Dream Guide

Chapter 542 Multi-layered Dream Entropy Balance Theory

Petru did not feel anything, he just got a very ordinary coral branch. He stood there in astonishment, looking at the soul of fire in his hand.

Su Huilan was the only person besides Situ and Qingmu who had come into contact with the three scepters. She clearly remembered the feeling of holding the scepter in her hand: the soul of stone was heavy, as if holding a huge boulder; the soul of fire was hot, as if red-hot. The soldering iron; the easiest thing is the soul of wood in Aoki's hand. Apart from the power of hair growth, which makes people feel like they have grown taller, there is nothing.

She can also control the mental force field on the island through these things, but she is obviously not as skillful as Situ and Aoki, and the range and energy she can control are also very limited. She thought it was because her mental strength was not as good as theirs, and there was nothing wrong with admitting this. But now she understands that controlling the sacred staff does not entirely depend on strength and skills, but also requires certain matching settings, such as genes, if spirit and consciousness also have genes.

"Maybe it really found its owner." Su Huilan said.

"Master? You mean...me?" Petru still looked confused.

Mrs. Larry said: "There is a saying circulating in many places in Northern Europe and the Mediterranean coast - people with red hair are the chosen ones, who are born for a great mission. Scientists have never been able to find it biologically. The source of the mutation of the red hair gene. I now suspect that this gene comes from the thing in your hand, or the place you once guarded. Maybe the slight radiation produced by these strange things can cause mutations in human genes, resulting in symptoms. Changes in hair, such as red curly hair, or black coop hair..."

She glanced at Aoki and the bird above his head.

The crow croaked dissatisfiedly: "Excuse me, it's not a henhouse, it's a bird's nest! To be precise, it's a crow's nest. Croak, scientists should be rigorous in what they say!"

Mrs. Larry gave a rare smile, and then looked at Situ. She wanted to find something unique about Situ, but suddenly she found that this man was different in every aspect, but there was nothing much to say. If I must say it, it is perfect, so perfect! If this is also a genetic mutation, it can only be said that he is too lucky.

Petru woke up from his daze and accepted the fact that he was the chosen one. He waved the soul of fire twice and asked: "How to use this thing? Will it be too strong when used as a stick?" ?”

Situ said: "It's a pity that the spiritual force field here seems to be isolated by something. Otherwise, you can try to use the soul of fire to control the surrounding spiritual force."

"Why is the spiritual force field here isolated?" Petru asked.

Su Huilan also felt strange: "Yes, can't the mental force field penetrate the metal hull?"

Situ shook his head: "It stands to reason not. I did experiments when I was studying the Tab formation. Mental power is not affected by ordinary substances. It does interact with electromagnetic fields to some extent, but it is also very weak."

A sudden idea flashed in Aoki's mind, but a headache also followed. He didn't think too much and said, "Is the earth's spiritual force field related to the earth's magnetic field?"

Situ said: "I have thought about this, but I can't prove it, because the earth's spiritual force field has long since disappeared, but the magnetic field has always been there. Without the magnetic field, the earth would not be able to block the solar storm, and life would not exist."

"What do you mean, the earth's spiritual force field once existed? So what Cohen said is true?" Su Huilan asked.

Situ said: "I can't prove everything, just like Petru, I can only prove part of it. No one knows how the Alliance of Awakeners was first established. Everything in the alliance is not written in words, and is only conveyed through dreams. , the memories of the awakened are deep-rooted and more reliable than burning on a disk. So when World War II ended, the alliance was disbanded, and after the last alliance chairman, Master Nanke, disappeared, the secrets that only the alliance leaders had mastered were naturally destroyed."

He looked at Su Huilan, "Professor Su's father was once Master Nanke's attendant. Even he didn't know the origin of the alliance, so I don't think anyone else would know. As for how this Cohen knew, I There’s no way to guess, and that’s what’s suspicious.”

"Then you don't know anything?" Su Huilan said, "You were already the best awakened person among the younger generation in the alliance at that time. Master Nanke regarded you as his successor. Didn't he tell you anything?"

Situ was silent for a while, sighed, and said: "I was young at that time, younger than you are now. If you were Master Nanke, you would tell an arrogant, conceited, and a little bit secret about the fate of the alliance and even mankind. A rebellious young man?"

Su Huilan thought for a while and said, "No."

Situ said: "You all know that from the end of the 19th century to the first half of the 20th century, the world experienced great turmoil. It can be said that many revolutionary things appeared in that era. That era was also the most glorious era of science, especially In the world of theoretical physics, an explosive revolution has taken place. The depth and breadth of the revolution are unprecedented. Countless figures have emerged, shining like bright stars in the night sky, dispelling the dark clouds above physics.

In addition to the names that we are familiar with, there are also some names that you may not have heard of, including Master Nanke. Of course, his real life name is not Nanke, Nanke is his code name in the alliance.

At that time, in addition to the two dark clouds, there was also a desperate law, which was the second law of thermodynamics. Although the heat death theory of the universe, which was born from this, was very controversial, no one could deny it, but it was far from We are too far away to scare scientists as much as those two dark clouds.

Planck and Einstein solved two dark clouds, but the problems of entropy increase and heat death are still there. If this problem is not solved, it means that the universe has been doomed to its end, which means that the existence of life is impossible. meaningful. According to Boltzmann's theory, we are just thinking gadgets that appear randomly during the fluctuations of entropy. Of course, if Ronald Cohen is telling the truth, then there might be something a little bigger than us - Gaia!

Many scientists have been studying the issue of heat death of the universe. Some people oppose the theory of heat death of the universe. Some people propose that the emergence of life is to combat the heat death of the universe. In short, everyone wants to figure out the meaning of life. Without understanding this, human beings will lose faith, and life and death will become meaningless.

It was then that Master Nanke proposed the theory of multi-layered dream entropy balance.

We all now know that the concept of ‘information entropy’ was proposed by Shannon in 1948. But in fact, as early as the beginning of the 20th century, Master Nanke proposed the concept of information entropy, but it was not a hot topic at the time and he did not publish a paper, so few people knew about it.

Master Nanke went to Bell Labs in the 1940s, and Shannon was also at Bell Labs at that time, so I don’t know if they had any communication. However, Shannon's information entropy can at best borrow the concept of thermodynamic entropy, while Master Nanke's information is entropy truly treats information as energy.

His multi-layer dream entropy balance theory believes that human memory belongs to information. This information will become confusing and difficult to recall over time, and eventually nothing can be remembered. This is the heat death process of information. In dreams, people can organize memories through their subconscious mind, thus keeping the entropy of our brains and consciousness low. "

The crow on the green wood suddenly screamed: "Quaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamission problem!"

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