Dream Guide

Chapter 604 Who is exerting influence?

The two shadows were not Ronald and Halsey, but Situ and Aoki.

The coal boss lay on top of Qingmu's head as if he were hatching an egg. When the firelight cast their shadow on the wall, it looked like a hat that was worn crookedly.

When she saw the sound at Qingmu's feet, Su Huilan's tense nerves completely relaxed. Her body went limp and she almost fell down.

"Why are you here?" she asked, holding on to the wall.

Aoki said: "We returned to the ship and found that you were not there, so we came down to take a look. Where are Mrs. Larry and Alice?"

"Aren't they above?" Su Huilan said in surprise.

Aoki shook his head: "They are not up there, and the lifeboat left for you is also gone."

Su Huilan felt that the situation was a bit bad, so she briefly explained what had just happened, and then asked, "Where are the others?"

Situ said: "Because we couldn't find you, we divided into two groups. Qingmu and I went down the cabin, and the others took a small boat to the lake to look for you. Dua was on the deck to help."

He glanced at the bodies of Ronald Cohen and Halsey in the room and said, "Things are a bit strange. Let's go up and meet up first."

Su Huilan nodded and followed them back to the bridge. When she left, she picked up Shen Ran and scolded him: "Why are you running around blindly!"

Meowing loudly.

Su Huilan didn't really blame it, so she didn't say anything more.

The footsteps of three people sounded in the corridor. Su Huilan smiled mockingly to herself, secretly blaming herself for making such a fuss just now. Why didn't she think that the footsteps were coming from them? She had to think elsewhere, scaring herself half to death.

She always thought that she was brave enough to keep a cool head in no matter how dangerous the situation was, but she didn't expect that she would lose an adult today. Thinking of the various visions in Ram Rane, she felt that her spirit was suffering from some unknown influence.

She was secretly warning herself to always be careful in the future, when she suddenly distinguished the familiar sound of the pull board from the footsteps of the three people:

Tap, tap, tap...

This familiar voice made her hair stand on end at this moment. If it was Situ and Qingmu who were walking above her just now, how could she not hear it?

Is there really something else?

Su Huilan followed the two men forward in a panic, thinking wildly in her mind. She glanced back and seemed to see a figure leaning on the door frame of the captain's room watching them.

She let out a soft cry.

Situ and Qingmu turned around at the same time: "What's the matter?"

Su Huilan took a closer look and found that except for a small circle of dim light illuminated by the torch in her hand, the front was completely dark. There was no firelight in the captain's room, and no shadow could be seen clearly.

She took a deep breath and said, "It's okay, I might be nervous."

Qingmu knew what kind of woman Su Huilan was, and frowned: "Is everything okay?"

The crow croaked: "She must have seen that shadow, right, woman? Let me just say, there is something here, I saw it last time, croak, I guess it is a ghost in the stasis zone of time and space, maybe only women You can only see it with birds, well, that’s it.”

Meowing loudly, he seemed very unconvinced.

The crow said, "Oh, there's also the cat, croak. The cat might be able to see it, croak."

Situ glanced into the depths of darkness and said, "This ship is still isolated from the outside world's spiritual force field. I suspect that it has a layer of negative spiritual field that affects our consciousness. The environment of Ramla is inherently special. We are mentally disturbed a lot, and the disturbance here may be even stronger. We’d better go up first and wait until everyone is here.”

Su Huilan fully agreed with this. She would never believe that a dried corpse could come back to life. Something must have affected her consciousness. Seeing Situ and Qingmu's calm expressions, she sighed secretly. Compared with them, her mental strength was still a bit weak.

We didn't encounter any strange situations along the way and returned to the deck smoothly.

Duva was waiting for them on the deck. When he saw that only Su Huilan came up with them, he knew that Mrs. Larry and Alice were not on the ship.

"Ivan and the others haven't come back yet?" Situ asked.

Dewar pointed to the other side of the lake and said, "They rowed that way."

Due to the twists and turns of the lake shoreline, most places are covered with dense vegetation or protruding rocks, and the lake is wide. It is impossible to see a small boat docked from the deck of the Swordfish without a telescope. .

"How did we get there?" Aoki asked doubtfully, "It's opposite to the direction we went ashore, and there's no smooth beach for people to land on."

"Could someone have boarded the boat and kidnapped them?" Su Huilan said a little remorsefully, "I shouldn't have left them alone."

Situ said: "No, the Itesa people regard the Swordfish as the devil's lair, and they will not get close. Logically, no other people will appear here, so they should have left by boat on their own, but why would they go there? Where’s the direction?”

Du Wa looked a little heavy, "When you guys got off the cabin, there were several gunshots. The sound was very faint, but I'm sure it was gunshots. The birds flying suddenly in the forest can prove that I heard it right. Red Beard and the others I must have heard it, so I looked in that direction."

Su Huilan remembered: "Is it Alice's gun?!"

It's a pity that they only have two boats in total. One is the original lifeboat, which has been rowed away by Mrs. Larry and Alice, and the other small fishing boat brought by Dewar is now rowed by four men to look for people. There were many canoes and rafts on the lake beach that the Itesans had made when they camped, but they were far away from them. The few remaining people on the Swordfish could only stay on the deck and worry.

Aoki said to the coal boss: "Fly over and have a look."

The coal boss then flew out with a croak and flew all the way to the lake on the other side. After searching along the lake shore for a while, he suddenly flashed into the dense forest.

Not long after, it flew back and said, "Both boats are here. They are searching in the forest, but no one has been found yet."

Aoki said: "You didn't notice it either?"

The crow said: "The forest is too dense. You can't see anything when you fly high. How about I go look for it again?"

Aoki thought for a while and said: "The priests of Itesa should have results soon. You take a shortcut and go directly to the Hurakan tribe to see what they are doing. If you find Mrs. Larry and Alice, come back and tell us immediately. Be careful not to run into their mental formation!"

The crow croaked and flew out again, quickly disappearing into the distant sky.

Su Huilan recalled the whole incident, and she always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't explain it.

Situ suddenly asked her: "Did you really hear something moving in the cabin just now?"

Su Huilan nodded and said: "I did hear sounds on the bridge. I heard some after I got down, but I'm not sure if it was the stress of the environment that caused me to be nervous. The last footsteps I heard should be yours, but... …”

She wanted to say that it didn't sound like Aoki's pull-up board, but she wasn't sure whether she could distinguish different footsteps in her current state.

Situ looked into the distance thoughtfully, "Mrs. Larry and Alice have no reason to go in that direction. If they were really kidnapped by the Itesans, there is only one possibility..."


"Their huge spiritual formation can affect this place all the time, causing people to hallucinate and even dream."

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