Dream Guide

Chapter 541 Death of Jaeger

"Oh, I'm sorry, madam! I didn't know things would turn out like this." Petru looked a little annoyed, "I just wanted to get help from the scientific expedition team. You know, I am a pirate and wanted by many countries, so... …”

"I don't blame you. On the contrary, from a scientific point of view, we should all thank you." Mrs. Larry said, "No one wants to end up like this, but we are slowly getting closer to the truth, aren't we? If it can really be solved Humanity is even the mystery of the origin of life, so even if everyone here today sacrifices, it is still worth it!"

After she said this, the dark atmosphere in the cabin seemed to be much better, as if an invisible light shone in, letting everyone see hope. Even if they die, there will be glory shining.

"Is the chart you mentioned still there? Can you let me take a look at it?" Mrs. Larry asked, looking at the bag that Petru had been carrying.

Petru was stunned for a moment, and it took him a long time to remember that the sea chart was with Su Huilan, and Su Huilan had almost forgotten about it.

Fortunately, her backpack was always there, and it was waterproof to a certain extent, so everything inside was still intact. She took off her backpack, rummaged through it to find the charts, and gave them to Mrs. Larry.

Mrs. Larry took the charts and turned them over one by one. She suddenly became a little excited and her hands could clearly be seen trembling.

Sharp-eyed Alice shouted: "Ah, I've seen it! I've seen these charts! This...this is Mr. Yeager's chart!"

"Ah?" Petru opened his mouth in surprise, "Madam... is this... true?"

Mrs. Larry closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then opened her eyes again and said, "It is indeed Ludwig's. Look, it has his initials L."

Of course Petru knew that there was an L written at the bottom of the chart, just under the longest straight line. The line is very strange. It shoots straight from the vertex of the triangle in the central area and is drawn all the way to the edge of the map, as if it implies that this map is not complete and there is another half. He always thought that L was the meaning of the straight line, but he did not expect that it was the initials of the name of Mrs. Larry's husband, Ludwig Jaeger.

"So what does this line represent?" Pettru asked.

Mrs. Larry pointed to the triangle in the center of the chart and said: "Many years ago, Ludwig predicted that there would be ruins of the Gendaya civilization and a pyramid on the seabed. No one believed it at the time. He also said that this pyramid was not isolated. , must correspond to another pyramid, forming a space-time mirror effect. This is something that a highly developed civilization can do. Through the study of the Egyptian pyramid group and the comparison of the movement of continental plates, Ludwig boldly predicted Corresponding to the underwater pyramid is one of the three great pyramids in Egypt. Their coordinate positions are geocentrically symmetrical.

It is a pity that he has never been able to find the pyramid under the sea. People said that he was crazy for wanting to be famous. No one believed his views, his paper was nowhere to be published, and he was unable to fulfill his wish until his death.

Silva forwarded it to me as soon as he received your email, but I have been unwilling to face Ludwig's death and have been avoiding something, so I did not join the first scientific expedition team.

Later events proved that Ludwig was right. After several months of hard work, Professor Silva's team finally determined that the size and structure of the submarine pyramid are exactly the same as the Pyramid of Khufu.

The triangle on the chart refers to the inverted pyramid on the seabed, which is upside down. The line coming out of the apex was drawn by Ludwig and continued outside the map. There should be another picture there, which is the pyramid distribution map in Egypt. This straight line can be connected to the apex of Khufu's Pyramid. If a triangle is used to mark the two pyramids, it is a triangle pattern with two vertices connected. This is consistent with the symbol I saw in the altar of the Ramla Sanchi tribe. "

"But this chart looks like it's at least hundreds of years old. Isn't it all drawn by Mr. Yeager?" Su Huilan asked.

The lady said: "He drew the lines on the picture, and he got the original picture from an old man in Polynesia. According to the old man, he was a pirate in the Caribbean. He grabbed this from another pirate. A sea chart. The pirate’s ancestors followed Hayreddin Barbarossa across the Mediterranean. After Hayreddin’s death, they crossed the Atlantic and came to the Caribbean. He thought this was a treasure map, and it must be Hayreddin. He hid the plundered wealth in the South Pacific, so after getting the chart, he stopped being a pirate and came to Polynesia. Unfortunately, he searched for most of his life and failed to find any treasure.

He had no children. In his later years, he believed in God and repented of the evil things he had done at sea in his life. He thought Ludwig was a good man, so he gave him the chart and asked him to use part of it to do good deeds after finding the treasure to atone for his sins. Ludwig keenly felt the unusualness of this chart and conducted a long-term investigation in the South Pacific. Later he died and the chart disappeared. I always felt that his death was related to this chart and his investigation of ancient civilizations. Unfortunately, I didn’t know anything, and I even strongly opposed him to study the illusory Gendaya civilization for a time. "

Mrs. Larry's face became a little gloomy and her voice became slightly hoarse. Petru stretched out his hand to put his arm around her shoulders, but it felt a little inappropriate. His hand paused in mid-air for a while and then retracted.

"I'm sorry, madam, I am also responsible for Mr. Yeager's matter." Alice lowered her head and said, "I should have stopped him at that time, or at least followed him."

"No, it has nothing to do with you." Mrs. Larry said, "He chose to leave the army. Even I couldn't keep up with him, let alone you! When I found him, he had been bitten by a snake. That kind of Coral snakes are very common in South America, and their venom is not very strong. We often encounter them when inspecting Mayan ruins. We are very experienced. Logically speaking, Ludwig would not be careless enough to be bitten by a coral snake. Even if he is bitten, he only needs to deal with it. In time, it would not be life-threatening, but when I found him, he was already unconscious. I dragged him back to the camp, and when I finally checked the items, I found that the charts and a batch of manuscripts he carried were missing. "

"Oh, I...don't know what to say, ma'am, I'm so sorry!"

Petru could feel Mr. Jaeger's weight in Mrs. Larry's heart. She has always been reluctant to mention Jaeger, and even wanted to change her surname, probably because she didn't want to think of sad things. Pettru was indeed sad, for Jaeger and somewhat for himself.

"It's nothing, it's all over. This thing has been around for centuries, starting from Red Beard, and then returning to Red Beard's hands. It's really a cycle of heaven." Mrs. Larry said.

Su Huilan took out the half of the fire soul that Situ had just entrusted to him for safekeeping. She glanced at Situ and Qingmu, and seeing that they did not express any objection, she handed it to Petru and said, "Take this thing and return it as your own." The original owner."

"This... seems to be the other half that my ancestors had," Petrou said. "Cohen said it was on the church steeple."

Su Huilan said: "We'll look for the other half when we return to Earth. Once we find it, don't let them be separated again."

Petru nodded solemnly, with a grateful face, and solemnly accepted the Soul of Fire. He was a little nervous, as if waiting for something to happen.

After a moment of silence, he said with some confusion: "Hey, didn't you say this thing is hot to touch? Why...don't I feel anything?"

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