Dream Guide

Chapter 600 Scream

Su Huilan leaned on the string of the boat and looked at the scenery in the distance.

To be honest, if we don't consider everyone's current situation, the scenery here is indeed more beautiful than any scenic spot she has ever been to. But when I think of the distance of a thousand light years, a sense of fear rises in my heart for no reason.

Can I really go back?

She felt that this hope was very slim. Even if the altar is activated, Ramla may not be able to be controlled by them.

Su Huilan's trip was originally to track down the Alliance of Awakeners and everything related to her father. She wants to know the truth, who is the person etched in her dream, and why her father pins his hopes of rebuilding the alliance on her and that person.

Now she knew the truth, at least part of it. She also saw that man, a man so handsome that he could make all women obsessed and make all men feel inferior. Of course, she also knew that this kind of handsomeness was partly due to spiritual influence, and no one could resist that kind of powerful spiritual temperament. In fact, he is just an old immortal who has lived for nearly a century.

Of course, if they continued to stay in Ramla, she would soon become such an old immortal. How many years have passed on earth now? She thought as she looked at the three suns in the sky.

Alice and Mrs. Larry were resting in the command cabin on the bridge, with only Shenran accompanying her, lying lazily on the deck and basking in the sun, like a cat.

It only cares about how many fish are in the dinner for a while, and doesn’t care about how many suns there are in the sky!

Looking at the cat and thinking of the bird again, a smile appeared on Su Huilan's face. If you keep living like this, it’s probably not bad!

But she knew this was impossible. The instability of Ramla space cannot allow them to live in paradise. Soon, they will become like the Itsa people, bare-chested and wearing grass skirts, searching in the moist and dense mountain forests. Eat, kneel and pray when disaster strikes, flee when fog comes, and then go through the cycle again.

We must go back!

I didn't think the earth was so beautiful before, but now that we are far away from it, I realize that it is really the best home for mankind.

Man is a strange animal. He becomes homesick as soon as he leaves home; he becomes patriotic as soon as he goes abroad; he only sees the beauty of the earth when he steps into space.

Su Huilan turned her head and looked in the direction of the valley, wondering about the progress of their negotiations. She hoped that everything would go smoothly. In order to hope to return home, it was imperative to activate the altar. If the negotiations did not go smoothly, I was afraid that the only solution would be to use force.

To be honest, she still sympathizes with the savages, but if there is a conflict of interest, especially a big conflict concerning the fate of mankind, she will not hesitate to shoot at the savages.

She silently calculated the current strength comparison between the two sides in her mind.

The three Itesa priests have very strong mental powers. I don't know how strong they are because they have never met one-on-one, but Su Huilan feels that they should not be stronger than Aoki and Situ. And now the three scepters are in their own hands. Qingmu, Situ, and Dua are holding the scepter, plus she and Petru who have half a scepter, as well as the coal boss and Shen Ran, they have absolute control in terms of mental confrontation. Advantageous.

In terms of physical confrontation, the number of savages is hundreds of times greater than theirs, so close combat must be avoided. Fortunately, the weapons of the savages are very primitive. After losing the scepter, they lose the systematic tactical advantage of integrated combat. And I already have a few guns here, plus the cannon removed from the Apache helicopter this time. As long as I don't get surrounded and fight hand-to-hand, and I make good use of the weapons, the advantage is still obvious.

The only thing to worry about is their mental alignment. The power of that group dream was so great that it dragged everyone into the dream in an instant, and even Su Huilan almost didn't react. If Aoki and Situ hadn't had the staffs in their hands, it's hard to say whether they would have been able to escape.

When Su Huilan was a child, she heard her father mention group dreams. The superposition of mental power in dreams is one plus one greater than two, but that superposition effect requires many people to manifest. The more people there are, the more obvious it will be. But the number of savages is only more than a thousand. Is the collective spiritual power of more than a thousand people that strong?

She vaguely felt that there was something hidden behind this power, and it must be related to the altar.

There was a sudden scream from the bridge.

The cat lying on the deck jumped up and looked nervously in the direction of the bridge, wondering what was happening.

Su Huilan recognized that it was Alice's cry, and her voice was full of fear, as if she was waking up from a nightmare.

"Let's go take a look." She bent down and picked up Shen Ran and walked towards the bridge.

Alice was huddled in the corner of the cabin, her body shivering. Mrs. Larry was squatting aside and patting her back, as if comforting a child in her dream.

"Probably too tired to have nightmares." Mrs. Larry said when she saw Su Huilan walking in.

"No, it's not a nightmare! I saw it!" Alice held her hands tightly to her chest.

"What did you see?" Su Huilan asked.

"That man! I saw him!"


"That's that person! That...captain..." Alice said inarticulately, and pointed with her hand, "There! He's sitting there!"

Su Huilan was startled and looked in the direction of Alice's finger. There was the command podium by the window. When they first discovered the Swordfish, the captain, Colonel Halsey, was sitting on the chair in front of the window, maintaining the posture before his death, staring out the window until the Swordfish fell out. The static zone of space and time has not moved either.

Now half of the chair had fallen apart, leaning crookedly to one side. Lieutenant Colonel Halsey's body had been disposed of by Boris and Ivan, and was probably thrown into the bottom cabin to be reunited with his soldiers.

"Alice, there's no one there!" Mrs. Larry said, "You're having a nightmare!"

"No!" Alice screamed and shook her head, a little hysterical, a little aggrieved, and almost shed tears, "It was not a dream! Just now...he was really sitting there just now!"

Mrs. Larry held Alice's head in her arms and comforted softly: "Oh, okay, okay, it's okay, Alice, I'm here, you see Professor Su is also here, we are all here."

"Woo... Madam... I'm so scared... I really saw it..." Alice sobbed, and you could see that her back was still shaking.

While coaxing Alice, Mrs. Larry said to Su Huilan: "We were all resting just now. Alice was here, and I was leaning over there. We all fell asleep, and then I heard Alice screaming... But I didn't see anything."

"I understand, madam." Su Huilan said.

She also felt that Alice was dreaming and that Lieutenant Colonel Halsey was dead. This was confirmed by everyone. No matter how weird Ramla was, it was impossible for him to bring the dead back to life.

The reason why Alice regards dreams as reality is because she has just experienced several forced lucid dreams that relied on external spiritual power. She probably continued to maintain a lucid state in her dreams, and lucid dreams can easily cause ordinary people to confuse dreams with reality.

Su Huilan walked to the window and circled around the collapsed chair.

She suddenly had a strange feeling, she couldn't tell what it was. There was obviously no wind in the cabin, but it seemed as if there was wind blowing across her skin. The coolness immediately gave her goosebumps.

Alice, who had just calmed down, suddenly became nervous again: "Madam, madam, did you hear, someone, someone is walking!"

Before Mrs. Larry could react, Su Huilan had already bent down and put her ear to the ground.

She heard a slight clicking sound coming from the bilge, like leather shoes stepping on the planks of a ship.

He meowed loudly, arched his back, and his fur exploded.

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