Dream Guide

Chapter 610 The insurmountable laws of the universe

At the moment before the mental explosion, the fierce mental force field confrontation had pulled everyone into a dream. If it weren't for the strong mental support of Qingmu, Situ and Du Wa, the explosion would tear this space apart in an instant, and all conscious bodies in the space would not be spared.

Aoki felt pretty good. Although the mental shock wave from the dream messed up his mind, his mind was already as messy as a pot of spicy soup. At this time, someone just stirred it up in a big soup pot with a spoon. Not only could he not It was even more mixed, but it stirred up the previously settled bottom of the pot, allowing him to see many bottom ingredients that he couldn't usually see.

Situ stood there like a stone statue, with no expression on his face. If he hadn't known that he was strong enough, Aoki would have almost thought something was wrong with him.

Dua has been muttering something in a low voice, which seems to be something like scripture.

Except for Qingmu, Situ and Du Wa, everyone else fainted, and Su Huilan was the last one to wake up, because her position was relatively forward, almost at the same level as Qingmu and the others, but she was not protected by the sacred staff. So the damage was the greatest.

Fortunately, her mental strength was not weak, and Aoki was right next to her, like a big tree blocking most of the wind, so that her consciousness was not essentially damaged.

But Su Huilan was not the most seriously injured.

Although Anderson and Boris woke up quickly, they turned into complete fools. They looked at everything with dull eyes. If they said something to them, they would giggle and laugh for so long that their saliva would flow out. .

On the contrary, Mrs. Larry and Alice stayed far away because they didn't want to see the bloody scene, and they had the most protection, so they had nothing to do.

Alice ran over and hugged Anderson, asking distressedly: "Anderson, what's wrong with you? Anderson!"

Anderson seemed to recognize her, but also seemed not to recognize her. He just kept looking at her and smiling stupidly.

Alice buried Anderson's head in her chest, letting his saliva soak her clothes, and cried: "Anderson, don't do this! Please, don't do this, Anderson! Ouch... you You said you would watch the sunset with me on the coral islands of the Maldives at dusk, watch the sunrise on the beaches of Hawaii in the early morning, and fish among the ice caves in Alaska and the snow cliffs in Hokkaido... Woo hoo... You also said you would catch one Blue whale, let's ride it around the world together... woo hoo..."

Perhaps because Alice's call infected him, Anderson suddenly raised his head and shouted, "Alice!"

Alice was overjoyed, "Anderson! You're okay, Anderson!"

Anderson laughed again, "Fishing...hehe...fishing...hehehe..." Then he pushed Alice away, ran to the equally stupid Boris, hugged him and said, "Alice, we Go fishing...hehe..."

Boris shook his head, "Fishing? No, I don't fish, I want to fish submarines... Hahaha..." Then he pushed Anderson away and ran towards the altar.

Ivan pulled hard, but because he was still dizzy and had not fully recovered, he did not hold on.

"Boris! Where are you going?" Ivan shouted and was about to chase him.

"Let him go!" Situ said, "It is impossible to recover."

After hearing Situ's words, Ivan's forward body froze for a moment, as if he had been hit by something. But he quickly continued to catch up, "I will not leave my brother behind, even if he is a fool!"

When he recalled this incident later, Aoki always felt a little strange. Everyone else returned to normal, only Anderson and Boris suffered irreversible damage to their consciousness, and they were the actual executioners of the Itsa people.

Somehow, there seemed to be some force directing this scene.

Du Wa said it was cause and effect, and Su Huilan said it was coincidence. Aoki would rather believe that this is a coincidence than that it implies some kind of manipulated cause and effect. Compared with these, he is more willing to believe in the laws of the universe described by Situ.

Situ said that coincidence is cause and effect. No matter how coincidental a coincidence is, it must comply with the laws of the universe. Everything in the universe has its own inherent laws. Science is to discover and utilize the laws of the universe, but it can never transcend the laws and create laws.

Therefore, the end point of science cannot transcend the universe itself, no matter how many coincidences there are.

This view is somewhat pessimistic, but very realistic.

The Itsa people all looked dead.

The three priests lay in a pool of blood, their faces covered with grenade fragments. One of Kubota's eyes was blown out, but his other eye stared at the sky unwillingly. Bartus and Bigwindy were also lying there in similar postures, with faces that were more ferocious than the other, as if they were about to eat the sun in the sky.

Except for them, the other Itesan people were already half-dead. After such a violent mental explosion, their consciousness had long since dissipated into the invisible. Unless a miracle occurred, they would not have survived.

But there is always no shortage of miracles in the world.

When Boris ran to the altar, shouting "I want to catch a submarine! Hahaha..."

When dead people blocked his path, he stepped over them.

However, a hand stretched out from the pile of dead people and grabbed Boris's foot tightly.

Boris stumbled and fell.

A dead man covered in blood suddenly got up, turned over and fell on Boris. He held a broken wooden arrow in his hand and stabbed Boris in the neck.

"Boris! Be careful!" Ivan shouted.

Although Boris was stupid, he was still agile. Before the arrow hit his neck, he moved his upper body to the side hard, and the wooden arrow missed the target, hitting a corpse right between the ribs.

In the blink of an eye, Boris flipped over and overturned the savage riding on him, then jumped up, pointed at the savage and shouted: "Fish! Big fish!"

The savage climbed up from the ground, hunched his back like a trapped beast, and bared his teeth and claws at Boris and Ivan who caught up. There were two trembling balls of flesh hanging on his chest. Only then did everyone realize that This savage is a woman.

Qingmu looked familiar, so he looked at Su Huilan and said at the same time: "Tafiti!"

Yes, it was the female savage they met for the first time. Aoki once entered her dream. She was once captured by another tribe. A strong man with three feathers in his head rescued her and later became her husband. But her husband captured Alice and was later shot to death by Anderson, who came to Alice's rescue.

Aoki didn't know how Tafiti survived this mental explosion, and her consciousness didn't seem to be damaged at all. After much deliberation, there was only one possibility, and that was that when the entire spiritual formation was solidified, a gap or channel was needed to receive external spiritual power, and Tafiti probably played this role. Her spirit is independent within the formation, and she is also protected by mysterious external spiritual forces.

Boris danced and shouted: "Fishing, fishing for big fish, fishing for submarines, hahahaha..."

Ivan and others also gathered around.

Tafiti in the crowd looked like a wounded lioness. The entire pride was dead, and she was the only one left making her last gasp.

Seeing her eyes full of hatred and despair, Aoki remembered the hunting of primitive humans.

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