Dream Guide

Chapter 599 The Power of Civilized Generational Differences

The savages spoke in gibberish, with three different intonations, which sounded like the croaking of frogs in the summer evening: a stone frog, a frog, and a toad.

After serving as the god of the Sanchi tribe for a period of time, Aoki has mastered the language of the Sanchi tribe through consciousness communication, and he can also directly communicate with Kubota's consciousness through the soul of wood. But he couldn't understand what the other two were saying. Fortunately, Situ and Dua each dealt with one, and the three of them together could roughly understand the meaning of the Itesa priests.

What confused him was how the three priests communicated with each other. Their languages ​​are obviously incomprehensible, and their pronunciation is very different. Mrs. Larry described this difference as being like Korean and Japanese. They both originated from Chinese, but after a long period of differentiation and evolution, their pronunciation has been completely different.

Cubata is older, looks mature and steady, and talks little. He often only speaks one sentence after others say several sentences. Batus, the priest of the Mantiston tribe, talked the most. He screamed at Situ and kept pointing in the direction of the lake in the distance.

Even without Situ's narration, Aoki knew he was talking about the Swordfish frigate. They had never seen such a big ship. In their eyes, it was not a ship at all, but a devil's lair.

The priest of the Ulakan tribe is named Bigwindi, or perhaps Biguvedi. After listening to it for a long time, Aoki identified it from their pronunciation. When he asked Dua, Dua was not sure.

Bigwindi said that the devil hid in the shadow place outside the thick fog, and God told them to always be wary of the devil. So whenever there is fog, they are fully armed and drive away all invaders, even if those people look like the same kind, because demons can disguise themselves as gods.

The two parties communicated for a long time, both verbally and through consciousness transmission, before Aoki and the others convinced the savage priests that the Swordfish was a ship. However, they still believed that demons lived on the ship and were unwilling to go on board to talk about it.

But that’s okay, the point is not the boat anyway, but what’s going on in the altar. The savages did not know what would happen after activating the altar. They just followed the myths and legends passed down orally and faithfully carried out the instructions left by the gods. No one was allowed to enter the altar, let alone bring the sacred staff. Otherwise, God will punish them.

Situ asked how God would punish sin.

Battus said that disaster would come from heaven, causing their children and grandchildren to live in misery and distress.

Situ said, have you ever seen a greater disaster than the sun burning down your village?

He heard about what Aoki and the others experienced in the Sanchi tribe, so he said, have you ever seen a disaster worse than the giant moon coming, everything floating in the sky, and the great flood falling from the sky?

He pointed to the sky and said, "There are three suns in the sky now. Do you think this is a good sign?"

His words were relayed to the other two priests through Aoki and Dua.

The three priests looked at me and I looked at you, and they all shook their heads. Bigwindy said that these were all disasters brought by demons from the land of shadows, and the three suns now were also caused by the appearance of the big ship here.

Situ said, then when the devil is not around, what kind of wonderful life do you live? What hope has your God given you?

Battus said that when the devil is away, we have enough food and clothing. There are endless wild fruits to pick in the mountains, and endless fish to catch in the rivers. We also grow food and vegetables, and raise sheep and unicorns.

Kubota said we built our houses out of stone and wood, made pottery out of clay, and woven clothing out of animal skins and the silk spun by a type of insect. We are not afraid of the cold in winter or the heat in summer, and we live freely.

Big Windy added that according to the legends left by our ancestors, during the longest season when the devil did not come, our house was higher than the mountain, and there were white clouds outside the window. People did not have to work, and when the birds sang in the morning, there was Messengers of God came across the rainbow across the Great Lakes to bring us food.

The expressions on the faces of the priests became beautiful, as if these things had been experienced by them.

Situ said, "What if we could bring your tribe and your people a better life than this?"

The priests obviously didn't believe in such a thing, and what better way to live than in the old legends?

Then they saw the most incredible sight they had ever seen in their lives. These pictures appeared in their consciousness. In the past, they had never thought about it, and such pictures could not even appear in their dreams.

They saw people dressed in gorgeous clothes, towering houses connected together, bridges more spectacular and beautiful than rainbows spanning rivers and lakes, many square boxes carrying people speeding along the wide road, and people sitting neatly In the belly of a big bird with its wings spread out, it flies across the blue sea and sky.

People don't need to hunt. Groups of animals they can or cannot name are kept in large houses that are more spacious and comfortable than their wooden houses. After being fattened, they become food on the table.

People don't need to plant. Some strange-looking and strong-looking things are cultivated in the fields, making a rumbling sound, easily detaching the grains from the stalks, removing the outer husks, grinding them into powder, and turning them into soft things. As soon as the hot water boils, an attractive aroma emerges.

People don't need to tediously use flints to strike or drill wood to make fire. In the place where food is specially processed, with just a light touch, a large blue flame will burn in the void without firewood.

People are not afraid of the scorching heat. Some things hung on the roof or walls will blow out cool breeze. It is so hot outside that the eggs can be boiled, but the people inside the house are covered with thick quilts.

People are not afraid of the cold. Instead, they go out to play in the snow during the coldest season and carve various beautiful things out of blocks.

People are not afraid of the dark, as if the stars have been plucked, and they shine on the road, on the windows and in the room at night.

The whole world is as bright as the starry sky.


The three Itesa priests chanted this word at the same time, and their bodies slowly crawled to the ground.

Aoki knew that Unab was the creator god of the Itesa people. On that starry night, they prayed and sang all night, praying for the return of the Son of God. Now, they see the prosperous lights of the human world and mistakenly think that it is the arrival of Unab, and the entire starry sky belongs to the human world.

Just showing some normal scenes of the earth through dreams completely conquered the Itesa priests.

Compared with the current civilization of the earth, the difference between their current civilization and that of the earth is more than ten thousand years. It's like if you brought a person from the Stone Age to the 21st century, how could he not think that he had reached the heaven of God?

Situ told them that if we are allowed to enter the altar, we can take your people to that world.

The priests were silent.

But their faith is still strong. Even if they use the sacred staff and dreams to interfere with their consciousness, they still cannot make them accept it immediately. It seems that there is a power hidden in the dark, allowing them to guard stubbornly. Rules passed down from generation to generation.

Aoki thought again of the spiritual formation they formed at the altar. The power that caused the three tribes that had been in conflict to suddenly unite, put aside their old grudges, cut off the tentacles of consciousness extending from the sacred staff, eliminate distracting thoughts, concentrate all will and spirit, and form an unprecedented group dream. Where did it come from?

After a silence, the priests began to talk softly, and then a heated argument ensued. Finally, they decided to go back and inform the tribe, and then ask the oracle to let God decide their stay.

Although things are not going well, they are developing in a good direction. They believe that the Itsa priest has been tempted, and the power of civilizational generation is irresistible.

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