Dream Guide

Chapter 598 Hope of going home

Everyone finally decided to adopt Dua's suggestion and talk to the Itsa people first.

Duva volunteered to invite her, because even before getting the Wind Soul, the savages treated her as a respected guest, so they believed they would not harm her.

Aoki asked the coal boss to follow her all the way and report back at any time if something unexpected happened.

Taking advantage of this time, they tried the cannon. Petru controlled the cannon, and Boris and Ivan were responsible for driving the gun chain. Although it was very difficult, and the frame was obviously not very strong, and the gun body shook violently, the bullet was still fired smoothly.

To be precise, the shots fired by this 30mm cannon cannot be called bullets, but cannonballs, and the M789 high-explosive bombs will indeed explode. Its power makes them dare not easily attack this "old" warship that has experienced the deep well of time and space. They hit the upper part of the body for fear of damaging the only "home" that can accommodate them. But they couldn't see the power in the water, so they decided to go to the shore to give it a try. Anyway, they had enough ammunition.

Ivan went to the cabin to find some materials and reinforced the wheel. Then, everyone struggled to use the hinges on the ship to hoist the machine guns and shells weighing several hundred kilograms from the side of the ship into the small boat.

After landing, they pushed the machine gun to a high ground and fired two shots at the opposite hillside. With a few clicks, the M789 high-explosive bomb exploded at the target 500 meters away, splashing large amounts of gravel and dust. Frightened birds flew up from the forest and flew in the sky.

"WOW! It's powerful enough!" Petru said, "The rate of fire is about a hundred rounds per minute. In such a primitive place, it is enough to deal with a battalion of Itesans."

Several men cheered on the beach, as if they had won a battle.

After the victory, of course, there was a celebration. They hid the cannon in the bushes, then went to pick some wild fruits, caught some fish, and returned to the deck to barbecue.

The sun seems to never set. This makes people lose the ability to judge time, and they don’t know if it’s time for dinner, because their stomachs are already growling anyway.

He lay weakly on the deck, his tail moving, looking longingly at the grilled fish on the fire. It was probably very hungry. As soon as the fish was grilled, it pounced on it, grabbing one with its left paw, one with its right paw, and one more in its mouth, as if it was afraid it wouldn't be able to eat.

Anderson, who was in charge of grilling the fish, smiled and said, "There's something for you to eat!" He threw a fish in his hand, jumped up high, and caught the fish in one bite.

"Oh, look, you look just like Garfield and you can jump so high!" Boris also thought it was funny, so he threw a fish over and jumped up to bite it.

Petru had seen the power of the white cat, and warned: "Don't play with it, you can't afford to offend this cat!" After speaking, he took a fish from the fire and gently placed it in front of the cat, "Slowly Eat, I won’t miss you.”

Shen Ran meowed at him. For some reason, Petru suddenly felt that this cat was so familiar, as if he had raised it and lost it when he was a child.

Boris took out the wine again, and everyone shared a little. After drinking and eating, everyone rested on the deck. There were three big suns shining in the sky, and although my physical body felt fine, mentally I always felt like there were waves of heat coming over me, which made me very irritated. But everyone is waiting for news from Dua, and no one wants to hide in the cabin.

"Coming, coming! They are coming!" The crow flew back, calling from afar.

Probably because it smelled the aroma of grilled fish, it came down excitedly, but when it saw the remains of bones on the ground, it shouted angrily and aggrievedly: "Quack, you actually secretly eat something while I'm not around! Quack, no!" Leave some for me!”

Boris slapped his forehead: "Oh, I really forgot about you!"

Crow became more and more aggrieved and tried his best to scratch Qingmu's head: "Quack, you piece of wood, have you forgotten me too?"

Aoki smiled and said: "Don't worry about me, someone is thinking about you!"

The crow turned its head and saw Shen Ran standing there wagging its tail towards him, meowing and meowing. There was a pile of fish under its body, each fish was intact and it had not eaten a bite.

"Gua!" The coal boss jumped over and patted Sheng Ran's head with his wings, "It's better for you! I'm not hurting you in vain, Gua!"

A bird and a cat gathered around a pile of fish and began to eat.

Aoki walked over gently, put a water glass next to them, took out some fruits from his pocket and put them on the ground, "Eat slowly, be careful of fish bones!"

Dua is back, but she's alone.

She said: "They are willing to talk to us, but they are not willing to get on this ship. They think this big ship is the devil's lair. You were sent by God to save them, but since you boarded this ship, you have been affected by the devil." Enchantment is going to destroy the altar of God. They are willing to talk to us in the valley ahead, where you fought before, but the condition is that only the three of us are allowed to pass."

Situ said: "Okay, let's go over and talk, and the others can stay on the boat."

Petru said: "Can't I go too?"

Boris looked at the half fire soul in his hand and laughed and joked: "Obviously, they think your thing is too short, hahaha..."

Alice was disgusted by Boris's foul language, and said worriedly: "Those savages don't have any conspiracy, do they?"

Aoki said: "No, their consciousness cannot deceive us."

Anderson said: "It's better to be prepared. We have a machine gun and set it up on the mountain. If anything happens, we can respond easily."

Situ nodded and said, "Okay, then you four will guard the cannon on the mountain. If necessary, we will ask Mr. Crow to communicate with you. Professor Su will stay on the ship to protect Madam and Miss Alice."

Everyone nodded in agreement and split up.

After they took the boat ashore, Aoki, Situ and Dua walked towards the valley where they fought a few days ago, while Petru, Anderson, Ivan and Boris got into the dense forest where the machine guns were hidden.

Passing through the original savage camp, we entered the valley.

The priests of three savage tribes were already waiting in the valley. Aoki knew two of them, the oldest one was the most familiar, that was Kubota, the leader of the Sanchi tribe.

Regarding the Kubota and Sanchi tribes, Aoki has a complicated heart. The Soul of Wood was given to him by Kubota. From the day he got the Soul of Wood, the people of the Sanchi tribe regarded him as a god. And when he extended the tentacles of consciousness to the entire tribe through the soul of wood, he vaguely accepted the fact that those savages were his people.

However, regardless of the legend of Gaia and Cohen's last words, the only one of these three tribes that has ever been truly hostile to humans and caused harm to humans is the Sanchi tribe. They killed sailors, ate Professor Partick, and kidnapped Mrs. Larry. All of this happened under Alice's eyes. No wonder she hated them.

In comparison, although Situ's process of controlling Mantiston was tortuous, there was no actual conflict, and Dua was directly treated as a distinguished guest by the Uracans.

If it hadn't been for what happened to Alice and Mrs. Larry, and if he could have obtained the Wood Soul earlier, the conflict between them and the Itsa people might not have been so big.

Aoki has always felt that Ronald Cohen's words cannot be trusted, even though it has been confirmed that the Itsa people destroyed the altar and the earth's spiritual force field, causing most people on earth to lose the ability to spiritually awaken, which is equivalent to lowering one dimension. Perceptual abilities.

But that was tens of thousands of years ago! Who knows if it is good or bad, and what significance does it have for humans today?

Of course, Aoki has no evidence to prove that Ronald Cohen's words are false, and he is also willing to believe that activating the altar and activating the spiritual force field is beneficial to mankind. At least he saw hope of returning home.

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