Dream Guide

Chapter 538 The Great Mission

The "Soul of Fire" is not actually coral, nor is it a mysterious magic prop, but a special substance produced in the ancient spiritual realm. To be honest, I don't know what it is. According to the records of the Awakened Alliance, there are five such things in total. In addition to the "Soul of Fire", there are also "Soul of Stone", "Soul of Wood", "Soul of Wind" and "Soul of Ice". People collectively call it - the sacred staff.

The sacred rod allows people to gain a greater range of spiritual control, allows consciousness to stretch out into the distance like a tentacle in the corresponding spiritual force field, and can even communicate with Gaia's consciousness. To a certain extent, it symbolizes the supreme wisdom and energy of the Creator. The scepters of many ancient civilizations were modeled after the sacred staff, especially ancient Egypt.

There are five types of divine staffs because when humans at that time established the earth's spiritual force field, they connected the five endpoints of Ramla. Human beings have established five major spiritual holy places on the surface of the earth and five altars within the five end points. When the altar is connected to the holy place, the spiritual force field can be activated, and Gaia's consciousness and spiritual power throughout the universe will be continuously sent to the earth.

Because Ramla uses the black hole horizon as a mirror image and its space distortion characteristics, the mental force changes the nature of the force field to varying degrees in the gravity tunnel cavity. When it enters the earth through different endpoints, it forms five slightly different properties. There are different spiritual energies, just as different arrangements of atoms change the properties of matter.

It is difficult for human language to describe the characteristics of the five kinds of spiritual energy. It can only use the understanding of matter to describe it, so the spiritual power is roughly divided into five categories: "wind, fire, wood, stone, and ice."

Does it sound a bit like the ancient Greek theory of four elements, or the Eastern theory of five elements? Because the ancients’ understanding of the world originated from this!

When the Ramla ant nest was closed, the earth lost its spiritual force field, Gaia's consciousness could not reach the human world, human spiritual power became very weak, and evolution could only proceed slowly.

People have long forgotten those ancient past events, who Gaia is, and the origins of wisdom and spirit.

But there are still a handful of people who have the means to control the earth's feeble spiritual energy. They have not forgotten the mission of wisdom given to mankind by Gaia to prevent the death of the universe. They have guarded the oldest spiritual holy place on the earth for generations, trying to rebuild the spiritual force field and welcome the return of Gaia's consciousness.

These masters and wise men who control the spiritual world have cultivated generations of awakened people and established alliances. This is what I referred to earlier as the "Awakened Alliance."

Of course, since there are powerful awakened ones among you, I believe you should know something about this alliance. The reason why you don’t know as well as I do is because the Alliance suffered a devastating blow in the first half of the twentieth century. The war that almost plunged mankind into an eternal hell spread across the world, and the Alliance was disbanded. We have reason to believe that there are people behind all this who have rebuilt the world order and made mankind forget its mission.

But there are always people who are still awake, there are always people who remember everything, there are always people who are full of hopes and dreams. So, we rebuilt the alliance, and in order to distinguish it from the past, we changed the name of the alliance to "Dream Club". I have served as the chairman of the Dream Club, so I know a little more than ordinary people.

For thousands of years, we have been unable to restore the earth's spiritual force field because Gaia's sacred object, the Sacred Staff, has been taken away by the Itsa people. The five holy places and the altar in Ramla's ant nest have been destroyed. Stable connections between the two cannot be established, and the connection between Ramla and the earth has become very unstable.

Countless generations of alliance elites have entered Ramla to explore, but only a handful of them have come back alive. The most successful one among them is the famous pirate king in history-Haredin the Redbeard. He discovered Ramla's Atlantic passage in the early sixteenth century, led an entire fleet into Ramla, and snatched half of the "Soul of Fire" from the Itsa people.

During the battle with the Itesans, Hayreddin lost an arm and was later fitted with a "silver prosthesis", so he was also called the "Silver Arm".

His achievements are enough to be engraved on a stone tablet and placed in any holy place in the alliance. However, the powerful mind control ability of the "Fire Soul" also brought him a fatal disaster. The alliance split for the first time. Even the then powerful Ottoman Turkish Empire failed to save Hayreddin's life. His fleet was wiped out by the Spanish combined fleet.

After Hayreddin's death, the Soul of Fire passed through the hands of several people, but all of them met with misfortune.

It was not until the 19th century that the Soul of Fire was obtained by Lassus. In 1845, he took advantage of the opportunity of rebuilding the Cathedral of Ile de la Cité and hid the Soul of Fire on the spire of the church. Ah, I wonder if the spire is still intact? May Gaia bless you!

The emergence of the Fire Soul and the struggle of the Awakened have brought the justice and mission of the ancient alliance to naught, and people began to doubt the meaning of the alliance's existence. Since then, the alliance has been on the verge of fragmentation and dissolution, finally coming to an end at the end of World War II.

Oh, am I too wordy? I'm sorry, I wasn't like this in the past. Please understand the loneliness of an old man. Originally, I could have died peacefully like those soldiers. They were already in despair anyway, but I had to live a little longer. I had to keep the last hope of mankind.

The sacred staff is the key to activating Ramla's altar, reversing the realm of time and space, and restarting the earth's spiritual force field. It's a pity that except for half of the "Soul of Fire", all the divine staffs are not in human hands. The Itesans destroyed the anthill and the sacred site and took away the staff. It was not easy to take back the sacred staff from their hands. I led a warship into Ramla's Altar of Fire and finally snatched back half of the "Soul of Fire". Unfortunately, I didn't bring the other half. When activating the altar, half a fire soul could not support the stability of the space, causing us to fall into a deep well.

I know that I can't get out alive, and what happens next depends on you. You must find a way to restart the earth's spiritual force field and welcome back Gaia's consciousness. Only in this way can human beings wake up completely from their confusion and understand the mysteries of life and the universe.

Accept this great mission, my warriors!

Although the following things are difficult, we have already made a good start - I have accumulated experience when activating the altar of fire. You only need to find a way to get the sacred staff. This thing is usually found in a wizard of the Itsa tribe. in hand. After getting it, enter the altar of their tribe and look for a time hourglass symbol at the bottom of the altar - which is also the symbol of the Alliance of Awakeners - use the sacred staff to introduce spiritual power into the connection point of the two triangles in the symbol. When the two When a triangle glows and inverts, you should leave the altar quickly, because time and space will be distorted at that time, and it will be easy for you to be involved in the leakage of time and space, and you might just fall into a deep well like me.

I believe you can do it! Certainly possible! For Gaia, for all mankind!

Of course, activating Ramla is not all. To restart the earth’s spiritual force field, we must also activate the five holy places. But don’t worry, there are people on earth doing this. When you get all the sacred rods and activate Ramla, the connection between Ramla and the earth will become stable, and you can return to the earth at that time.

If my bones are still there, please send me and the Swordfish back to Earth. The children on the ship and I are all homesick!

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