Dream Guide

Chapter 601 Blind

The clicking sound is intermittent, like the footsteps of an old man who has to stop and rest after taking a few steps.

Now even Su Huilan was startled and confused.

Although you can't tell anything just by listening to the sound, this is a ship that has been dead for hundreds of years. It just came out of the stasis zone of time and space, so there can't be any living things inside.

"I just said I wasn't dreaming! It's him, it's them down there! They're not dead!" Alice said.

"Maybe something got into the boat," said Mrs. Larry.

Su Huilan thought it was unlikely. The boat is parked on the lake, with a clear view of the surroundings. Although the hull is old, it is still well sealed. Even if there are any monsters in the water, it is impossible to enter the boat without any movement. Besides, there seems to be nothing in the lake except fish. Large animals.

"Ah, by the way, the helicopter cabin!" She suddenly remembered, "Since Ivan and the others can find new weapons and engine oil there, there might be something else hiding in it."

"You mean the creatures from the still space?" Mrs. Larry remembered that Crow said she saw a shadow in the passageway of the officers and soldiers dormitory on the ground floor.

"It's hard to be sure." Su Huilan said.

Alice suddenly said: "It's ghosts, their ghosts! These people are dead and alive again! They are all ghosts!"

She became a bit blabbering, like a madman, "Russians...the two Russians have a problem. They got the captain's body down. They have a problem...otherwise, why would they find it when they dumped the body?" Are the helicopters new? They must have been parasitized by ghosts! They are not them anymore, yes, that must be the case!"

Su Huilan said: "Madam, please accompany Alice to the deck. It will be better to bask in the sun. I have to go down and take a look. Things seem a bit strange."

Mrs. Larry said, "Should we wait until everyone comes back?"

Su Huilan thought for a while, and decided to go down to get a feel for the situation first, and then said: "They are negotiating with the savages. It's okay if it goes well, but if it doesn't go well, the situation may be very bad. This ship has now become our base camp, and I have to ensure that this place There will be no problem. Madam, please rest assured, there will be no danger."

Mrs. Larry said: "Then I will go with you."

"No, don't go, ma'am! Please!" begged Alice.

Su Huilan also said: "Madam, you should stay with Alice. In addition, Aoki and the others may be back soon, and things over there are more important. You are a language and archaeologist, and they may need you."

Mrs. Larry nodded and said, "Then be careful."

They returned to the deck.

Su Huilan took two rosin torches, lit them with flints that Ivan left for them, and then pulled out the pistol and checked it again.

The men left them pistols for self-defense. Su Huilan and Alice each had one, but Mrs. Larry was determined not to.

Alice suddenly grabbed Su Huilan's arm holding the gun and said in a trembling voice: "Don't go, they will eat you!"

Su Huilan felt the strength of Alice's fingers, almost digging into her flesh. She suddenly felt that Alice's reaction was a bit excessive. Logically speaking, a person who has experienced so many things after entering Ramla should not have such a violent reaction no matter what he encounters.

What is it that makes her so abnormal? Did she really see Lieutenant Colonel Halsey who had come back from the dead?

"It's okay, Alice. Just stay on the deck and bask in the sun. Anderson and the others will be back soon."

Su Huilan took Alice's hand away and called the cat again, "Shenran, let's go!"

The cat meowed and followed Su Huilan's feet to the lower cabin.

Mrs. Larry helped Alice to the side of the ship and leaned against the railing. The breeze blows, and the lake surface sparkles with sparkling waves.

There was no movement at all on the distant shore of the lake, so I didn't know how the negotiations were going.

Mrs. Larry felt that Alice's breathing had calmed down and her face had improved a lot, so she asked: "Alice, are you feeling better?"

Alice said: "I am much better, madam, but I am still afraid..."

The lady said: "Alice, tell me, what happened to you just now? You can't really see Lieutenant Colonel Halsey. I am right next to you. I am not asleep. There is no such thing as Lieutenant Colonel Halsey." !”

"I don't know, madam, I really don't know." Alice looked a little flustered. "Maybe like you said, I might have dreamed, but the dream was too real. I saw him, he was sitting there, He even glanced at me. His eyes were empty, there was nothing in them, it was so scary!"

"It's just a dream, don't think about it, it's okay."

"But, you also heard the sound below just now, didn't you?"

Mrs. Larry frowned, as if she was guessing what the sound was coming from.

"Professor Su has gone down, she will find that thing." She said.

Alice shook her head and said: "She is just a woman, she can't deal with them. They are ghosts of time and space, resurrected zombies..."

"Alice!" Mrs. Larry stopped her. "You have been doing archeology with me for so many years and have been to so many ancient tombs. How can you still talk such nonsense! The dead will not be resurrected, and there are no ghosts in the tombs. As a scientific worker, you must arm yourself with science. All evil spirits only exist in your heart. Let the sunshine shine into your heart, and you won’t have so many fears!”

"No! Madam, you don't have to lie to me!" Alice said, "You and Mr. Jaeger have done special research on the resurrection of the dead a long time ago. I have read Mr. Jaeger's manuscripts, whether they are Mayan civilization, ancient times, etc. Both the Egyptian civilization and the ancient Babylonian civilization believed that the dead could be resurrected. The Egyptian pharaohs even mummified themselves for this purpose... You... you also conducted experiments..."

"Shut up!" Mrs. Larry's face darkened, "What are you talking about, Alice! This is just research, it is the belief of the ancients. We respect all beliefs and behaviors in the process of civilization, but we should not abandon them for this. One's own beliefs disrupt one's own behavior. Life and death are issues that humans must face and have no solutions for the time being. If we want to understand the history of human civilization, we must face it head-on."

Alice said: "Madam, I don't mean anything else, I'm just afraid! We will die here of old age, and we will never go back..."

"Don't despair! Alice, there is still hope for everything!" Mrs. Larry said as she glanced towards the lake shore and sighed secretly, "Even if we really can't go back, we already know so much about the universe and the spirit. And the secret of human beings... The ancient Chinese sage Confucius said that if you hear the truth in the morning, you will have no regrets even if you die at night!"

Alice said: "Let's go ashore to find them."

Mrs. Larry said: "Okay, you go ashore to find Anderson, and I'll go downstairs to accompany Professor Su."

"No, ma'am, I don't want to be alone. What if I can't find them?"

"Okay then, I'll send you there first."

They got out of the lifeboat and rowed to the shore.

The waves on the lake suddenly shone, just like the current of a light bulb suddenly increased, causing the brightness to increase, and then immediately dimmed again.

Mrs. Larry's eyesight went dark and she asked with concern:

"Alice, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, ma'am, but I can't see!"

"Don't be afraid. It's just temporary blindness after being exposed to strong light. It will get better after a while."

The light in front of me slowly returned to normal. The three suns in the sky still hung there as before, tepid, as if the strong light reflected from the water had nothing to do with them.

The small boat they were in was almost reaching the shore of the lake. However, this shore is not the shore they want to go to.

"Oops! How did we get to this side of the lake? Row back!"

A whistling sound came from the shore, and a group of savages rushed out of the woods on the shore...

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