Dream Guide

Chapter 603 Murder

No matter how courageous a person is, he will be scared to death if he encounters such a thing.

Su Huilan heard her heart beating non-stop. If she opened her mouth wider, she might be able to escape from her throat.

But she was not an ordinary person. She reacted very quickly. When she turned around, she had already pulled out a gun and shouted: "Who?"

The man sat motionless on the sofa, as if laughing at this fearless act.

He was also wearing a military uniform, but it looked a little tattered. The hat on his head was crooked and half of it was missing. The legs are spread apart naturally, one hand is placed on the knee, and the other hand is resting relaxedly on the armrest of the sofa.

In the firelight, his body had a light golden halo, making it look even more mysterious.

Su Huilan suddenly thought of something.

In order to test her idea, she bravely walked over until the gun she held was about to touch the man's face, but he still didn't move.

This face is pale and thin. The muscles on the face have contracted due to loss of moisture. The skin is close to the bones, and the deep wrinkles are permanently fixed on the face. The cheeks were sunken, and the eye sockets were like two deep black holes, not even the firelight could shine through.

She put the torch close to the chest of the mummy, where there was a crooked name tag with the English word "Halsey" written on it.

Su Huilan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Ivan and Boris must have put Halsey's body here. Halsey was the captain of the frigate Swordfish, and this room originally belonged to him. Moreover, all the officers and soldiers' dormitories were full, and only this one was relatively spacious. If Su Huilan was asked to dispose of the body, she would first think of sending it here.

When they carried Halsey down, they must have torn the clothes on his body and the hat on his head. After hundreds of years in the still space, these clothes became as fragile as dried tofu skin. Ronald Cohen's body must have been touched by them, so the posture of his arms and head would be different from before.

Su Huilan felt funny when she thought that she had been searching under the desk for a long time just now.

But she still felt uneasy, always feeling that something was wrong.

She looked around again and found nothing else except two corpses in the room.

The light from the torches grew dimmer.

She lit the spare torch, stuck the one that was about to go out on a shelf on the bulkhead that was used to store unknown items, and let it exert its last remaining heat.

She decided to look elsewhere.

As soon as she walked out of the captain's room door, she immediately realized something was wrong.


She barked, but nothing happened, and the cat disappeared.

The cat had been following her just now. When she was walking in the aisle, she put it on her shoulder to help her look behind her. Later, when she entered the officers and soldiers' dormitory, when she was inspecting the mummies, Shen Ran got off her shoulders. He should have been following her feet since then, but she didn't know when he disappeared.


She called again. The sound swayed far away in the darkness and came back from the darkest place. Then there was deathly silence, except for the faint echo of his own cry that still echoed in his ears.

Su Huilan returned to the aisle and looked back along the way she came and the cabins she passed, but found nothing.

She stood in the aisle and hesitated. The two ends of the corridor lead to the upper and lower floors respectively. Shen Ran may have gone to the upper floor back to the bridge, or he may have gone to the lower floor.

She must get her peace back, she encouraged herself, and decided to go down there and have a look.

The cabin on the next level is relatively messy, and many places have been disassembled. The floor is full of machine parts and tools. It was probably the last struggle of the Swordfish officers and soldiers when they were still alive to dismantle everything that could be used. .

Su Huilan was not very familiar with the structure of the ship, so she was a little lost with only the illumination of a torch. As she walked, she called out Son Ran's name, but there was no response.

Just when she was about to give up, a faint cat meow suddenly came from the dead darkness: Meow——

Su Huilan almost jumped up with excitement, but she couldn't tell which direction the cat's meowing sound came from.

"Sounding! Where are you?" She put her ear against the bulkhead, waiting for the cat to meow again.

But there was the sound of thumping footsteps coming from the bulkhead.

She was startled, and her face against the wall bounced away like an electric shock.

After taking a few deep breaths, she leaned in and listened again.

Dong dong, da da, thump thump...

The footsteps were messy, and there was more than one person walking and walking, as if they were looking for something.

She changed her position and listened again, and finally determined that the footsteps were right above her head, and that was the officers and soldiers dormitory she had just seen.

The cat meowed again, then there was a pause, and then again a moment later.

The cat no longer meows, but the footsteps become messier.

Su Huilan secretly screamed something bad, holding a torch in one hand and a gun in the other, and ran towards the upper cabin quickly. No matter what, we have to take Shenran back. She forgot at this time that if a cat couldn't escape, how could she save the cat?

Running back to the upper floor, she stood against the wall in the corridor, holding the gun tightly in her right hand.

The footsteps stopped, and everything became as quiet as when it came.

Su Huilan tiptoed forward. But there was still a sound as boots stepped on the deck, and that feeling came again—

Da (da), da (da), da (da)...

It was as if someone was keeping the same rhythm as her, and this time, it was more obvious than before, and it sounded like more than one person.

On both sides of the corridor were officers and soldiers' dormitories filled with mummies. Su Huilan ducked into a dormitory and took a closer look. The mummies were lying on the bed, untouched.

She ducked out again and walked down the aisle. There is an arc bend in front, and you will find the captain's room when you turn it.

She saw a faint light coming out of the captain's cabin, illuminating two figures on the ground at the cabin door and projecting them onto the opposite bulkhead.

The figures stood quietly, and one of them had half a hat tilted on his head.

Su Huilan remembered that half of Halsey's hat was missing when she was sitting on the sofa.

She imagined Ronald Cohen and Halsey standing in the room, and she shuddered and the hairs all over her body stood up.

But where does the light come from? Could it be that the extinguished torch that he inserted on the bulkhead just now is still burning? Judging from the way it was about to go out, it could only burn for another minute at most, but Su Huilan felt that she had been down for about ten minutes.

She bravely moved over little by little, trying not to make any noise. When she got close to the cabin door, she turned around suddenly and raised her gun to shoot.

However, before her finger could pull the trigger, she felt a powerful surge of spiritual power, like a huge wave, almost knocking her unconscious.

Although the bullet was not fired, she still held the gun steadily, calmed her mind, and was ready to shoot at any time.

Then, she saw half of the hat on "Halsey's" head move, and made a sound that almost made her collapse:

"Oh, you are trying to murder your lover, woman!"

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