Dream Guide

Chapter 602 Corpse Transformation

Su Huilan held a torch and walked in the dark and narrow corridor of the cabin with weak light.

It's the same path as the last time we came down, but the feeling is completely different. Last time there were many of them, with more than a dozen people holding torches, but this time she was alone.

For a moment she regretted it. If there really was something strange and inappropriate on the ship, it was obviously not a wise move for her to be alone like this. But why did she, who had always been calm, make such a decision just now?

Su Huilan suddenly felt that something was influencing her decision. The chaos in Ramla is not only spatial but also mental and conscious. Here, people's thoughts and behaviors also become unpredictable.

But she is not an ordinary weak woman. Now that she has come down, she has to look at it again before she feels at ease.

Da da da……

The footsteps were her own, traveling down the narrow corridor and echoing in the darkness ahead.

For the first time, she discovered that the jungle boots under her feet could make such a loud sound on the board of the ship, and the sound was strange, as if someone was stepping on her steps and settling down with her.

Da (da), da (da), da (da)...

The more she listened, the more she felt that there were more than just her own footsteps. Her heart tightened and her breathing became constricted.

Stopped suddenly.

The clicking sound disappeared.

The firelight cast a spherical yellow halo around her.

The surroundings were silent as if time had stopped, and you could hear the pounding of your heart.

But this heartbeat seemed to have an accent, as if someone was deliberately keeping the same heartbeat as hers.

She took a step forward.

Da da).

Her hair stood on end, and she vaguely felt that there was someone behind her, holding a torch like her and maintaining the same posture. He would stop when she stopped and leave when she walked. Even her heartbeat and breathing were in the same rhythm.

She turned around suddenly, drew her gun and took aim. The torch in her hand was almost extinguished by the air current.

When the fire light stabilized, she saw that there was nothing in front of her. There was only endless darkness in front of her, and the vague outline of the hatch through which she entered could be seen.


When she heard the cat's meow, she remembered Shen Ran who was following her feet and looking up at her.

"Ha, I almost forgot about you!"

She picked up Shenran and put it on her shoulders, letting the cat face behind her, which made her feel much more at ease.

But the cat suddenly started meowing wildly, and the sharp sound was terrifying in the cabin.

"What's wrong, Shen Ran?" Su Huilan felt Shen Ran's claws grabbing her shoulders hard, and her body arched up.

She turned around and saw only a long, dark passage.

The cat quieted down.

She continued to walk forward, and the clatter of footsteps sounded again. In front of her was the officers and soldiers' dormitories.

She pushed open one of the doors, and there were three high and low bunks inside. Six navy soldiers were neatly dressed and lying on the beds.

Su Huilan walked in and shined a torch on the face of one of the soldiers. It was the same as what I saw last time. It was a mummy. The muscles on the face shrank due to the loss of moisture. The entire face was attached to the bones. The eye sockets were sunken. If you look closely, you can see the eyeballs inside.

Su Huilan suddenly felt something was wrong. The eyeballs were not covered by the eyelids, indicating that the deceased had his eyes open when he died. But these soldiers all looked peaceful. You can imagine the scene at that time - they were slowly aging in still time and space. At the last moment of their lives, they resignedly lay on their beds, without struggle or pain, only deep feelings. despair.

However, who dies with their eyes wide open?

Unless they are unwilling. But how could he die so neatly if he was unwilling to do so?

Another point that is puzzling is that people's lifespans may be long or short, some die early and some die late, but these officers and soldiers seemed to die at the same time and in the same way. This is really strange.

She checked several other mummies, and the conditions were similar. Except for some soldiers whose eye sockets were covered with eyelids, the others had their eyes open.

She remembered that the last time Mrs. Larry checked these bodies, she didn't know why this problem was not found. Of course, in this environment, it is really difficult to pay attention to such details, including Situ and Qingmu, as well as himself. Didn't they notice it at the time?

She exited this dormitory and randomly checked several others, but found nothing else.

And when she walked, she always felt like there was someone following her, like her shadow, keeping pace with her, whether it was footsteps or heartbeat.

Da (da), da (da), da (da)...

The firelight flickered a little, as if there was wind.

She stopped and the wind stopped.

Maybe it was the wind she brought up, she thought.

Da (da), da (da), da (da)...

Further forward is the captain's room.

The door is open. Did you close it the last time everyone left? She doesn't remember.

Ronald Cohen was still in the same position, leaning on the chair in front of his desk. The firelight hit his back, passed around his shoulders, and shone on the desk. There was originally a stack of manuscripts and half a fire soul there, but now they are gone, leaving only Cohen's shadow, a little distorted in the slightly dancing firelight.

Su Huilan suddenly frowned. She remembered that the last time she came in, Cohen's arm was placed on the armrest of the chair, but now it was hanging down, hanging outside the armrest, as if there was no time to put it up.

Her heart tightened suddenly.

This is the captain's cabin, which is also the most spacious bedroom on the warship. In addition to the bed, desk and cabinet, there is also a sofa, TV and separate bathroom.

Su Huilan walked in with a bang, wanting to take a closer look to see if she had remembered it wrong, or if someone had touched Cohen's body when she came out last time.

She walked to Cohen's side and found that there was indeed something different from last time, except for his arms and his head. Originally, Cohen's head was slightly tilted, his eyes staring at the manuscript on the table, but now, his head was tilted even more, and his eyes were staring at the ground under the table.

Su Huilan wondered if this was some kind of hint. Last time, everyone discovered his posthumous manuscript. Could there be something else hidden under the table?

She squatted down and illuminated it with a torch, but found nothing. But she saw Cohen's hand hanging outside the chair up close.

She noticed something strange about that hand. Originally, the mummy's hand should be stiff and shriveled, like dead wood, but a soft film-like substance floated on the surface of this hand, like the mucus of a dead frog.

She speculated that this was because the moist air from the lake entered the cabin and began to corrode the surface of the body. It’s just that I don’t know whether there is something special about the air here, or whether these corpses encountered some radiation lesions in the still space. Corrosion does not appear as mildew spots like what is common on earth.

Fortunately, the air circulation here is slow, and these corpses are dried very thoroughly, so they should not rot and stink in the short term. Su Huilan had no way to deal with these corpses now. She could only wait for Qingmu and the others to come back to discuss the matter.

After checking under the desk again to make sure there was nothing there, she slowly stood up and found that her heart was already beating hard.

The sound of the heartbeat was very loud in the darkness, and it seemed to have an accent——

Dong (dong) dong (dong), dong (dong) dong (dong), dong (dong) dong (dong)...

It felt like there was wind coming in, sending a chill down my spine.

The fire jumped again.

She turned around suddenly and saw someone sitting on the sofa opposite, looking at her with empty eyes.

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