is a mental influence, like hypnosis.

The special spiritual power on the red coral branch affects people who touch it, giving people the illusion of "heat". Aoki had thought of this from the beginning, but the strange thing was that the spiritual power on this thing seemed to be somehow connected with the scepter in his hand, just like setting fire to burning wood.

A sentence from an ancient scripture suddenly came to his mind: Fire is born from wood, and any disaster will be overcome.

As for why he thought of this sentence, he didn't know.

He already knew that this thing, like the ebony staff in his hand and the silver staff in Situ's hand, was a special item that could control the mental force field. It might also be a token of power of a certain savage tribe.

And judging from the mental induction that occurs in the hands, there is a certain connection between these scepters. Will there be a relationship between life and death like the Chinese Five Elements theory?

The fire did not burn all the time, the coral branch soon turned into an ordinary coral branch, and it was obvious that this was not a complete coral branch, it was only half a branch in terms of length and fracture.

Aoki carefully picked up the coral branch, looked at it carefully, and then handed it to Situ. Situ took it and immediately frowned. Aoki could tell from his expression that the burning sensation felt by Situ seemed to be stronger than him.

"It's okay. This thing has spiritual power attached to it, which only affects your brain's perception. It's not actually hot." Situ reassured everyone, then took the coral branch, looked at the people around him, and finally chose Su Huilan said, "Neither Qingmu nor I can hold it. Only you are suitable here. You can keep this thing for the time being."


Su Huilan looked at Qingmu suspiciously, and when she saw Qingmu nodding towards her, she stretched out her hand. Situ put the coral branch into her hand. Her hands visibly shook, but she still caught it steadily.

"Madam, please continue reading Cohen's last words." Situ said.

Mrs. Larry nodded, carefully opened the first page of the letter with her hand, looked at the contents of the second page, and then read out:

“When you see this page, it means that you have obtained half of the ‘Soul of Fire’—oh, it’s the piece of coral-like thing pressed on the paper.

That proves that there must be awakened people among you. If you are not an awakened person, or even an ordinary awakened person, you cannot remove this half of the 'Fire Soul', because the spiritual power of fire attached to it will make you reluctant to touch it.

If you must touch it, it will burn your consciousness and turn your 'real life' into ashes before your brain instructs your muscles to pick it up.

What I am going to talk about next can only be done by an awakened person and possessing a strong power of awakening. Otherwise, if you know it, you can only sigh in confusion, and it will not contribute to the great cause of saving mankind and the universe.

The other half of the 'Fire Soul' is hidden on the spire of an ancient church on Earth. It is a pity that we were not completely sure about entering Ramla at that time, so we did not take out the other half of the Fire Soul from the church spire. Otherwise, the two 'Fire Souls' could be combined into one. , then the Swordfish might not fall into the deep well of time and space.

I used half of the 'Fire Soul' to activate the Fire Altar. I wonder if the other half of the 'Fire Soul' on the distant earth would be able to sense it? Perhaps unfortunately there will be a fire on the steeple of that church...

If the great church on the Île de la Cité unfortunately catches fire, if the towering spire of art finally collapses, please forgive me for my fault!

Although the loss of civilization is nothing compared to our ongoing work, I still want to say sorry! Because the disaster could have been avoided.

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